2898 Words

CHAPTER 10ROCHELLE March 23, 2090 A soft knocking bounced around inside opened my eyes to my bedroom light blanket covering me. When I had curled of my head. I still on and a up on my bed, overwhelmed and alone after Kinley’s judgment, I wasn’t thinking about blankets, so someone had been in my room. Rubbing my eyes, still blurry from falling asleep crying, I noticed a folded piece of paper in front of my face. I sat up and opened it. Don’t worry about us. Charlie is just grounded, and Kinley ignored me like usual. We still think you were the best candidate at the forum. If you’re hungry, there are cookies in your sock drawer. Love you. Kat. The same soft knocking that had woken me up came from my double window that overlooked the front yard. Sliding the note under my pillow, I slid

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