7. Haze Attack

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**Trigger Warning** We continued walking to the arena, which was quite a ways away from everything else in the pack. There were tables set up all over the area and hundreds of people were here, and more piling in. They were all laughing and mingling, it looked like a party. Most packs have already met at least one other pack to work on alliances. When I turned to ask Alpha Colt what the stage was for in the front of everything, he was gone. I felt a small sting in my chest like I missed him. I shook it off and started walking through all of the people until I found my pack's table. I found my seat and waited. I really wasn't interested in mingling right now. Some of the omegas were serving drinks to the tables, probably the food too once we begin eating. Thankfully, age doesn't matter here. One of the omegas brought me a drink. It was like beer, maybe wine? "Mead." a husky voice said from beside me. I hadn't realized anyone was there. He was large, definitely an alpha. Sandy blonde hair and a nice full beard. He wore a cut off button up shirt and shorts, walking barefoot just like the Big Sky Pack. "I'm sorry?" I wasn't sure what he was saying. Unfortunately, my tone was a little more on the annoyed side and I didn't mean it. "Mead." he said again as he motioned to his cup which was filled with the same stuff I was drinking."The drink is mead, it's a honey wine kind of drink." " Oh, thank you." I said much nicer. "Did I say something out loud?" I asked suddenly realizing I didn't think I had said anything. "Oh no." he chuckled, "I read your mind." I let out a little giggle. "I just noticed the look you had when you tried it." he said smiling big and bright. Quite a handsome man, bit on the rough side, but he seemed nice and funny. "Thank you, I was wondering what this was." I swirled my cup and took another drink. "I don't think I've met you before. I'm Freya, daughter of Alpha Harland." I extended my hand to shake. He grabbed it but instead of shaking he turned it and kissed the tips of my knuckles, "Aiden, Alpha Aiden." he put emphasis on the alpha part. Que the James Bond kind of moment. "It's nice to meet you Alpha." I said as I retracted my hand when he let go. Very sweet. "What pack?" I asked, sitting back in my seat and taking another drink. He followed suit, "Crescent River." never taking his eyes off me. My mother walked up and stood next to me placing her hands on her hips. "Aiden." her tone dripping with disgust. It's clear she knew him and wasn't a fan. "Well hello to you too, Misty." He replied to her very sarcastically. "Your daughter here surely took on your beauty." he winked at me and I smiled. My smile was quickly washed away when I started feeling that familiar heat. No, there's no way it's the haze again. The haze is usually a week long period where we get hit about three times, never in the same day. We just went through it this morning, it's too soon! The feeling is unmistakable though. I noticed everyone was feeling it around me. This was not the place to be for an unmarked wolf. I quickly stood and began to run. I ran through people ripping clothes off, some were shifting and going to the woods, and some were running trying to find their mates or haze partners. I was running to get away from everyone as fast as I could. Out of nowhere a large man with black hair down to his shoulders stepped in front of me. His face was unrecognizable as his wolf was starting to pop through. He licked his chops, "you smell mighty delicious." My body wanted to freeze but I knew I couldn't let it. I dipped to his side and continued running. "I like when they play hard to get!" he yelled after me as he fully shifted to his black wolf and ran after me. When I looked back there were 2 other wolves with him, also black but smaller. Hunger all over their faces. I couldn't get to my hut fast enough, this was impossible. I quickly turned to my right and ran towards the river. The large one caught up to me and tackled me to the ground and quickly shifted to his human form on top of me. He had my arms and legs pinned, I couldn't move. He began kissing and licking my neck. I couldn't stand it, this was not how I was going to lose my virginity. When he lifted his head I quickly head-butted his face. He let go of one of my arms to grab his nose and I used that to push him off me with all my might. When I stood I saw the other two snarling at me. I began running again with them following. When I got to the river I noticed this part was not smooth and calm like the other part, the rapids were strong, the water curled into white heads everywhere. I looked back and all three of them were there again. When they reached me they shifted into their human forms. The man that attacked me earlier had blood dripping from his nose and smeared across his face. "You're going to pay, you b***h!" he growled out. "Good luck with that, scum bag!" I spat back as I turned and jumped into the roaring rapids of the river and shifted into my wolf, she could get us out of this much better than I ever could. She got us down the river a little ways until those men were out of sight and got out on the other side away from the rest of the wolves. I shifted back and huddled down beneath a tree. My body was inflamed, fighting off those creeps and the cool of the river did not extinguish the burning flame of desire my body felt. Thankfully my clothes ripped off when I shifted so now I'm completely naked. I looked around and didn't see anyone. Quickly, I brought my hand to my core. I began rubbing my clit slowly. I bit my bottom lip to quiet the moan threatening to escape. The faster I rubbed the more intense my desire, I needed a full release. I quickly curled two fingers up inside me. With my other hand I palmed my breast, gripping down hard. I bent my knees up and spread my feet out so my knees touched. My climax started climbing with a fire I hadn't felt before, when I smelt him. I opened my eyes I didn't even realize I had closed and quickly removed my fingers so I could try to stand. I was looking directly at a large magnificent grey wolf with eyes glowing a beautiful fiery gold. My mate.
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