6. Arrival of the packs

1266 Words
I decided to eat a little bit of the food, I'm not sure what he meant by force feeding me but as much as that turned me on I'm refusing to give into him. There's still hope in me that I'm not going to be stuck with this man forever. I didn't realize how hungry I was, and damn this food is delicious! Smoked sausage of some kind with cheese and peppers in it, fried eggs, and probably the most amazing toast I've ever had! As if he read my mind he addressed the table, "I hope everyone enjoys the fresh venison sausage made from one of last week's kills. Our chef prepares everything fresh from our kills, our chickens, and our extensive garden. We have harsh winters so this is the time of year everyone prepares." he smirked as I took a bite into the toast. "Oh, she also bakes the bread from scratch daily." His eyes didn't leave me until I was finished eating. As if on que he rose from the table excusing himself, "The other packs are beginning to arrive. Please stay within our marked borders and enjoy your day." With that he turned and left. My mother came up behind me, "Come on let's go look around your new pack!" she said with excitement. A low growl escaped my lips but I didn't regret it. "I can't believe you! You were just going to marry me off to this man?" I began to stand, "Have you not heard the same stories as me?" My mom smiled and looked around and whispered through her teeth, "Not here Freya. Let's go for a walk." We walked down to the river as many more packs found their way across and were being led to their huts. She sighed. "Yes, we've heard the rumors." she said in a low tone, likely trying to hide our conversation from everyone around us. "Your father says that he's addressed them and they're just that, rumors." "How do you know? Because he didn't admit to the father of his potential bride that he destroys the women he f**ks?" Though I wanted to scream it at her, I managed to keep my voice low, but I did not hide my disgust. "Give him a chance Freya." She said with hope in her voice. "The moon goddess does not make mistakes, you're fated to him and there's a reason." She turned me to hug her. "The games are a month long, after that you're to be married so I would recommend getting to know your fiance." and she walked off before I could speak. I sat at the shore of the river and played with the rocks in my hands as the other packs came in. Very few women came with them, those that did I suspect were their mates. I could feel him watching me, his scent hasn't left me since I sat down. I had no intentions of entertaining this idea of a marriage. I sat there trying to figure out how to get out of this, but the moments we shared in my hut this morning kept finding their way to light. Why was he so gentle with me? He could have easily overpowered me. Maybe it's just because my parents are here. I could hear him walking up but I didn't move. He just stood there behind me, watching me. "Can I help you, Alpha?" I said in a mocking servant kind of tone. "I was hoping you'd accompany me to the feast tonight to kick off the games." he said in a low tone so only I could hear. I turned to him, "I'm obviously going to be attending, Alpha." He squatted down and cleared his throat, "You can call me Colt, Luna." He said with a mild grin. "But I meant if you would go as my date." There almost seemed to be a bit of nerves in his voice, but I must have been mistaken. "Don't call me Luna, Alpha." I spat back, "And do I have a choice on this date?" I wanted to make my disgust rather clear. His eyes almost looked like there was pain in them, but it quickly faded." Well, I was going to let you choose but it seems like you might need to be commanded." he said as he rose, with humor in his voice. He looked straight forward and commanded in a low tone as I looked up at him " You will accompany me tonight at the feast, little wolf." I stood and faced him with as much courage as I could muster, " Fine, but my name is Freya! And just so you know, I will not be enjoying myself!" and I stepped around him and walked off. I didn't need to look back, I could feel his gaze on me. For dinner I wore a white strapless dress. It hugged my curves perfectly, and it made my chest look enormous! I lightly applied my mascara making my lashes feel like butterfly wings, and bright red lip gloss. I wasn't going to give in to this man, but for some reason I really wanted him to want me. I admired myself in the mirror. "Let's see what he thinks of this city folk now." I giggled to my wolf, Stella. "Why can't we just give him a chance Freya?" She pleaded. "I know you want his wolf, and you need this to work, but I am terrified of this man! I can't be terrified of my mate!" I felt bad, I love my wolf but I can't be with this man. A knock came at the door. I opened to find Alpha Colt standing there. His mouth dropped a little and his eyes shifted to a darker shade of gold, then he quickly gained control of himself. " Are you ready, little -um Freya?" he stumbled ever so slightly over his words. It made me smile. " Thank you." I said as I walked out and closed the door behind me. "Wow, you're actually ready?" I looked and he was actually smiling. My, his smile was amazing! I wished for a minute that he would do it more."Thought you city folk took forever to get ready to go places." He said. We began to walk to wherever this was taking place. "You seem to have a distaste for city folk." I said, my tone remained calm but I think he could tell I took offense to his statement. He opened his mouth to speak but I kept going, cutting him off." The first time you looked at me you frowned, is it because you don't like us?" He stopped walking, making me stop and look up at him. I didn't realize it but I was walking directly behind him so I kind of bumped into him. He brought his hand up to my chin, I expected him to hit or choke me or something so I flinched. I opened my eyes to look at him and his lips turned to a frown. "Please don't fear me, little wolf." I almost protested the name but he kept going. "City folk don't usually like us, they think we're not a developed community and they've spread a lot of hateful rumors about our pack." He let go of my chin. "Bet you were surprised you had a shower, or that we even had clean running water, didn't you?" he scoffed. He wasn't wrong. I was surprised. Maybe some of the rumors weren't true. I still wasn't interested.
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