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Her desk is a clean and sleek white, complemented by a counter and file cabinets underneath. Equipped with a computer, phone, and lamp, it is furnished with the essentials. One chair sits behind her desk, while two others are arranged in front. Roxy appreciates the simplicity and functionality of her workspace. Cat encourages her to personalize it, providing contact information to request additional furniture if needed. With a smile and a wave, Cat leaves her to familiarize herself with the computer and access her email. Taking a deep breath, Roxy allows herself a moment to absorb her surroundings. It's her first job after college, and already the office seems incredible. She finds herself in a magnificent workspace, surrounded by beautiful people, and her boss, who ignites desires within her that she knows she must suppress. Refocusing her thoughts, she takes a seat in her chair, gliding her hands across the empty desk, relishing in its cool and smooth surface. Memories of Saturday night flash through her mind, tempting her to indulge in forbidden desires. Roxy closes her eyes, inwardly wishing away the naughty thoughts and redirecting her focus. However, as she tries to clear her mind, new images take hold. She envisions being held in strong arms, the sensation of the cold wall against her back, and the smack on her ass. She scolds herself for allowing such thoughts to intrude, reminding herself that she is at work and must maintain professionalism. Opening her eyes, she shakes off the lingering fantasies, determined to stay grounded. Intent on familiarizing herself with the office's systems, Roxy contacts IT to address a password issue. It is discovered that she hasn't been entered into the system yet, prompting a chuckle at the irony of someone not doing their job. During the wait, she explores the cabinets in her office and discovers a printer, a locking drawer, and even a small refrigerator tucked away in the corner. After about an hour and a half, she finally gains access to the system. It has been a longer process than expected, but she remains eager to start her job. As she enters her password and the screen opens, she suddenly feels a pull, a sense that someone else is nearby. She hears a throat clearing, and her gaze lifts to meet his. Those light grey eyes lock onto hers, sending a wave of excitement through her body. In an instant, memories of Saturday night flood her mind, reigniting the passionate moments they shared. The moans, the wetness, the unforgettable kiss. Overwhelmed by the sensations rushing through her, she closes her eyes, attempting to temper the surge of desire. All she can think about is tearing off his clothes, riding him until pleasure consumes them both, and calling out his name in ecstasy. She opens her eyes, abruptly stopping the intrusive thoughts from taking over. Deep down, she knows it has to be him. "You scared me," she barely whispers, the smallness of her voice betraying the mix of emotions swirling within her. He smiles, his voice taking on a seductive tone as he asks, "I didn't mean to scare you. Do you like the office?" His words stir desire within Roxy, an urge that makes her imagine wrapping her legs around his face. She smiles warmly and replies, "It's absolutely beautiful. The view too." He agrees, his gaze fixed on her, never once glancing at the window. She blinks repeatedly, trying to process his flirtatious demeanor. Did he just flirt with her? A deep urge begins to stir inside Roxy, demanding release. She resists, squeezing her legs together and subtly adjusting herself in her seat. The ache within her grows, and she yearns for release. He notices her legs clenching, his jaw twitching as he looks at her with hooded eyes. Is she seeing him correctly? Is he looking at her with... desire? Nervously, she blushes as he walks towards her, closing the door behind him. She gulps, feeling a rush of anticipation as he strides closer. Her chest pounds with every step he takes. She takes in his enticing presence, analyzing every desirable aspect of him, yearning to indulge herself. His dark blue suit fits his body exquisitely, revealing the subtle movements of his muscles beneath the fabric. His inked hands peek out from the sleeves, displaying captivating artwork that tells its own story. The colorful shirt beneath the jacket, though barely visible, accentuates the tattoo on his neck, resembling a blossoming flower. His face boasts a strong jawline, irresistible lips, and enchanting eyes—embodies of godlike beauty. Without the beard he had last week, his features appear even more striking. This man could make any woman's desires overflow with just his proximity. It feels as if it should be illegal to be this enticing. She catches herself fantasizing about arresting him, securing him to her bed for looking this irresistible. Oh, the things she would do to him! Her inner vixen begins to envision primal encounters, and she becomes aware of her lips moistening. Hastily, she closes her legs, attempting to subdue the urge to pounce on her desk and take him right there in her office. Despite her efforts, the surge of desire lingers, intensifying as he sits down in front of her. His all-consuming gaze sends tantalizing thrills to the core of her being. He breaks the tension, asking if Ms. Rivera has shown her around the office yet, adjusting his shirt. It takes a moment for Roxy to regain her composure, but she manages to respond, "Yes, it is a beautiful space. Everything looks so modern and stylish." "That's unfortunate. I had hoped to give you a tour," he says, maintaining a composed expression. Roxy feels disoriented, unsure of his intentions. Moments ago, she thought he was flirting with her, but now it seems like there is nothing. She struggles to decipher his demeanor, questioning if her initial impressions were merely figments of her imagination. The look in his eyes that had intrigued her has vanished. Could it be that it was all in her head? She realizes the need to confirm if he was indeed the person from the club on Saturday. The uncertainty has been tormenting her, and she yearns for answers. Engaging him in conversation seems like the best approach to gather the information she seeks. "I just gained access to my computer as you walked in. I am still learning how to navigate your system, but I am a quick learner," she states with a half-smile that comes out faster than intended. Trying to sound casual, she inquires, "How was your weekend?" However, her attempt to conceal her anxiety falls short. Her eagerness seeps through her words, failing to appear nonchalant. Internally, she scolds herself, rolling her eyes at her transparent display of curiosity. He gazes at her with a perplexed expression, seemingly pondering how to respond. "Good," he replies coolly, offering a generic answer. Roxy's hopes for more insight are dashed. Perhaps he wasn't the person she encountered at the club after all. Disheartened, she continues probing for more information by asking, "What made it so good?" She averts her gaze momentarily, hoping to mask her eagerness for his answer. Leaning back in his chair, he replies, "It was productive; I typically find that traveling out of town leads to productivity." Wait! So, he was out of town? If he wasn't even in the city, it couldn't have been him at the club. Roxy's disappointment intensifies. Who did she share that passionate moment with? Who has filled her thoughts with fantasies? The mysterious pull she feels towards him, both at the club and now, crumbles without a foundation. Doubt creeps in, suggesting that perhaps it was all a product of her own imagination. She realizes the need to let go of this fixation. Attempting to steer the conversation in a different direction, Roxy shifts gears. "Why me?" she asks quietly, her curiosity piqued. He appears momentarily puzzled, requesting her to repeat the question. Summoning her courage, Roxy repeats, "Why me? Why did you choose to hire me? I am certain there were more qualified candidates." His expression softens into a smirk as he replies, "You made compelling arguments during your interview about the demand for experience combined with the reluctance to take a chance on someone without it. Your honest response resonated with me. And it's true, you have a clean slate. I can mold you to my liking!" There is a subtle glimmer of hunger in his eyes as he echoes her own words. Blushing with embarrassment, Roxy averts her gaze, unable to meet his intense stare. The heat rises in her cheeks, resembling the appearance of blush. Breaking the silence, he asserts his authority, commanding her attention, "There is something I want to discuss with you at the end of the day. Be in my office at 4:30." His authoritative tone piques something within her. Her inner vixen emerges, saluting him with desire burning in her eyes, "Yes, sir!"
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