Training to become a Luna Queen and Royal mistress(2)

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"The first thing to know as a queen and a concubine is respect," Sally began her training with respect. " When addressing the king, you used honorifics whether you are alone or not. The day you address the king by is his name would be the day you ever have a tongue," Sally used her finger to demonstrate how Keisha's and sally's tongues would be cut if they tried to disobey the king. They both visibly gulped and looked at each other. "We understand," they both answered at once. "The state affairs is not the Queen's concern and certainly not the mistress," Tara said to them. "You both will acknowledge each other with titles." "What?" Keisha's eyes widened at the unexpected announcement. She looked at Teresa and folded her arms in annoyance. "She is my servant! Why should I address her with the title?" "It's the king's command. Who are you to go against the king's command?"Tara shouted at her. " you know you should respect me because sooner or later, I'll be Queen and you'll be the first person I'll get rid of." Keisha threatened Tara. She walked closer to her and stood in front of her. "By the time, I'm Queen you'll be out of the castle." Keisha pokes Tara on the chest. "How about I tell the king about your rudeness and you lose your stupid fingers. Losing one finger means you can never be Queen. Who would want a crippled Queen?" Tara chuckled and grabbed Keisha's finger. She twisted it and laughed. "Don't forget your place. Until you are Queen. I'll like it if you can respect yourself." "Haaaaaaa," Keisha cried out in pain and when Tara released her finger, she fell to the ground. Sally cleared her throat and clapped her hands. "I think that's enough. Over to the next thing. We will be going to the Royal library to know about the wolves' history and your duties as Queen and concubine. Do you have any questions?" "No," Teresa answered while Keisha lay on the ground with arms folded together. "Waste of position," Tara commented. Sally and Tara took Teresa and Keisha to the royal library that was on the left side of the castle. The royal library was a large room that could fit hundred people at once. The only people that had access to the library were the Royals that includes Sally and Tara. The royal library door was made with gold with a wolf engraved at the center of the door. On the walls of the library were portraits of Kyaria, Icarius, and Gideon. As they passed through shelves filled with different historical books, Sally explained the story behind the wolves history. "As Luna Queen and mistress, You should know the history of wolves." "What do we have to know?" Teresa asked. "In the past, wolves existed but it all changed one night," Sally explained but she was interrupted by Keisha. "What changed?" "Your hair," Tara answered sarcastically and they all burst into laughter except Keisha who squeezed her face into a frown. "I shall continue." Sally told them."Alpha kyaria is the first wolf since the first werewolves were wiped out of the earth and he is our Alpha king. " Sally took them to a shelf and took a red book out of the numerous books arranged on the shelf. On the front page of the book was writing in Bold letters. 'THE WOLF HISTORY' "This book will tell you more about the history of wolves. Read it in your leisure time." Sally told them and placed the book back on the shelf. "We are going to read that?" Keisha questioned in disbelief. "It's too big!" She complained. "You can still quit!" Tara clicked her tongue and fold her arms. "Complaining about little things when you envy the luna Queen throne is pathetic," She clicked her tongue again and walked towards a desk. Taking her seat on one of the numerous chairs in the library, Tara crossed her leg and winked at Keisha who stared back at her with disgust. "Okay, guys. Cut it out! The coronation is very close and Alpha king expects both of you to know about your duties and responsibilities." Sally sat beside Tara and pointed to a seat opposite herself and Tara. "Please take a seat." She offered. "Thank you," Teresa bowed and sat opposite Tara while Keisha sat opposite Sally. "The first thing to know as a Luna Queen is what your duty entails," Sally referred to Keisha. "The queen's major role is to produce an heir and be a mother to all wolves. You have no affair with the state. It's the king's duty. Do you understand?" Sally questioned her. Keisha blinked twice and pointed to herself. "Were you talking to me?" "Are you even listening!" Sally shouted at her. "Why am I stuck with a fool like you?" Sally facepalmed herself. "Sorry," Keisha shouted back. "Can you repeat it? I'm having trouble hearing you." Keisha flashed her lashes at sally and pouted. "Please," she begged. "I already said choosing her was a terrible decision!" Tara commented and frowned at Keisha. Sally heaved a deep sigh and explained the whole process to Keisha all over again. When she was done, she moved closer to Keisha and grabbed her jaw. "Do you understand?" Sally gritted her teeth. Keisha visibly gulped and nodded in response. "Yes," Keisha heaved a sigh as Sally released her jaw. "Good. You'll give support to the king. Bore him pups. You have to care for him when he is burdened with state affairs and perform other duties he'll like you to perform. " Keisha burst into laughter and winked at the ladies. "You don't have to be so formal. I understand you," she winked at sally. Teresa cleared her throat and balled her hand into a fist. How dare she talk about her mate like she wasn't there? "Is there any role I play?" She asked. "Yes," Tara answered her. "Your role is to act as a substitute for the queen. You both don't have equal power but you are still the king's woman. According to the wolves law, if the luna queen refused to bore the king an heir after two months, the king would have to move to you instead." 'What?" Teresa and Keisha shouted at the same time. "I was talking to Teresa, not you Keisha. Sally had already explained your duties. It's my turn now." Tara shut Keisha up with those words and the latter didn't argue with her. "You have any question, Teresa?" Tara asked. "I will have to consummate with the king?" Teresa sounded naive as if she was hearing the word for the first time. "Yes, it's your role as a concubine," Tara replied with no emotions. "You are also the king's woman. You have no power to question the king." Sally cleared her throat and shook her head at Tara. "What Tara meant is that it's the Wolf law." She explained. "I understand," Teresa lied. She didn't understand instead she was boiling with anger. With her hands balled into a fist, Teresa muttered under her breathe. "This is what I get for being his mate." "I am sorry, did you say something?" Tara raised her brows suspiciously at her. "No," Teresa forced herself to smile. "Good. Onto the next one," Tara clapped. ~ ~~~~~~ The following day, the training continued. Sally and Tara taught Keisha and Teresa how to walk and talk like a mistress and Luna queen. "Being the Luna Queen doesn't mean your shoulder has to be held high," sally straightened Keisha's hand. "Walk like a queen, talk like a queen, and act like a queen." She ordered. "That's not how you raised your hand!" Sally corrected Keisha who was bowing her head the wrong way. "If you are serving the King, you need to serve him right. Shoulders up, hand-stretched and make sure you focus. Bow! " "This is stressful!" Keisha complained as she bowed. "If you are so tired of this, then give up!" Tara advised. "What's your problem with me?" Keisha shouted at her. "If you have a problem with me then tell the king!" "Girls, I think that's enough!" Sally tried to come between them but Tara shut her up. "Stay out of this sally and you," Tara turned to face Keisha. "Yes, I have a problem with you!" Tara drew closer to her and pointed a finger at her. "You are not the right mate and do not deserve the Luna crown!" "Tell the king! Go!" Keisha shouted and grabbed Tara's arm. "Stop acting like you are concerned about her!" She pointed at Teresa who was seating in one corner of the room. "She should be the owner of that crown but because she is too dumb and because of that, the King is choosing a brat like you." "How dare you?" Keisha raised her hand to slap Tara but it was held by Teresa. "I think that's enough!" Teresa said. "You fool!" Keisha yanked her hand from Teresa's grip and landed a slap on her face. "You pathetic servant. " she lunged herself at Teresa but was pulled back by Sally who pinned her to the nearest wall. "That's enough!" Sally shouted. "Any more and you'll answer to the king. The first rule in the history of wolves is an abuse of power. A queen must never abuse her power and you just did that to Teresa. Apologize to her!" "There is no way I am apologizing to someone like her. She shouldn't have butt into my conversation." "f**k this," Tara lunged herself at Keisha and grabbed her hair. "You fool!" She shouted. The fight turned into a brutal one as both girls shifted into their wolves. Keisha's wolf was a big brown wolf with green eyes while Tara's wolf was white. Tara's wolf was a few inches taller than Keisha's wolf whose height was only four feet tall. They both lunged at themselves and fought brutally. Sally and Teresa stood in a corner not knowing what to do. Coming between two wolves in a fight was considered a bad omen in the wolves history. Sally shielded Teresa from the two wolves but she knew it won't be enough. She had to get the king involved. Taking a deep breathe, Sally's mindlinked the Alpha Kyaria. "I need your help, Tara and Keisha are fighting." Sally hoped for a positive response as Kyaria didn't reply to her but five minutes later, Kyaria walked into the room with three guards. "What the hell is going on here?" Kyaria's voice thundered as he walked into the room. Keisha and Tara bowed their head in submission when they saw their Alpha king. "Shift!" He ordered. "But, they'll be naked. " Teresa shouted and earned a menacing growl from Kyaria. "You both, " he pointed to the two wolves. "In my office now!" He ordered. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Now tell me, why were you two fighting like children?" Kyaria shouted at the two ladies seating opposite him. After they shifted and wore proper clothes, Tara and Keisha sat in front of Kyaria while Sally and Teresa stood up in a corner of the room. "I asked you a question Damn it!" Kyaria slammed his hand on the table. "Tell me! Why?" "It's all her fault," Keisha pointed to Teresa. "She caused all of this." "Stop lying. You are the reason why the fight started." Tara argued. "That's only happened because she caused it. Royal female Gamma Tara had been against me ever since the announcement of the coronation and it's because of her." Keisha partially lied but she was right at some point. "You liar!" Tara lunged at her. "How dare you lie against her?" "Enough!" Kyaria shouted at Tara. "Teresa, come forward." The king ordered. Teresa heaved a deep sigh and walked closer to the king. "Your highness," she bowed. Kyaria let his eyes roam all over Teresa's body. "Tara, since you've stooped so low to fight, I am taking you off the training." "What? You can't do that to me!" Tara refused to accept the king's order. "I did everything you asked me to do. Why?" "How dare you?" Kyaria stood up and slammed his hand on the table. "You dare question me?" "I apologize, your highness," Tara bowed her head in apology. "I am sorry." Keisha chuckled and quickly covered her mouth when Kyaria turned towards her. "Leave! Now!" Kyaria shouted at her. "Everyone leave now!" He ordered. They all hurried out including Teresa but Kyaria called her name causing her to stop at the entrance of the office. " I need to talk to you."
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