Chapter 41

1243 Words
Lord Wodsworth yelled after the Baron, "I'll have you know my horses stop at my command!" Rothberg ignored him. And then the horse stopped abruptly after a low whistle from it's master, making Rothberg fall face forward into the ground. Lily jumped off her horse laughing. "Bloody horse!" he exclaimed and then saw Lily.  Unfortunately for him. Stormcloud also saw him. Stormcloud lowered his head and made ready to charge towards Rothberg. "G-good horse!" said Baron Rothberg.  Stormcloud, remembering his old master, showed no mercy and charged full speed towards him. Baron Rothberg ran off towards the palace with Lily and Lord Wodsworth hot on their trail. Reaching the palace Lily saw Georg, Edisson and Anya climbing down the side of the castle tower using every brick that stuck out slightly or was pushed in as foot holds. The three finally fell softly onto the ground and spotted Lily. Baron Rothberg took that chance to run into the castle and Stormcloud followed behind him neighing like there was no tomorrow. "What the-" Carl began, seeing Stormcloud inside the palace. "Don't ask us!" called Georg running behind Edisson who was running behind Anya who was running behind Lily who was running behind Lord Wodsworth who was trying to keep up with Stormcloud who was trying to practically behead Baron Rothberg. "It's the catch Baron Rothberg game!" said Georg merrily and pushed Carl in front of him. Baron Rothberg ran up flights of steps and Stormcloud easily ran up the steps. Georg couldn't help but exclaimed,  "I've never had this much fun before in the palace!"  Baron Rothberg finally reached the end of his rope. He was cornered on the third floor of the palace, backed into a corner. Stormcloud neighed loudly and got ready to ram into Rothberg. Rothberg let out a yell of terror and then- he disappeared. The wall gave way and Rothberg fell in. The wall replaced itself quickly as everyone reached the spot where they expected Baron Rothberg to be. "Calm down Stormcloud," said Lily reaching her horse and petting it soothingly as Edisson, Georg and Carl examined the wall. Lord Wodsworth wiped the sweat of his brow. "I'm not as young as I used to be," he said breathing hard. "What's going on?" came a bewildered voice. Everyone looked up to see James standing there. "Lily?" he asked and then looked around. "Wodsworth?" he said looking at Lord Wodsworth and then finally Georg and Edisson." This was your two's doing. I just know it," The Prince said grinning. "Tell me what was the prank?" "There was no prank James," said Lily stepping away from her horse. She walked over to him and he put his hands over hers. "What happened?" asked James. "What is the meaning of this?!" came a shrill voice. Everyone looked up. Empress Sophia stood there. "Oh hey Sophie," said Georg cheekily. "Georg what have you done now?" asked Empress Sophia tiredly. "Well-er you see-" Georg stuttered. "Who are you?" asked Sophia looking towards Lord Wodsworth. "I am the showmaster of the travelling carnival. Lord Wodsworth," he said and bowed. "That's it!" Georg exclaimed. "What?" asked Sophia. "Well Edisson, Anya and I-" "Anya?" asked Empress Sophia. "Who's she?" "Oh Anya is-is Lily's new personal servant," James said quickly. "How did I know this commotion had something to do with her?" the Empress queried grimly. "Minus Anya," said Georg hastily. "Edisson, I and Lord Wodsworth-" he beckoned the two over who came and led Empress Sophia away while talking about some spectacular show they would put on. Lily let out a breath of relief. "Baron Rothberg! He's here I saw him!" Anya exclaimed. "Are you sure?" asked James. "Even I saw him," said Carl. "And me too," said Lily. "Carl!" came a voice. "Sasha!" he groaned. "I have to go now." He said and left. "If Sasha asks you two haven't seen me." Lily and James laughed. "I'll show you two the room where Baron Rothberg is staying," said Anya feverishly. " He kidnapped me and kept me there. We can't waste anytime. He might just up and leave." "I agree," said James. "Lead the way Anya." * * * "I told you not to be seen!" Vesky thundered. "And you WERE seen!" he exclaimed. "I-I-" Rothberg stuttered. "I'm moving your room into my secret quarters. And THIS time try not to be seen!" "Ye-yes." Rothberg stuttered and bowed before leaving with Veskys personnel and most trusted guards. *    *    *  "Behind this wall. It's hollow." Said Anya. She started to feel around every nook and cranny. "There's a lever here somewhere.." She trailed off. The three of them spent almost five minutes searching and finally, James patience wore thin. He kicked at the flimsy wall and it gave way falling to the ground. "It's better than searching around like fools," muttered James. "I'll repair it, later on." It was all Lily could do to hide the rush of heat she felt over such an avid display of his strength. What was wrong with her?  Lily shook her head to clear her head. Lily entered the room and looked around. "He's run away," stated Lily. "Well we tried," sighed Anya. "I'm going to go see Counselor Vesky about this," James muttered angrily. "Anya did he hurt you?" "No not really," said Anya carefully. "James wait," said Lily putting a hand on his arm. "What about the Pacem rebels?" James sighed. "There's nothing I can do about them. The most I could do was order Vesky to let them go but they have Bella with them. She's number one on his suspect list of spies and we can't just let them go. I'm looking into it. Don't worry," said James squeezing her hand reassuringly. He gave her a quick kiss on the lips before Lily could stop him and walked away. "You didn't see that," said Lily elbowing Anya who was trying not to laugh. "See what?" she asked innocently. "Good," said Lily. "Anya, you hid in the carnival right?" "Uh-huh," said Anya. "Did you notice anything odd about Bella?" And then Anya remembered. "Princess Lily, the pen she gave you! Where is it?" "What? Why?" asked Lily confused. "There's a-a-message in it. I'll explain later. We need to get that ink-pen," said Anya. Lily thought a moment before realization struck her.  "It's with Sasha." * * * "Counselor Vesky about six people saw Baron Rothberg and you still stand here and say that he is not anywhere near the palace?" asked James angrily. "I assure you your highness that if he was here, my spies would've found him," said Vesky. "For your sake, this better be the truth," said James angrily. "Because if I find him within an inch of this castle I'll make sure that your job is in jeopardy." James strode out angrily and Vesky slumped into his chair.  "The Prince has never questioned me before. This is all Lily's fault," Vesky muttered angrily.  *    *    * "No way," Said Carl. Lily stood in the carnival tent with Georg, Edisson, Anya, Lord Wodsworth and Carl. "Please Carl?" Lily begged. "Lily I've been avoiding Sasha and I want to keep it that way," said Carl stubbornly. "But-" Lord Wodsworth cut Lily off. "If I may interrupt, I have an idea." Everyone followed him to his tent where he opened a closet full of costumes. "Brilliant!" Lily exclaimed understanding at once what Lord Wodsworth was getting at.
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