The Law

2049 Words

The LawI stood at the intersection of Shill and Snow in the Pot. The ruined buildings towered over me, clouds scudding dark across the full moon. Bodies lay around me, bloody, their dead eyes staring at mine. Nina, Dame Anastasia, her silly great-nephew Trey, the men from the Party Time factory, that driver-man of Frank Pagliacci’s I’d shot — the one who tried to violate me. Marja. Even Daniel lay there. Beyond them, dozens, hundreds of others lay there, faces turned away. It seemed quite normal for them to lie on the cold gray cobbles. Air ran towards me from a distance, shouting a warning, pointing beside me. Jonathan’s identical twin Jack Diamond stood there, head shaved, dressed in white. He held a knife in his hand and hate in his eyes. Jack grabbed my arm. “I have you now.” I cam

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