
999 Words
As Roxy reflects on Andrew's story, she can't help but notice the similarities between their experiences. However, she also feels that her own story is somehow worse, something she finds difficult to discuss. Before she realizes it, they have arrived in front of her apartment. Glancing out the window, Roxy feels a sense of reluctance. She doesn't want their conversation to end; she wants to continue absorbing the story that has shaped Andrew into the person he is today. "It used to hurt a lot more speaking about the abuse, my mother, and my father. But now it is a part of my life. It made me who I am today," Andrew shares, trying to provide reassurance to Roxy. He believes that no matter how challenging it feels now, Roxy can overcome her own struggles. "I know it seems impossible now, but nothing in this world is impossible. You just have to be willing to not let it control you anymore," he tells her, giving a reassuring nod. Roxy takes in Andrew's words, her mind racing as she considers the possibilities. Suddenly, she feels herself letting go, as if all the weight has been lifted off her shoulders. Images of that painful night flash through her mind, and she takes a deep breath, finding solace in Andrew's presence and the scent that fills the car. Opening her eyes, she meets his intense, pleading gaze, as if he is silently urging her to open up. She wants to share her own story, but there is a part of her that feels trapped, believing that she will always carry this pain. With a half smile, Roxy thanks Andrew for trusting her with his story, appreciating the confidence he has placed in her. She gazes out the window, acknowledging, "This is my stop. I should go." As she prepares to leave, Andrew leans over her, causing a moment of uncertainty. Unsure of what to do, Roxy instinctively puckers up and kisses him on the cheek . His shocked expression is evident as he quickly retrieves the laptop and hands it to her. In his eyes, a flicker of excitement and a boyish grin appear. "I wanted to make sure you didn't forget the laptop," he explains, bringing a sense of lightheartedness to the moment. He hands her the laptop, and she feels more flustered than she ever has before. "Oh my God!" she thinks to herself, "Why would he try to kiss me after sharing such an intense story?" Her inner vixen shakes her head in disbelief and facepalms at her own confusion. He settles back into his seat, a hint of amusement on his face. Not wanting to endure any further embarrassment, she quickly gathers herself and says, "I'll be going now. Thank you again for the ride. It was very kind of you. See you tomorrow." She awkwardly slaps his bicep before scurrying out of the car, clutching the laptop tightly to ensure it remains mostly dry, and rushes into her apartment building. She scolds herself as she rides the elevator, reflecting on her actions. "What was I thinking? Well, if he had any interest in me, it's certainly gone now," she mutters to herself. Shaking her head, she tries to clear her thoughts. As she reaches her apartment door, her phone emits a ping, indicating a new text message from an unknown number. Intrigued, she opens the message and reads, "It's Andrew!" Shortly after, another message appears, "I just wanted to say..." Jadah opens the door as Roxy is about to read Andrew's text. She interrupts, "There you go! I thought you would have been here a while ago. Tell me, how was your first day?" She says with a bright smile. Roxy giggles, inviting Jadah in for a glass of wine, and shares her excitement about the astonishing office building, the beautiful view, and her overall enthusiasm for the new job. She even admits to finding Andrew attractive. Jadah notices the laptop and playfully asks if Roxy is already bringing work home. They both laugh, and Roxy reassures Jadah, "No, they just gave it to me today, just in case." Roxy recalls the non-disclosure agreement (NDA) and the warning Andrew gave her about never letting the laptop out of her sight. They continue their conversation, discussing Jadah's day and other random topics. After Jadah leaves, Roxy reflects on how nice Jadah was to her from the beginning, creating a safe and open environment. She appreciates having a trustworthy neighbor and regards Jadah as a wonderful friend. Her thoughts shift back to her day and how Andrew carried himself in the office – the flirty moments, the sudden coldness, the assertiveness, and his vulnerability in the car as he shared his father's story. Roxy empathizes with the difficult situation Andrew must have faced, living with the knowledge of his father's actions. She admires his decision to protect his mother, and she acknowledges that she would have done the same for her own mother. As Roxy remembers the embarrassing moment of accidentally kissing Andrew on the cheek, she rolls her eyes and hangs her head in embarrassment. Suddenly, she realizes that Andrew has texted her. Trying to locate her phone, she realizes it's lost once again. With a sigh of relief, she engages the "find my phone" feature on her watch and successfully retrieves her phone, which was under her bag on the counter. She eagerly opens the text message from Andrew that reads, "I just wanted to say, I can always help reach for your laptop again." Blushing like a schoolgirl, Roxy can't help but feel excited. She wonders about Andrew's intentions – the way he confidently flirts with her but then becomes distant and serious. She questions whether his interest is genuine or just a result of his status as a billionaire. She admits to doing some research on him and discovering his reputation as a playboy, making her wonder if his behavior is simply his default personality.
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