CHAPTER: 39 Talk with my Bestie

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After few hours Miyuki wakes up from her sleep and slowly opening her eyes and look around to know where she was now. After realizing she was in bed Miyuki was feared she was still in her own past memory but luckily Megumi enters the room at that time and after seeing him Miyuki’s fear was gone and she was happy to know that she returned to her own present.    Megumi was shocked to see Miyuki’s awake and soon he gets closer to her and hugged little tighter and asked “You really make us feel sad and fear, don’t every do that again Miyuki. Never go alone anywhere and also if you are in deep sleep then just wake up because it just makes us fear. Now I am so happy that you are being ok and good” Megumi said and he gets out calling Kayle and doctor.    “Kayle come here soon Miyuki was awake and she was alright” Megumi said to her and soon she gets into the room to see her. After he met doctor and asked him to meet Miyuki and check her recent condition. “Sir, Miyuki came back to normal, can you come and see her and check she was alright now?” Megumi asked him and both are gets inside the room to see Miyuki.    After checking her doctor confirmed that she was alright and nothing to worry but he gave some medicine for head pain and sleep. Then after a day Megumi took Miyuki and Izumi from hospital to the beach house and let them to rest for some time. In the mean time everyone feels that Miyuki was being something strange like having something to tell but she was covering it.    Her activities also were being different after getting out from the hospital. Kayle noticed it and asked to her but she was being quiet and just said “I am alright they is nothing to worry Kayle” But she knows something Miyuki was hiding something. Kayle’s biggest fear is that Miyuki has to know her bad past memories and she wishes not to remember. To find out whether Miyuki remembered the past memories or not Kayle started to ask some questions to her slowly.    “Miyuki I found out that while being in coma some people lives life in dream and thinks that they got into future or got back into past. What did you think about that Miyuki? Did you had any kind of past memories or dream like that while you being in coma at hospital? Miyuki stared Kayle for a while and said “I know nothing Kayle I think I forgotten what I dreamt while I was in coma, sorry do you really need to know”.    “No Miyuki I just asked you about it other than that I have no interest in it. All I wanted was you need to get back normal and be happy always. And just like I prayed to god you came back soon and you are alright” Kayle and Miyuki looked at her so surprised and came infront of her. “Kayle are you really prayed to god for me but I thought you never think about gods at first place even in this time”.    “Commonly I don’t pray to god and wish anything to me but you were being in hospital in coma and doctors were said your mind was closed inside itself so if anyone interrupt then something would have happens to you as bad so they said to us to wait but luckily you wake up so soon than doctor excepted you would wake up” Kayle saying to Miyuki but suddenly she started to cry while speaking to her.    “Kayle, why are you crying?” Miyuki asks her and gets near to Kayle and hugged her and kissed on her head. “You don’t have to worry about me now Kayle because now I really alright and they are nothing to worry, so smile please…” Miyuki said to her and make her to smile and laugh. After Kayle completely forgotten about the worries and started to be happy. At the same time Miyuki was being so sad inside her heart by worrying that what if Kayle finds out that she found the past memories.    Kayle I am really lucky to have you as my best friend so from now on I will not make you worry about me anymore. So just smile and start to enjoy your life that’s the most thing which makes me happy than you worrying about me and caring me. And God I am really wishing you to give happy life to my Kayle she doesn’t have to face any problem like I faced in my past, please I am really wishing for my Kayle’s happiness.    And at Izumi’s room Megumi was taking care of him and giving his tablet and letting him to take some rest. At that time Izumi stops Megumi from getting out and asks him about Miyuki’s condition. “She was really alright Izumi, isn’t you saw her and talked to her” Megumi asked and smiled at him. “Megumi I talked to her but something is off on her mind and she was worrying about him all alone I can able to feel it”.    “Yeah, I too found it something is really wrong her behavior. I think while being in coma some of her memories were disturbed her so she would be like this for a time so you don’t need to worry about that Izumi. Now take some rest for your wound and recover soon then we need to get back to office and do our work. I am the one who managing your entire work so soon you have to get back to work but until I catch the leader you have to be in my house under my surveillance”. “Megumi don’t say that again because I hate to be in a room which has only windows and single door without any people. I don’t feel of working while being in room so please soon get the leader and destroy the second evidence” Izumi said to Megumi and he was surprised when Izumi mentioned about the second evidence.    “How do you know Izumi?” Megumi asks to him and waits for answer. “I know that you are the one who got the second game with your power of influence and blocked to get to police. Why did you that Megumi? Only with the second evidence only the team can able to take down the No Head Dragon group along with the leader with solid proof and take down by law” Izumi said to him and furious on him.    “After knowing about the second evidence soon I got it back from the way gets into your team’s hands. After I secured it and kept safely incase if I face something difficulty to save you from their men but surprisingly it was never happened three times I was came to help you and save you. I didn’t intent to destroy it Izumi and also I am not caring about the group which I abandoned long ago my only importance is keeping you safe than killing the leader that’s it”.    “Only few days were he can live after sure I will kill him because this time he crossed the line and tried to kill you with Miyuki. Sure I will not forgive him for his action” Megumi was so anger while talking about the incident happened at the unfinished building and Izumi was noticing Megumi’s reaction while talking about Miyuki and he started to laugh little. Megumi was gets anger little more and shouts at Izumi and asks him why he was laughing at.    “I never thought you would get anger for stranger and also caring the stranger, you have changed Megumi, so changed. What was happened to you between Miyuki? Your love feelings were increased on to her and I can able to see it through your reactions and actions. At hospital you not even came to see first than asking doctor questions continuously about Miyuki’s condition.    “I saw you Izumi but it was the time you were sleeping and also the doctor was saying something serious on the doctor language and I also wanted to help him on some result explained so I called my friend and talked about Miyuki’s condition, that’s it”. After hearing it still Izumi smiled at him and said “See you were trying to help Miyuki to get her normal health. If you see her as a normal employee then you just talked to them and gets out of the place but instead you stayed there.    “You wanted to see her awake first and make sure she will get back normal again. See there is nothing to say if you don’t want to accept it then it’s ok to me Megumi” Izumi said and lied down on bed. And Megumi also getting out from the room and while getting out last one thing he said to Izumi “I am just processing what was that feeling Izumi so I can’t able to answer to your question so let it go” and Megumi closes the door and gets out.    And Megumi gets into his room and started to prepare the document for his project at his department and also side by side he watching the details of new games of Izumi’s department and correcting the mistake in it. While doing it Megumi started to think about Miyuki and the memory of talking to her and suddenly her realized about talking about his mother, soon he closes his laptop and gets his phone to talk to his mother and plan to meet her after all these years.   
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