2731 Words

CHAPTER 9CHARLIE March 23, 2090 Charlie, that temper. I couldn’t get my mom’s voice out of my head. Just like your dad’s. I stared at my reflection in the bathroom mirror, just as I had done the first night I’d arrived in Maibe. It had been as clear then as it was now: I didn’t deserve a family. The hands that had a mind of their own had betrayed me, and they shook now as they had when I was eleven and read my sister’s last words to me. Dear Charlie, Grandpa and Grandma want me and Mom to come live with them. She said we can’t take you along because you get in too many fights and have a bad temper. She said you’ll grow up to be just like Dad, and Grandpa and Grandma never liked him. I’m sorry I have to leave you here, and I’ll miss you. Love, Isabelle I didn’t even know I had grandp

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