Chapter 36

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"Will," said Sasha. "Will not!" Lily yelled back. "Will too!" "Will not!" "They will too surrender, Lily and you know it!" Sasha exclaimed punching the table with her fist in a very unladylike manner "They will not!" Lily bellowed. "Pacem will never surrender to Fortius and Fortius will never be able to suppress Pacem so-" "Lily!" came an astonished voice. Lily and Sasha looked up to see the Empress standing there in shock. "How dare you yell in such a barbaric way? Hardly the way a princess should act and you're going against your own country! Pacem is a very strategic land to keep a strong hand over. Without us, they will regress into unrest and rebellion! They do not have a monarchy. Refuges and terrorists will start spilling over into Leal and Fortius, just like before!" Lily bit her tongue to keep from arguing. There was no making the Empress see sense, Lily had learned that by now. A huge commotion suddenly came blasting from outside and there was also some music. Lily and Sasha rushed towards the balcony to see a plump, jolly man leading a carnival. "Come one come all!" he yelled. "To the Wodsworth's travelling carnival!" Lily and Sasha watched clowns run around doing different antics and bumping into one another. Both girls began to laugh. "Pleased Sasha?" asked the Empress happily. "Oh yes your majesty," said Sasha happily. "Thank you for allowing this carnival to come here." "Your father requested for it to be sent all the way from Pacem," said the Empress warmly. "How could I ever deny you anything? Besides, it's for your birthday! Happy Birthday, dear." "Thank you, your majesty," Sasha gushed, bending down into a deep curtsy. "You may invite whomsoever you want to," the Empress replied happily, putting a gloved hand on Sasha’s shoulder, urging her to stand up. "Maybe you'll be able to get an invitation from me to see the carnival, if you apologize for disagreeing with me," said Sasha in a staged whisper. "Never," retorted Lily with crossed arms. "Lily, that is no way to treat Sasha! Especially when she's been so nice and has become your friend," said the Empress sternly. "Sasha, my friend?" asked Lily disbelievingly. "Ha. Don't make me laugh." "Oh, your Excellency, you see what I have to put up with?" asked Sasha in pretend despair. "I know, dear, I know. Lily…how James chose you above Sasha is beyond me," the Empress concluded and left. * * * "Thank you for your help," said Jonathon to James. “Now with the new contractor, we will all get the wages we deserve and the bridge will be built with stronger materials so that no one else can ever be hurt.” "It was no problem, I’m just glad we were able to figure out a workable solution so that there was no further harm done to our people or kingdom" said James before mounting his horse. "Georg, Edisson…let’s go home," James said and kicked off.  He couldn't wait to see Lily again and found himself fantasizing about running his hands through her long hair. He only had one small stop to make before going home. It would delay his journey home by a day but it had to be done. He had decided to initiate another inquiry into another contractor that had been charged with building a new road, also chosen by Counselor Vesky through a seemingly transparent bidding process. James had an uneasy feeling that pretty soon, he would end up having to change a lot of things.. * * * Lily and Lady Molly sat in Lily's bedroom laughing at Lady Victoria’s antics. The lovebird was flying around the room and kept trying to peck her way through the walls. "Oh she’s so cute! She probably misses Sir Henry!” Lily exclaimed. A sound came from outside. Lily looked towards the door. * * * Sasha listened to the laughter coming from Lily's room. The door suddenly opened, and Sasha fell into the room. "Looking for something?" asked Lily raising an eyebrow expectedly. Lily then caste an accusing look at the servant girls in her sitting room that had allowed Sasha to enter her private quarters without Lily’s permission. "I l-lost my earring," Sasha stuttered. " I told them to let me in to look for it…but it's not here." Sasha then began to walk away. Lily slammed the door shut but not before saying, "Next time Sasha you might want to think before deciding to play the spy." Sasha smiled to herself and whispered, "There won't be a next time Lily…” A shadow came over her as she walked down the hall.  Sasha looked up in surprise. "You!" she exclaimed joyously.   * * * The next day Lily sat in her room when suddenly Carl came in. "Lily quickly, I have to show you something!” he exclaimed happily. Lily got up, a little subdued over constantly being ridiculed by Sasha and degraded by the Empress. Carl had noticed Lily’s sad demeanor and had decided to give her a surprise. He took her up multiple flights of stairs until they reached an old dusty room. One of the young servant girls often working in Lily’s sitting room was there cleaning a piano. “You love music,” Carl said kindly. “And I remember the piano at your parents home. I thought this might make you  happy?” Carl asked tentatively. His response was a hug from Lily. “Oh thank you!” she exclaimed, looking up at him happily. Suddenly there was a crash. Carl and Lily looked to see what had happened.  What Lily saw made her heart stop. It looked as if a bookshelf had fallen over the poor servant girl and only her upper torso stuck out. "Anya!" Lily exclaimed and ran over to her. “Anya, are you okay?" She heard a feeble cough. "You know my name?" she wheezed. "Of course I know your name!" Lily exclaimed, remembering that this was one of the lower ranking girls who wasn’t allowed to speak. "Anya just hold on. Carl…" she looked at him but Carl was already on it.  He bent down and lifted up the bookshelf so that it was standing on itself properly. Lily embraced Anya in a hug. "I was so scared!" Lily exclaimed. "I couldn’t bear if anything happened to you!" Anya looked thoroughly surprised at the display of affection from the nobility. She’d always been invisible to everyone. *    *    * Empress Sophia sat in her study with Counselor Vesky. “How could you be so irresponsible as to hire a corrupt man?” the Empress asked testily. “Your bidding process is flawed!” She looked down at the letter her son had sent along with the investigation report. “It was an honest mistake your—” Counselor Vesky was cut off as they heard a loud crash from many floors above. Counselor Vesky stood up. “The spy! It’s the Pacem spy!” “Spy?” asked the Empress in surprise. “There is a spy in our midst!” Counselor Vesky exclaimed. Alarmed and armed with a slew of guards, the Empress and Counselor Vesky made their way towards the source of the crash. *    *    * “Come on Lily, please sing,” Carl cajoled, as he ran his fingers over the piano keys. Anya stood shyly off to the side, nodding happily at the Prince’s comment. “I’m perfectly fine Princess. It was just a small scare. I’d love to hear your beautiful voice,” Anya commented happily. “Well..” Lily began hesitantly. * * * The Empress, in the lead, stopped momentarily as music filling the hallway reached her ears. “Our spy has a penchant for music,” Counselor Vesky cackled. Empress Sophia looked at her trusted advisor critically before she strode over to the room and opened the door to see Lily sitting on the piano and Carl playing. A servant girl stood off to the side, her eye closed as she listened to the music. "And there you'll be," Lily finished off her song as the final notes were played, her voice ringing in the empty attic. Carl stared at her. Her voice was mesmerizing. It was as if she had put a spell on him where he wanted to hear more of her voice. It was so light and soft. It was clear and a twinkling sort of singing voice. Counselor Vesky and the Empress also stood as if they had been hit with a stunning spell but Empress Sophia quickly recovered. "Well, Counselor Vesky, there's your spy," stated Empress Sophia dryly. "The girl is brushing up on her singing. What is the meaning of this?" she demanded. "Lily, you caused us all quite a shock. We thought a terrible accident had taken place up here. I will not tolerate this, Lily, do you understand?" "Yes, your majesty," said Lily, jumping of the piano. "I understand." "But, Mother, she didn't do anything-" Carl began but Empress Sophia cut him off. "Carl, be quiet. You know better than to argue with your mother," reprimanded the Empress. "Yes, mother," Carl mumbled. "Lily, go to your room at once and why are you two mingling with servants? You girl, go do your work! The palace won’t clean itself!” barked Empress Sophia to Anya who scurried off with her head down. Sophia looked at the piano angrily, seeming to blame it for all the commotion. “Counselor Vesky have that piano disposed of," said the Empress. "Yes, your Excellency. I'll see to it that a servant carries out your orders." "Make sure," said Sophia coolly. Lily stared at the piano longingly before going out of the attic and into her room.. * * * Lily sat in her room with Lady Molly brushing her hair. "I miss my home," Lily sighed. "Maybe after you get married you can go and visit…"Lady Molly trailed off. "If the Empress ever allows me to get married," Lily said bitterly. "I miss Leal so much!" she exclaimed, staring at her clasped hands. "That reminds me!" Lady Molly exclaimed. "Rumor around the castle has it that a visitor has come from Leal!" "Papa!" Lily exclaimed. "It MUST be Papa!" Lily stood up, nearly knocking her chair backwards, and went towards her room door. It was suddenly flung open. “Papa!” Lily yelled joyously, ready to fling her arms around the person she thought was her father but looked at the man's face just in time. "You!" Lily spat. "Funny…Lady Sasha had the same reaction when she saw me. Although she was more delighted than angry." "What do you want Baron Rothberg?" Lily asked angrily. "Who invited you here?" "I did," said Sasha stepping into Lily's room. "How dare you-" Lily began but was cut off by Baron Rothberg. "Dear girl how could you possibly EVER think your father would come to see you?" sneered Rothberg. "Do you know what's going on right now? They are happy. They love the fact that you're finally gone. In fact I was there the other day and I told them I was coming here to Fortius where their precious daughter Lily was. Do you know, Ms. Lily, what their reaction was?" asked Rothberg advancing on her as Lily took steps backwards. "What?" asked Lily defiantly. "They asked me who cares! They said as far as they know, they have only one daughter. They have forgotten you! They do not even remember you anymore! They do not miss you. Do you not wonder why a letter informing you on the agreed upon date to Helaine’s wedding was not sent to you? Why they don't want you at the wedding?" Lily was pushed up against the wall now. Lady Molly then spoke up. "I demand you to leave right now young man or I shall call the guards!" but the Baron ignored her. "Because she hates me and doesn't want me at her wedding," Lily spat, anger burning in her eyes. "Yes but don't you think your mother would've convinced her otherwise…would've convinced her to invite her 'favorite' daughter?" Rothberg asked, taking no notice of how close he was to her and tried to, if possible, take another step towards her. "But she didn't and you know why?" he asked, his breath blowing against her face. Lily tilted her head away from him. "It's because they do not think you are part of the family anymore…especially your father who hates the fact that you're marrying a Fortius Prince." He grabbed her wrists, pushing himself further over her.  "Liar!" Lily exclaimed and tried to free her wrists from his grasp but to no avail. Sasha had paled during this time. "Baron Rothberg that's going too far!" she exclaimed and pulled the man off Lily. "How dare you speak to her this way? The poor girl! Look at her!" Lily's eyes were wide in shock and she shook violently. Both anger and fear were in her eyes. He'd made her feel uncomfortable with his nearness and his words had assaulted her senses violently. "Baron Rothberg, get out of here!" Sasha yelled and pointed to the door. Baron Rothberg glared at Sasha. He raised a hand and Lily thought he might strike Sasha but instead he caught himself and stormed out of the room with out another word. Lily was speechless. In the end she was able to mutter a very small "Thank you." Lily then thought of a question. "Why?" she asked. "That Baron Rothberg was so mean to you Lily," said Sasha. "I just couldn't let him stand there and say such things…-no one's that heartless." Lily didn't reply. "Listen Lily maybe we just got off on the wrong foot," Sasha started. "I'd like to be friends with you if you don't mind. To prove it here's an invitation to the carnival event for my birthday. Can you ever forgive me? I'm really sorry," she added tentatively. "Sasha this is great!" Lily exclaimed taking the invitation from her. "I'd love to be friends with you," she said and hugged Sasha. Lady Molly looked on, biting her lip and hoping this wasn’t another one of Sasha’s schemes. 
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