
1962 Words
I grabbed my phone in case Dean tried to reach me and walked out the door. I started my car and then went to Dad’s new place, which was closer to Dean’s place than his old one. I made it there in no time at all. I sat in the car thinking about what I would tell everyone if they asked anything. I had no plan; I worried they would ask me more questions than I was prepared to answer. I got out of the car and walked up to the building. It was bigger than the other one, which was understandable because my father had brought in more people since he and Dagon decided to start working together instead of separately. I didn’t bother knocking and just walked into the place. The first person I saw was Ozzy. He was sitting in a kitchen area talking to some girls. He was going to grow up to be just like our father. Poor guy. Once he saw me, he dismissed them. He then came running up to me and embraced me tightly. “Ivy, I was wondering when you would stop by.” I hugged him back just as tightly. He looked good for just getting out of a fight. It had been a week, but you could still see some cuts on his face and bruising. I let him go just as James came up to tell me that my father was requesting my presents. I playfully punched Ozzy’s shoulder and then headed to my father’s office. It was bigger than the last one, although everything looked the same. The walls were painted off-white, with charcoal-colored trim and hardwood floors. Dad's desk was the same as before, but now it had bullet holes. “Ivy, it’s great to see you. Come sit, please,” Dad said. He was treating me like an employee. He didn’t even hug me after a week of not seeing me. It made me feel like I was in trouble. “What did you want, father?” “I would like to know what my daughter has been up to. Am I not allowed an update?” “I have been staying at Dean’s. Everything has been quiet, and I have been considering getting another job to help fill my days.” “So, there has been nothing from your stalker?” “Nope, maybe the fight with Jackson finally scared him away, or he is dead.” “How has it been going at Dean’s house?” “It’s been going good.” Really good, I thought to myself. “I feel like my life is getting back on track. “That’s good to hear, but we all miss you here. You need to visit more or move back in.” He said it jokingly, but I knew some of him wanted me back with him. “I have a home, Daddy. I am doing good at Dean’s. Nothing bad has happened, and I need to stay there,” I said innocently. “There’s nothing I can say to talk you out of it?” I shook my head. “No, sorry.” “I’m just glad you are happy and safe.” Without another word, he waved his hand, dismissing me. I knew he wasn’t happy, but he treated me like an employee instead of his daughter. I was sad he didn’t act like I wanted him to; I wondered why. I walked into the living room and saw that Ozzy was watching a movie with Zac and Daryl. I looked at the boys; Dean didn’t say he had a problem with them, so I sat in the only open spot near Daryl. I instantly regretted it, considering he had put his arm around me. I looked at him to see if he was just trying to be friendly, and he seemed to be, so I left it alone. “How are things? I haven’t seen you in a while,” Daryl said, pulling me to his chest in a tight embrace. “Things are great.” “That’s it, that’s all I get?” he asked, laughing. “What have you been up to?” “I have been to the beach a few times and went surfing.” “And you didn’t invite us?” Zac spoke up, looking offended. “Sorry,” I replied. It was just Dean and I at the beach. We rode the waves together, and then I read a book while he showed up a group of football players who said he wouldn’t be able to keep up. “Something is wrong with you, Ivy,” I heard someone say from behind me. Not too shockingly, it was Colin. His black hair was messy, and he looked so sad. “You’re hiding something from all of us.” “You don’t know that,” I replied. “I do just by looking at you,” he said. I hated him. “Shut up, Colin,” I replied. It was none of his business what was going on in my life. “You can come talk to me alone about it, or I can push the matter right here in front of everyone.” I stood up and made a swift exit out of the house. Unfortunately, he followed me to my car. I went to start the car, but he grabbed my keys and took them from me. He looked hurt that I was running from him in the first place, but I was just trying to do as Dean asked and stay away from him. “Colin, please. I don’t want to talk to you,” I replied while trying to push his giant hand off my door. “Why not? Because we broke up or because you’re screwing Dean,” he said in a nasty tone. My eyes went wide. Colin knew. “Why is what I’m doing any of your business?” “I don’t like it, Ivy. I think… I think Dean might be your stalker,” he replied. I swallowed hard and laughed. “No, you don’t know what you’re talking about.” “Yes, I do. I’m the smart one, remember,” Colin replied, trying to get me to smile, but I didn’t. I didn’t want Colin to know, but he did. “And what makes you think this?” “Well, for one, he likes you a lot. He had no issues pushing me aside to have you; I was his best friend. He knows things he shouldn’t and never seems to be around when your stalker is.” “Some people like me a lot, unlike you,” I replied. “What? Ivy, I loved you. I still do. I still want to be with you; you’re the one who left me. And that doesn’t change all the other inconsistencies.” “Can I just have my keys, please,” I said, snatching them away from him. “I’m not going to stop, Ivy. I will prove it. It’s a promise,” he said with malus. He then slammed my door shut and walked away. So, Colin did know about Dean. He was just looking for any evidence he could to bring him down. Dagon was the only person who knew and had any, and I was praying he would keep his mouth shut. Before I pulled away, I noticed Dagon pull up, and I was thankful I was leaving. I didn’t want to have to talk to him either. Although, I probably should talk to him. I should figure out if he truly knows about Dean or if he was just making it up. But I wasn’t going to go against Dean’s wishes. I wasn’t sure I liked Dean’s rules, but I was hoping he would calm down after we were together for a while. Dean had always had a jealousy issue. On my way home, I decided to stop at the bakery. I was hungry for some doughnuts. I took a seat in the back and waited for a waitress. While I was waiting, Zac walked in and joined me. Did he follow me here? “Hi.” “Hello, Ivy. Yes, I followed you here,” he replied, flashing me his perfect smile. “Why?” I was confused. Usually, Zac would have just let me be. “We haven’t seen you in a long time, and you are a bad liar,” he replied, causing me to hang my head in shame. He knew something was wrong with me. “Meaning what?” I snapped. “What has been going on?” I looked at him sadly. Although it would be nice to have someone to talk to about things, I wasn’t sure if Zac was the best person to spill my guts out to. Dean put him through a lot, and he could easily get pissed and tell someone about it. Normally, Zac would stay out of people’s business, but for some reason, he was interested. I was almost sure he wouldn’t run his mouth, but how could I be 100% sure? I would be putting Dean in danger. Then again, Dean never minded putting me in danger. “If I tell you something, will you keep it quiet?” I asked in my sweetest voice. He smiled at me and moved to push a piece of my hair behind my ear. “It depends on what you tell me. If I think you are in danger, I will not keep it to myself.” “Well, I’m not in any danger.” “Then there shouldn’t be an issue.” It was hard for me to get the words out, but this was the first time that Zac was speaking to me since I got shot, minus that little bit when we went night surfing. Zac would be a good person to start with. He may have been manipulative, but he was trustworthy. This might be an excellent step to help me move on from my past. “Dean and I are together. Please keep it to yourself,” I said. He looked at me, confused. “That’s not all there is, Ivy. I know there is more than just that.” I really wasn’t ready to tell anyone about Dean being my stalker. I knew that was the big thing Zac was trying to get out of me. I wasn’t sure if that meant he already knew and was just looking for confirmation or if he only had a hint of it. I started to think back to our relationship. Zac was sweet to me. Then, it was all ruined by Dean when he shot me. Even the things he talked Stacey into doing to Zac I considered Dean’s fault. All of the death threats and pain that Zac had gone through because of Dean was breaking my heart still. Zac had a right to know who did all those things to him. I let out a breath. “Zac, I found out that Dean was my stalker. All this time, it was him. I’m sorry.” His eyes went wide, and he looked at me worriedly. “Ivy, we have to get you out of there.” Zac didn’t seem mad or wanting of revenge. He was looking at me like I was crazy, though. Zac wanted me out of that house, and I knew that. But he didn’t understand that I loved Dean. Of course, the love between Zac and me could have grown if Dean hadn’t ruined it. Just thinking about it brought tears to my eyes. Zac wiped them away quickly. “Is he forcing you to stay?”
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