Chapter 7: The Man

1041 Words
Reylee The red moon shone high in the sky. I was tucked into my bed, with a blanket on my legs, an open book in front of me, trying to read. My focus was lost. From outside came the screams of joy and I knew that soon everyone would turn and run into the woods in the frenzy of the magic of the red moon. How I envied them. I would have liked to be there in the middle, next to my partner, waiting for the moon to reach the highest point, letting the magic reverberate in my body and let myself be pervaded by it. Instead, I was there. in my bed waiting for my mate to come back, for everyone to come back. At that moment a motion of restlessness pervaded me. I was the mate of an Alpha, I would have become his Luna but what kind of Luna would I have been if I didn’t even have a wolf? How could I expect to lead a pack when I didn’t even know what it was like to run free under the full moon. I sighed and closed the book. I couldn’t concentrate anymore, my head was beating violently. I needed to drink. I needed water. I got up and went to the door, just at that moment hundreds and hundreds of howls came from outside. The low, gloomy sound filled all the space causing me chills all over my body. I shook my head and opened the door. Asher’s Gamma snapped up. "Luna," he said immediately. "I’m not a luna," I said, snorting. He left my room and I went up the stairs. "You shouldn’t leave here, Alpha Asher gave precise instructions," he began to say following me. "I’m not going to leave the house, not while it’s full of horny, frantic wolves. I just want to get a drink in the kitchen," I said as I walked down the stairs. "Don’t you want to be outside?" I said when another howl caught up with us. "The alpha gave me precise instructions," the gamma repeated. "But?" "No buts. I am proud to protect the future luna of the pack," said the gamma. I didn’t add anything else. We reached the kitchen in complete silence. Gamma Devon stayed at the door while I moved quietly. There was absolutely no one in the house, it was just me and him. Everyone was out running free and I felt a little sorry for Devon. I took a bit of water and two glasses filled them and put one of them to him and then I approached the window and looked out. The garden was festively decorated but completely empty while the howls continued to fill the atrocious silence. "I hope they’re having fun at least," I said, my forehead resting on the cold glass. "Why didn’t you join," I suddenly asked Devon. "I don’t own a wolf. I would only be in the way and deprived for the enjoyment of others, as I am doing with you," I said, looking out. "You’re not depriving me of anything," Devon replied calmly. I looked at him and at that moment he heard a thud coming from the outside. We both froze. Devon tensed and turned his head towards the living room, another thud came from the door. Devon turned and I moved to the door. Both of us arrived at the entrance and I opened the door, with bated breath. I looked out but there was no one. Gamma Devon preceded me and went outside and I followed him, thinking. One of the chairs on the porch was on the ground, maybe it was the one that made that splash, and yet there was no wind to overturn it. I went down the steps and stopped in the driveway, and looked up to the sky where the moon was high in the sky. The red streaks, the dark sky. I stood still watching that beam of light coming as if I had been enchanted. My eyes did not detach from it as something inside me moved, a chain broke, a howl filled my head, strange energy pervaded me and all my senses expanded. I could hear the sound of wolves' legs running free in the woods, the beat of Devon’s heart, the rustle of leaves, and the hum of light poles on the road. Everything reached me, I felt like energy coming from the earth, like a wave that crept into my body charging me, while the rumble of my heart filled my ears. "Moon?" heard Devon’s voice but it reached me far, too, even though he was only a few steps away from me. A hurricane was creating within me, in the centre a force that wanted to get out immediately and destroy everything around me. I grabbed him and left him free to act, behind me the bushes in the garden of our house caught fire, and the lights of the street lamps jumped creating sparks as the whole road became dark. He heard Devon jump from the fright and call me again but I didn’t listen. I kept looking at the moon, starting to move, as if I wanted to reach it as if a force above me was dragging me to it. He felt a hand on his shoulder stop suddenly. I blinked as my perception of what was around me returned and my vision cleared. I turned and found Gamma Devon staring at me as she held me in place. "I’d better get in touch with Asher, I don’t know what the f**k happened here, but it was creepy," he said before his eyes became blurry. I can’t tell how much he could communicate with Asher before his body was completely thrown away. I stood still and watched as Devon flew through the air and slammed into the living room window, shattering it completely and lying in the rubble of the hall. I looked up and turned, facing a man. The angelic face and the sky-blue eyes that shone, blond hair framed his face with a huge smile on it. "Well well well, I was waiting for you my queen," she said, her guttural and cheerful voice.
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