The last training.

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Kyaria stood up as soon as he was left alone with Teresa. He moved closer to her and gently brushed his hand against Teresa's. Teresa felt tingles and quickly removed her hand. "Why do you need me, your highness?" Teresa questioned refusing to make eye contact with him. "Look at me," Kyaria gently raised her head sending shivers to her whole body. "I said look at me!" Kyaria shouted at her. Teresa flinched and closed her eyes expecting to get hit by Kyaria but instead, she felt the warmth of Kyaria's lips on her neck. He had kissed her on the neck. "What....... at are you doing?" Teresa stuttered under Kyaria's touch. "Doing what mates should be doing," Kyaria licked her earlobe causing her to moan out loud. Teresa closed her eyes and bite her lips. "I should mark you right now seeing how you are enjoying being under my touch but I'll wait till the consummation night," Kyaria whispered into her ears. Teresa cleared her throat and in the process, she lost her balanced but Kyaria caught her by her tiny waist. Teresa placed her hand on kyaria's bare chest while Kyaria held her waist tight but not hard. They both stared at each other for a while with a lot going on in their heads. Teredw longed for kyaria's hold and being in his arms was all she wanted but she knew she wasn't going to be enough for Kyaria. She was labeled weak and unfit for the queen's position. No one accepted her not even her mate. Teresa was the first to avert her eyes and she also removed her hand from Kyaria's chest. Although Kyaria hated being touched but Teresa was different. Her touch sent a soothing sensation to his entire body. He groaned when she removed her hand from his chest and when she struggled against him, Kyaria pulled her closer to him. He carried and placed her on his desk. "What are you doing your highness?" Teresa was shocked when kyaria's hand made contact with her butt. "Whaaaaa.....?" Kyaria placed a finger on her mouth shutting her up. "Don't talk and enjoy the moment." Kyaria placed his hand on hers and leaned in to kiss her but Teresa turned her head and the kiss landed on her neck. As desperate as she wanted the king plump lips on hers, She knew he was doing it because of the bond. Teresa wanted so much more from Kyaria and regarding her as his mate was one of them. "What are you doing?" Kyaria demanded. He grabbed Teresa's jaw and leaned in to kiss her again but Teresa refused him the second time. "What the hell is your problem?" Kyaria shouted. "Isn't this what you wanted!" "What I want is far from this!" Teresa retorted. "Oh really? Now you are making demands," Kyaria scoffed and ran a hand through his hair. "Tell me, what do you want?" "What I want...." Teresa eemed to lose her voice for a second until she realized that keeping quiet was why she had been cheated almost all her life. "What I want is a mate who won't choose someone else over me. I want a mate who would love me and not take me as a second option. " "Love?" Kyria chuckled. "That word is dead to me! " he declared. "I can't make you queen because you are weak and you will only weigh me down!" "If I am weighing you down then reject me and let me be with someone who will love me!" "I dare you to say that again," Kyaria growled and grabbed her throat. "You dare talk to me about another man?" Kyaria shouted and tightened his grip on Teresa's throat "I....apologize, your highness," Mira struggled to say. Kyaria was blinded by jealousy because he couldn't bear to see Teresa with another man. Although he didn't want a weak mate still he shared a bond with Mira and it would kill him to see her with another man. "You are not to be seen with any man!" Kyaria declared. "If I see you talking to any man, I'll Slit the man's throat and make you watch! I'll brand cheater on your forehead. Do you understand?" Teresa nodded in response and finally, kyaria released her and pushed her off his desk. Teresa landed on the ground and coughed as she struggled to catch her breath. "Since you don't like me to kiss you," Kyaria continued. "I'll save that for the consummation night." He smiled wickedly. "Leave!" He ordered. Teresa nodded in response and hurried out of Kyaria's office. When she was outside she held her beating chest and closed her eyes. A lone tear escaped her eyes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The next training came and since the king had discarded Tara, Sally was put in charge of Keisha and Teresa. "Today," Sally stood in front of Keisha and Teresa who had red books in their hands. They were all in the library taking another lesson on the history of wolves. "We will go further into wolf history. According to the wolf law, those who have authority after the royals are the council of elders. You must learn to respect the elders. If you don't gain their trust, you will be dethroned in a blink of an eye. Do you understand?" Sally questioned the two ladies. Keisha nodded in response but Teresa stared blankly as her thoughts were filled with Kyaria and the kiss they almost shared in his office. "Teresa, are you okay?" Sally's voice jerked Teresa out of her thoughts and she turned her head to look at sally. "What?" Teresa asked as she had no idea of what was happening around her. Keisha nudged her on the shoulder and pointed to sally. "Do you understand all I have said?" Sally questioned again. "Ermmm..... Yes?" Teresa answered but it sounded more like a question. She couldn't stop thinking about Kyaria and his threats. She felt connected to him in some ways because of her wolf but Teresa knew being with him was never going to be enough. "Whatever this is, I'll like it if you could bring your attention to today's lesson. Am I clear?" Sally sounded like a strict teacher scolding her student. "Yes, your royal beta," Teresa answered. "Good, The royal pack is the biggest pack in the world," Sally continued. "We have about Ten thousand wolves in the royal pack." "Wow!" Keisha exclaimed. "I am going to be queen over all of them?" She pointed to herself and squealed. "This is great." "As I was saying," Sally gritted her teeth. "We have about Twenty packhouses built for the old and unmated wolves while the rest of the wolves that are mated live in their various houses built by the king." "This is amazing!" Keisha squealed. "The king must be freaking rich to build houses like that." "Will you allow me to finish?" Sally shouted at her. "Apologies," Keisha said. Sally heaved a sigh and continued. "The castle belongs to the king alone and he stays alone because he loves his privacy. " "What?" Teresa exclaimed. "This big castle belongs to only the king?" She couldn't believe her ears. "Yes, Teresa. Sooner or later, it'll belong to you two as you will reside with the king." Sally explained. Teresa visibly gulped while remembering how carelessly Kyaria spoke about their Consummation night together. Was she going to be with the king every night? How was her first time going to be? How was she going to survive the castle when the king hated her? Those thoughts filled Teresa's head and her face turned pale which didn't go unnoticed by Sally. "You sure you okay?" Sally sounded concerned. "I know what you need," Sally smiled when an idea popped into her head. "Have you both been outside this castle ever since you've arrived?" Keisha and Teresa both looked at each other and shook their heads. Ever since they arrived at the castle, none of them had the chance to explore the pack. "Great. As part of your lesson, I am taking you out to explore the pack. " "Great," Keisha clapped happily. "I can't wait," she revealed. A few minutes later, Sally, Keisha, and Teresa found themselves in a Limousine that drove them into the town. Teresa was awe by the beauty of the landscape. All through the ride, she stared outside the Limousine admiring the forest and its beauty while Keisha spent her time on her phone taking pictures of herself inside the car. Sally on the other hand observed Teresa closely and wondered why she seemed lost all through their lesson. The limousine stopped at the front of a large cafe. It's was modest but looked expensive. Sally lead them into the Cafe and all the wolves who saw them bowed when they made their way in. The cafe was packed with wolves and Teresa thought they were going to seat on the ground until they were invited to the back of the cafe meant for the royals. "Wow!" Keisha exclaimed. "This s**t is insane!" She took her seat opposite Sally and beside Teresa. The chairs were two-seater couches facing each other with a table separating them. "Welcome, Royal female beta. May I take your orders?" A server bowed to Sally and took her orders before taking Teresa and Keisha's orders. When the server left, Keisha stood up from her seat to take tons of pictures on her phone while Teresa took her time to look around. "I hope you are enjoying this place," Sally started a conversation. "Yes, I do." Teresa simply answered. "It's lovely." "It's was the only place, the king allowed me to bring you to," Sally said sadly. "Once you are in the castle, I doubt the king will let you out of the castle." "Why?" "Because it's the wolves law. " Sally explained. "A king's mate shouldn't be seen outside the castle except the king is with her. The Alpha king cares for you." Teresa scoffed and shook her head. "You are getting it all wrong. The alpha king doesn't care about me. It's just your assumption. If he does, why did he make her Queen." Teresa pointed to Keisha who was having fun taking pictures. Sally opened her mouth to reply to her but their orders came and she didn't get the chance to talk to Teresa about Kyaria until they left for the castle. The last day of the training came and Sally introduced them to their lady-in-waiting. "This Patricia and Ashley. They will be your lady-in-waiting." Sally introduced two ladies who seemed to be around the same age as Keisha and Teresa. Patricia, a black woman with golden locks and a round face was assigned to Mira while Ashley who was a white lady with blonde hair just like Keisha was assigned to her. "It's an honor to serve you." They both said simultaneously. The day didn't end as sally and the lady-in-waiting prepared their clothes for the coronation. According to the wolf's law, the Queen wears blue as a sign of respect while the king's mistress wears pink which means less respect. "Remember, all we've talked about. As Queen and concubine, you need to be good examples to your subjects and most especially respectful to the king. You can be deposed anytime even if you are the King's mate." Sally looked at Teresa "Being the king's mate will not matter if the subjects don't want you. Do you both understand?" Sally questioned them. "Yes," they both answered. "Good. From now on, your words and everything you should do must be perfect because you will be watched by thousands of eyes." "Yes, Royal female beta." Keisha and Teresa both answered at once. "Good." While the talk ended, Teresa and Keisha both wore their dress rehearsing for the coronation. Teresa stared at her beautiful self in the mirror. Her dress was a mermaid dress with a veil. It was designed with diamonds that shines brightly. It was the best clothes Teresa had ever worn in her entire life. She hoped for the best in her journey as a Royal concubine. Oh so she thought.
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