Chapter 30

1008 Words
Lily walked happily throughout the halls of the palace, following Lady Molly's directions to successfully reach the dining room. Lily saw Counselor Vesky and the Empress sitting there. "Hello Lily," said the Empress stiffly and motioned for her to come and sit down beside her.  Counselor Vesky got up and bowed. He pulled out a chair beside the Empress also motioning her to come sit. "Good afternoon Princess. Come sit," he said. Lily consented. Sir Henry gave a small squawk from Lily's shoulder.  "Get rid of that parrot," the Empress snapped, completely aghast that someone would bring an animal to dine. "Rid of the parrot. Rid of the parrot," squawked Sir Henry. “He’s not a parrot, he’s a lovebird,” Lily replied defensively. “And-“ Lily’s face softened. “-he’s a gift given to me by James.” Counselor Vesky looked on at Sir Henry with interest. "By the king’s beard," he said. "This bird can talk." "Not exactly," said Lily. "He repeats tunes and some songs. He has the ability to repeat everything you say but does so very rarely. In fact, ever since we’ve arrived at the palace, Sir Henry has started to speak more." "I do not care if he can sing and juggle while riding a unicycle. I do not want that parrot in my dining room," the Empress stated, eyeing Sir Henry as if the bird was the bane of her existence. "Your majesty, may I take him to the Princesses room?" asked Vesky standing up eagerly. "You can do better than that. Get rid of it." "Your majesty, no!" Lily exclaimed. "Silence! I am the Empress and what I say goes goes. Remember that Lily. You have no authority to over rule my decisions and I advise you to keep quiet," directed Empress Sophia sternly. Lily was about to argue but Sir Henry then flew off her shoulder and into the hall. Lily got up to go after him but the Empress kept a tight hold on her arm. "Sit. One of the servants shall catch it and hopefully get rid of it." Lily sat down feeling as if she might burst into tears. Her beloved pet that she'd kept for so long was now lost somewhere in the palace halls. She prayed Lady Molly would find him and keep him safe. "Now how was your journey?" asked the Empress cutting her steak. "Well I suppose? Non of the commoners gave you any trouble did they?" "My journey went well your highness," Lily said dully, suddenly not very hungry. "Your majesty," Sophia corrected. "And do remember to add thank you's in your speech." Lily nodded looking at her hands. "And we will have to cut your hair," the Empress added. This got to Lily. Her hair was her pride and joy. It had taken her years to grow it this long. "No," said Lily, looking up sharply. "Don't be daft. Your hair will have to be cut up to your back," retorted the Empress. "I said no," said Lily. "Foolish girl. You barge in here thinking you rule the world and that you can control everything! You can not do that! I will not tolerate this!" the Empress hissed. "Well maybe it's better if you stay out of my way!" Lily yelled back. She got up and stomped out of the dining room. Sophia sat down putting a hand to her head.  "C-counselor Vesky I feel faint." Vesky handed her a glass of water and after a few gulps, she relaxed. "Your highness, losing your temper is not good for your health," he commented. "I know, I know," said the Empress wearily. She stared after Lily's retreating back. "So help me God, I will tame her," said the Empress standing up again as her anger flared up inside her again. *    *    * "I'll go in with Edisson." Said James.  The bridge had collapsed and Mr. Breuer had become trapped inside along with some other laborers. Both were lowered into the middle of a cavernous clearing amidst the pile of rubble that had once been the bridge. "If you run into trouble, send up red sparks from the flares we gave you!" called Duke Max. The two friends nodded and tried to walk through the debris, going under a pile of rock and wood that had formed a cave of sorts.  Edisson suddenly bumped into something in the dark and before James knew it, the canopy was completely collapsing and he blacked out. *    *    *  Lily stormed into her room, finally calming down once her eyes rested on Lady Victoria resting in her cage. Lily's eyes softened, Sir Henry would come back to her room for his partner. Lovebirds couldn't stay parted for long. With that realization, she finally calmed down and she leaned her head back against the wall and realized she'd broken her promise to herself to not lose her temper with Empress Sophia.  "James where are you?" Lily murmured sadly.  *    *    *  James finally came too and looked around. Edisson was unconscious a few feet away from him. Worriedly, James went over to his friend and attempted to check him for injuries. Edisson awoke feeling slightly concussed. "What do we do now?" James asked his friend once he was sure that he was all right. Rocks blocked the path back out. The only thing keeping the canopy overhead from collapsing were a few thick wooden beams. "Duke Max must have noticed the commotion, they’ll be sending help soon," supplied Edisson hopefully. "Guess we just have to sit and wait now," said James and sat down with a slight wince. His body was still in pain from the blow he'd suffered due to debris falling on him. "Guess so," replied Edisson. James absently drew an L into the dirt with his index finger. "You really miss her don't you?" asked Edisson referring to Lily. "More than you can imagine," James replied forlornly. 
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