The Box

1236 Words

The BoxI went to my room with a sigh. Sawbuck obviously hated the Kerrs as much as everyone else in the city did, and was ready to believe any sort of lie about them. If Joseph Kerr were alive and all these people searched for him, he would’ve been caught already! An opened crate sat on my dresser. And what a welcome sight it was! Six bottles from the Clubb Gardens Winery. A note lay inside: The doctor says you must not run out of drink, or you will fall ill again. This is a token of our goodwill and desire to be of assistance. Alexander and Regina Clubb The Clubbs had no true regard for my health! They just wished me to stop telling Gardena Diamond not to see their son Lance! They couldn’t have me killed after I’d warned Gardena of their plans: Gardena might be naïve, but she wasn’

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