3055 Words

CHAPTER 5ROCHELLE March 10, 2090 Tears streamed down my face, so I could barely see where I was going. Kinley’s nine-year-old hand gripped my six-yearold hand as she led me into the kitchen. “Uncle Auggie?” Kinley wrapped her arm around me. Footsteps hurried over wooden floors. “What happened?” My dad’s voice was gentle as he scooped me up and held me close to him. “She fell and scraped her knee.” Kinley confessed the information as if she had pushed me down. “It’s not your fault, sunflower.” Dad rested a gentle hand on top of Kinley’s head. “Don’t worry, hummingbird. We’ll get you fixed up in no time. I promise it won’t hurt a bit.” Dad called us by our nicknames more than he called us by our real names. Sunflower for Kinley because of her long, skinny legs and wide green eyes. Hum

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