Chapter 42

1021 Words
Two ghosts (Lily and Anya), one werewolf (Edisson) and two demons with blood red eyes and rubbery red skin pulled a lever opening the secret corridor door into Sasha's closet. The ghosts shook their chains while the werewolf growled and the demons made shrieking banshee noises. Sasha awoke with a start and looked at the source of the racket. Her face paled and the color even left her lips as a silent scream issued from her mouth when she saw the horrendous sight right by her bed. Finally finding her voice, she let out a blood curdling scream which made everyone take a few steps back. She ran out of her room, glad she'd escaped. "Monsters!" she yelled running down the halls of the castle. "Monsters!" Lily and Anya took their white sheets of as Edisson took his mask off. Georg and Lord Wodsworth followed suit with their masks and all of them began laughing as Lily and Anya searched for the magical pen. They found it atop her vanity and they left through the secret passage. Anya took the pen and did a complicated series of twists.   The hollow back fell away to reveal a note rolled up inside. * * * Sasha arrived back in her room with five guards and James and Carl along with Empress Sophia trailing behind. "I'm telling you there were monsters in my room!" she exclaimed. "And two ghosts! Two horrible ghosts! They had chains wrapped around them and there was even a-a-a werewolf." Carl cleared his throat. "I think you just had a nightmare Sasha."  "I did not have a nightmare! There were even two demons!" she exclaimed. James let out a tired sigh. "I agree with Carl," said James. "She probably just had a nightmare." "I did not!" Sasha exclaimed looking quite silly in pink rollers and a nightgown which was a very ugly shade of green. "Dear there's no reason to be embarrassed," said the Empress soothingly. "Everyone has nightmares now and then." "But-" Sasha stuttered. "Come now Sasha be reasonable." Said James. "Two ghosts? A werewolf? And don't you think someone would notice if there were two demons walking around?" "I don't care!" Sasha exclaimed. "I know what I saw! I want guards posted outside of my room day and night!" "Fine. Fine." Said James. He yawned. "Lets go now. I need some sleep. Lord knows I need to catch up on it." "Yes," said the Empress in a steely voice as she walked down the hall with him. "I trust you and Lily had quite a time staying up last night and talking." James stiffened over the barb.  "She's my fiance' mother, we are to be married. Surely you wouldn't begrudge us our time together."  "Time together should be spent under the watchful eyes of a chaperone," Empress Sophia retorted.  James bit his tongue. There was no way he'd ever agree to that. For one, the things Lily and him talked about were often important matters of state. There was no way he would risk anything being leaked. Furthermore, needing a chaperone was absurd. They were both in love and should be allowed their own privacy. * * * The next morning, Empress Sophia stared at the note and then looked up over her thin reading spectacles at James.  "So the Pacem's want peace. They say they've sent numerous letters that have gone unanswered. Poppycock. I would have received a letter before now if it had been sent. But I agree, it's time for peace," said Empress Sophia with a glint of malice in her eyes. "But James has to go and negotiate with them." James nodded.  "After our engagement ball," James stated.  "You will go now," the Empress responded. "The engagement ball can wait." "Oh no." said Lily. "That means you have to leave again and our engagement ball will be delayed." "As I said before Lily. James is a busy prince," said the Empress. "You must learn to put matters of the kingdom first." "I'll get my things ready mother," James finally responded and led Lily out of the Empress' office. "I won't be gone for long," said James. "But-" Lily began. "I'll miss you." "I'll miss you too," said James. "But you have to stay here. The sooner you learn protocol the sooner we'll get married." Lily sighed and caste her eyes downwards. James took the chance to snag her lips in a quick kiss. Lily pulled away. "We're in the middle of a hall." She murmured, eyes looking around. "What if someone comes?" James shrugged and kissed her again. Lily pulled away. "Couldn't we have done this in my room?" she asked. "Where's the fun in that?" asked James playfully. "I wouldn't have been able to see that cute face you make when you're worried someone'll see us doing." James trailed off with a smirk, letting his hands rest on her hips. "Doing what?" asked Lily innocently. James grinned. His hands on her waist pulled her closer. "Doing this," he said and kissed her again. "But no one HAS caught us yet," James whispered into her ear as they pulled away. Despite herself, Lily giggled. "Come back soon," she said staring into his eyes lovingly. "Mmmm. I will," James whispered twirling a strand of her hair. He kissed her one last time before reluctantly pulling away. "I have to go announce the departure to my men." "O.K." said Lily, slipping her hand out of his. *    *    *  "James!" called Carl running into James room. "Oh James please take me with you! I beg of you! Sasha is driving me mad! You don't want a madman for a brother do you?" James laughed. "If mother gives her consent you can come with me."  "I asked her." Said Carl bitterly. "She said that Sasha would be-" he made a face. "-lonely without me." "Sorry dear brother," said James laughing as he handed a suit over to his valet. Carl walked out of the room sulkily.  "Master Carl, if I may make a suggestion.." said Lord Wodsworth who had been listening to everything through the open door.
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