Chapter 37

1669 Words
Lily got dressed for the carnival, happily putting on a dark blue off the shoulder dress. She was so happy, she even let Lady Molly put her hair into a severe chignon. Grabbing the invitation, Lily made her way downstairs to join Sasha’s entourage of birthday attendees. The carnival would take place on palace grounds and all of Sasha’s friends were going to gather in the parlor for tea before going to the carnival. Lily hadn’t been able to go out herself but she had asked Anya and Lady Molly to go get something from the city market for Sasha as a gift. Lady Molly had brought back a pretty crystal hairpin. It had been expensive and Lily didn’t have much money on her, but it would be a step in the right direction to try and become friends with someone. It was obvious that Empress Sophia thought of Sasha as the daughter she’d never had. Sasha’s mother had been a close friend of the Empress and upon her passing, Lily learned that the Empress had taken Sasha under her wing. That’s why Sasha had always lived in the a palace. Lily entered the parlor and suddenly felt scrutinized by the ladies and lords all sitting around Sasha. “Who is that?” asked one of the girl’s with muddy brown hair and an elaborate gem-encrusted ball gown. Come to think, of it, all the girls were dressed extravagantly. All the girls except Lily in her plain dark blue silk dress. “This-“ Lady Molly said with a puffed out air of dignity, “-is the fiance’ of our Crown Prince.” There was silence for a few moments before the room erupted into peals of laughter. “Oh you had me there my lady,” said a young man, wiping tears from his eyelashes. He turned to look at Sasha. “We all know he belongs to Sasha.” Lily felt her shoulder stiffen. Sasha did nothing to rebuke the claim.  “Sasha told us Prince James had this carnival sent for her from Pacem since he couldn’t be here for her birthday!” Another girl spoke up eagerly. She caste Lily a snooty look. “Besides, you actually think Prince James would want someone like her? Come on, we’ve seen his previous mistress, she was a graceful and gorgeous ballerina dancer. We know his type.” Lily felt a cold pit form in her stomach. Mistress? Lily had rarely heard the word but she knew enough to know that a mistress was someone a man was in a relationship with, took to grand events and even resided under the same roof for a night with. She knew some noble men kept mistresses even after being married and it irked their wives. Lily reasoned it would irk her too if her husband went to live with another girl and take her to opera’s and balls. “She’s just some girl he felt sorry for,” said Sasha airly to her friends. “She’s nothing to him. He had her come over from Leal where her father, a Duke, has hit hard financial times.” “Hey, wasn’t he previously betrothed to a Lady of Leal?” the lady with muddy brown hair interjected. “That was her sister,” Sasha said, nodding towards Lily. “But the family is not at all suitable for the royal house. So the betrothal was broken off.” Lily felt like the air had been punched out of her. She felt tears threaten to spill over her eyes. "Sasha how can you say such things?" asked Lady Molly angrily. Lily clenched her hands into fists. She’d never thrown her status around before but it seemed like now was the time to put these people in their place. “My father is a duke, I am a princess by blood,” Lily’s voice shook from barely concealed anger. “Which is more than I can say for the selfish, conceited daughter of a baron.” There was a collective gasp as everyone realized she’d just insulted the birthday girl. "What's the meaning of this?" came a voice.  Lily turned to see Empress Sophia standing there. From her face, it was clear she’d heard the tail end of Lily’s insult. "Lily, out of all times to own your title, you choose to do it to insult Sasha? On her birthday?" Lily bowed her head.  "Your Excellency I-" Lily began but Sasha cut in. "Your Excellency, she stole my invitation and tried to join my party!" Sasha exclaimed. "See!" she pointed to Lily's hand, which held the invitation to the carnival. "What nonsense! Your majesty Sasha is the one at fault! She-" Lady Molly began but the Empress held a hand up. "Lady Molly I had not expected you to lie and stick up for her." "But your majesty-" "Silence, Lady Molly, or I shall have you relieved of your duties." Lady Molly lowered her head. "Yes, your Excellency." "As for you!" The Empress whirled around and stared at Lily. "You are forbidden to leave your room at all today! Tonight, the carnival is entertaining Sasha for her birthday, and I will not have you ruin the festivities!" Lily didn't reply. The Empress went on "And even if you do manage to get a ticket you can forget about coming. I, as Empress, have forbidden you to attend…at all." Empress Sophia turned and left with Sasha smirking behind her. Lily stared at their retreating backs unable to say anything. * * * Baron Rothberg stood outside the tent that belonged to the talented acrobat Bella. He tried to do his best to discreetly listen to her muted conversation with the Showman of the carnival. * * * “Alexei told me I must meet Lily at all costs and pass on the message,” Bella insisted urgently to Lord Wodsworth. Wodsworth sighed. “Let us hope for the sake of Pacem that Lily is at the carnival tonight.” Bella suddenly stood up straighter as she noticed a sound right outside her tent. She held a finger to her lips and quietly went and lifted the flap. "Hey, what are you doing out here?" demanded Bella, spotting Rothberg lurking around. Rothberg looked up. "Erm-" he started before puffing out his chest and deciding to pull rank. "I am Baron Rothberg. Terribly sorry to bother you Miss-" "Stop trying to act so innocent," said Bella, crossing her arms. "But-but-“ Rothberg stuttered. "I know who you are Baron Rothberg. I've heard much about you. Now please leave." She pointed to the path leading away from her tent, her tone frostier than ice. "But-but-" he stuttered before hanging his head in defeat. "Sorry to have bothered you," he said and left. It was then that Bella noticed a servant hanging back and eyeing Rothberg. Bella motioned her over. “Why are you following the Baron?” Bella asked. “Who are you?” The servant girls clutched her hands in front of her. “My name’s Anya. And…oh that Baron is up to no good. I just know he’s trying to figure out a way to hurt Princess Lily. I stood by once under orders of Counselor Vesky to obey Lady Sasha. She brought that horrid man into Miss Lily’s room and almost made her cry!’ “How do you know Lily?” Bella asked urgently. Anya looked at Bella proudly. "I'm one of her servant girls." Bella smiled. "I need you to give a message to Lily somehow. It's from Alexei on behalf of Pacem." "I will do my best to help but the servants are routinely checked before entering and leaving the castle....but how do you know the rebel?" Anya asked. "Never mind Alexei. He's a dear friend of mine. Now, will Lily be coming to the show?" asked Bella quickly. Anya nodded. "Sasha gave her an invitation." "Well then," said Bella. She took out an elaborate fountain pen and with a very complicated series of turns to the right and left the back handle fell out to reveal it hollow on the inside. Bella put a note inside of it. "I know how to get this to her," said Bella, satisfied. "Good idea!" exclaimed Anya happily. “I know how to open the pen, just get it to her safely.” Neither noticed Rothberg spying through a c***k in the tent.    *    *    * Lily sat forlornly on her bed. The carnival was about to begin and she’d changed out of her dress. She got up to go look at the palace grounds and watched the Empress along with Sasha, Carl, Counselor Vesky and all of Sasha’s friends ride in carriages to the short distance of where the carnival was located on the palace grounds. Lights were everywhere and there were horse rides and games set up with a huge tent in the very middle where the acrobat show would take place. She suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked up to see Lady Molly staring down at her questioningly. "Well?" she asked expectantly. "Aren't you going to get ready for the carnival? They’ve all left now. There’s no one to stop you." "Oh Lady Molly you know what happened," said Lily bitterly. "The Empress has forbidden me to go." "Forbidden, smidden. I'm tired of following her unruly orders. Come on Lily, you have a carnival to get ready for," said Lady Molly, and threw a well chosen emerald green gown of Lily's onto her bed. Lily smiled at Lady Molly gratefully and felt for the first time like everything would be OK.
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