Chapter 31

1085 Words
"No. no, no." said the Empress. "Like this." She raised her teacup and delicately took a sip. Lily tried to imitate her but failed miserably. "Let’s try something else," said Empress Sophia tactfully.  She took a book out and put it on Lily's head.  "Try walking with the book on your head." Lily tried but on her second step, it fell. She then tried again and again for what must have been at least an hour until the Empress finally let her take a break. "I can't do this," said Lily resignedly as she sat down. "For once, I agree with you," said Sophia stiffly. "Your mind is elsewhere and I have better things to do at the moment than train you." The Empress got up and took out three fat books from the nearby book shelf. "Learn EVERYTHING in here by heart."  Lily looked miserably at the huge books. "How long do I have?" she asked opening a book. "All of today." Lily gasped. "I can't learn all this tonight!" "You have no choice," Sophia replied and left.  Lily stared after her retreating back venomously. "She's impossible," Lily declared. "No matter how much I try to keep my temper and be nice to her, she ends up pushing the right buttons and sending my temper rocketing of." "There, there Lily," said lady Molly. "Patience is a virtue. That's all the Empress and you need. Patience. Be patient with each other. She'll come around. Now come along it's tea time." Lily looked at Lady Molly witheringly.  "I hate tea."  Lily's voice mirrored the frustration she felt.  *    *    * "Why," demanded the Empress. "Do you go running about the castle?" "I've been trying to find James your majesty," Lily replied confidently. "James isn't here," said the Empress coolly. "He's gone to help the village where the bridge collapsed. He is a prince and princes do not have time to wait for late arrivals such as yourself Lily. He has important things to do and his world dos not revolve around you." "I know that," Lily snapped. "It's just... I thought he'd be here." "Think again," said the Empress coolly. " And get used to it. He won't ever be home for more than three days at the most. He's a busy man and his life is filled with responsibilities to his kingdom. He will barely have enough time for you." "No," said Lily. "He might not. But I still love him with all my heart. He might even be gone for years at a time but I'll always be here waiting to welcome him home. I'll always be here for him is my promise."  For once, Empress Sophia was left speechless. Lily turned and walked out of the room * * * James and Edisson heard rustling sounds from the other side of the wall of rocks. "James? Edisson?" asked a panicky Duke Max. "Are you two alright?" "Yes we're fine," James reassured him. "Just get us out of here." "We’re going to start lifting rocks out of the way so stand back, we don’t want something to fall on you,." came a mans voice. "O.K. everyone start lifting rocks while Edisson and I go look for the workers trapped in here," supplied James.  His reply was the sound of men grunting from lifting things and the moving of rocks. Edisson and James walked on and finally came to an opening. They saw at least fifteen men there. Mr. Breuer jumped up in surprise. "Your highness!" he exclaimed and bowed low. "What are you doing here?" "We came to save you," said James smiling. "Good to see you again Mr. Breuer." "The pleasure is all mine," he replied. His face then darkened. "We have two men extremely injured. They need medical attention immediately." James nodded. "Is there another way out? The entrance is blocked by rocks and could take ages to form a hole big enough for a man to pass through."  Everyone's faces were blank. "I know a way out!" a young boy who looked to be about fifteen spoke up.  James gazed at the boy who kept talking. “The path is narrow and won’t be able to hold all of us but if a few of us went, it shouldn’t be a problem.” "What's your name?" James asked. James couldn't help but wonder why a boy of 15 was working here as a laborer instead of going to school. But now was not the time to question this. "Jonathon your highness." The boy spoke up. "Call me James." Said James off-handedly. "Jonathon and me will take the two injured men and go out the other way. Edisson will lead the rest back to the entrance." Everyone obeyed James orders and he, along with Jonathon, began to pull the two men  on makeshift stretchers the laborers had managed to make for them. One man had a broken arm and had a huge gash across his head while the other's leg was what looked like to be fractured. "How did they get hurt so?" asked James. "Tweren't quick enough to move out of the way sire," Johnathon replied as they walked on. "We take a turn left at the first fork. Your highness-" "James," James corrected him. "James," said Jonathon. "I hope you won't mind me asking, but where is Ms. Lily?" James looked up. "You know her?" he asked. The boy shook his head. "Just heard of her. She helped some of the villagers in a nearby town the other day." "What have you heard about her?" asked James. "That she's kind, gentle and helps poor folk like us. She has a huge heart and helps people in anyway she can. I've also heard she's as beautiful as she is kind. Mr. Breuer speaks so much about her I think she's too good to be real. I wondered if there really was someone like her..." the young boy trailed off. He then added, "And if there were someone like her I'd like to meet her." James smiled. "She's a thousand times better in real life." "Then why did you not bring her?" asked Jonathon. "I would sure like to meet her. She's popular among us villagers." James sighed. "I wish I'd brought her." James suddenly heard a rumbling sound. "Jonathon?" he asked. "Do you hear some-" his words were then drowned out as an avalanche of rocks came tumbling down over them.
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