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CHAPTER 20ROCHELLE August 7, 2090 Kat gripped my hand as I pushed the basement door open and looked into the dining room, walls and windows still intact, sunshine glittering through the rain-speckled patio doors. “See, the house didn’t blow away.” I stepped onto the wooden floor, taking my sister with me. “I never thought it did.” Kat was notoriously afraid of storms, but her courage always returned once the threat passed. She walked over to the glass door and pulled it open, letting a blast of rain-cooled air swirl into the house. Tree branches and other people’s patio furniture littered the yard. It would take me an entire day to clean up, even with Keppler’s help. “No one goes outside without shoes.” Kinley stood at the top of the steps, arms cradling Lily. Kat rolled her eyes an

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