Chapter 2: A Backstabbing Stepsister

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Brenda's POV "If you must know, Drake and I have been together for one whole year now." If your younger sister made such a statement about the only man you've dated for the last three years, what would you have done? Well, I think such things only happen to me. ***** We had been working our asses off for the past few days, trying hard to fix the new equipment that were acquired, and to attend to the patient that actually needed our attention. All of these were in preparation for the forthcoming Eclipse Mask Cultural celebration, which would take place in a few weeks time. "I haven't even introduced myself. My name is Brenda Tom, of the Blue Eclipse Pack. I work as a volunteer at our pack's clinic. "Brenda, make sure to record all of these in the register." Mrs. Susan, the doctor in charge of our packs clinic instructed, in her usual calm tone. "Okay Ma'am." I opened the drawer and surprisingly, the register wasn't in. I then went through the shelves, and still the register wasn't there. Then it dawned on me that the same register I'm looking for should be in my room. I took it home after my shift yesterday to complete the records as Dr. Susan instructed. Why did I forgot to bring it back to work when I had no idea? "Dr. Susan, please I'll need to grab something from my room real quick. I'll be back before you know it." "It's okay dear, take you time." The clinic was just some meters from the pack house where we lived. I grabbed my keys and my phone and walked out of the clinic. In the next few minutes, I stepped into the pack house and pushed the door open. It was about ten-forty five in the morning, and if not for the register I forgot in my room, I wouldn't have been here. As I stepped into the pack house, I heard some noises coming from upstairs. At first, I was really scared to the point of running away, but then I gathered some courage and moved in. Closing the door gently behind me, I tiptoed towards the staircase. My father and stepmother were supposed to be in our neighboring pack, something they didn't actually want me to know. Apart from the maids, the house should have been empty because Audrey had gone out and wouldn't return until evening. Where then was the noise coming from? As I got to the staircase, the noise coming from the first storey was the voice of someone crying quietly or whimpering in pain. As I climbed up a few stairs, I knew the voice was Audrey's. Fear instantly gripped me, I considered running away. I don't know where the courage came from, whether from my five feet, six inches height structure, or it was just the fact I couldn't just leave my stepsister, when she was in trouble. Whatever the courage was, I don't know but I kept climbing the stairs. Each step was taken with caution. Each step spelling out the reality of the danger before me. I didn't know what I'm going to do, or how I'm going to rescue her from the situation, but I knew I just had to show up. I had now reached the first storey, and was just a few meters from Audrey's room. The whimpering sound I heard earlier had now turned to heavy breathing. I became confused. What is going….? My thoughts were immediately interrupted by the loud moan that came from Audrey's mouth. "You're hitting the right spot babe. Hit me there harder, and don't f*****g stop." Before I could read meaning into those words, Audrey's voice pierced their way through the door and into my ears. It was a long and loud moan of pleasure, one that only left the lips during intense levels of s****l pleasure. "I love what your tongue is doing down there…..argh… Lick it faster babe….yeah, I love you…" Those words cleared up all the remaining doubts that may have lingered in my mind that Audrey was having an intensely hot s*x in there. I turned around to go to my room, because I couldn't listen to them any longer. She wasn't in trouble like I had thought earlier. Though I didn't hear the man's voice, all the while I stood there, it was obvious that she was really with a man. A man who was banging her so hard that she had to moan like some horny b***h. "Argh…….. don't f*****g stop babe….." Audrey continued shouting at whoever was fucking her in there. "I'm not going to c*m soon, so I won't stop." I had moved away from the door, and I would have descended the stairs, if I didn't hear the man's voice. It was a voice I could recognize anywhere, even in my dreams. If this was what I thought it was, then I knew it was….. Their loud moans interrupted my thoughts again. At this point, I was too curious to know if my suspicion was true. I prayed to the Goddess that it wasn't true, that the man f*****g Audrey in there wasn't the one I thought he was. As if suddenly possessed by some spirit, I moved towards the door, the anger boiling up inside of me woke up my animal. Putting my hand on the door handle, I push it open. It wasn't even locked in the first place. I stepped in immediately and the door swung open. Even the cracking sound of the door didn't bother them at all. I doubt they heard it at all. I watched as my worst nightmare played before my eyes. Drake, my boyfriend whom I've dated for the past three years, was pant down, f*****g my younger sister. They were so occupied with the pleasure they had that they didn't even notice my presence. Audrey was bent over, her legs were on the ground but her head rested on the bed. Drake positioned himself to take her from behind. He put all his energy into it and it was so hard. All the time I've had s*x with Drake, he has never been that passionate to the point of being completely drenched in pleasure. He even had his eyes closed. My throat got dried, and my brain malfunctioned. No word came to mind. My mind was just bland. I didn't know what to say or do, maybe because I never thought that such a thing could happen. I watched as he lifted one of her legs and then increased his pace while also tightening his grip on her waist. With the anger that was bottling up inside of me, I was ready to kill both of them. "What the f**k is going on here?" The word left my mouth before I could even think of stopping myself. "f**k ….. how in the world did you get in?" Audrey asked in confusion and frustration. Ignoring her, I turned to face Drake. "You……?" "How could you f*****g……" "Hold it right there Brenda. Don't even try calling him names." Audrey interrupted me. "After all, he wasn't yours in the first place." Audrey's last statement struck like a hard punch on the face. The pain of that statement was excruciating. I'm sure that it will leave a permanent mark on my heart. Since the truth was right there before me, there was no point living in assumption any longer. So, I summoned up courage and asked. "How long has this been going on?" I had tried as much as possible to Audrey, because I wasn't disappointed by her behavior, she has never liked me in the first place. And that was understandable since my father and stepmother didn't like me much, how could I even dare to expect her to have my back. My disappointment was with Drake, whom I loved and trusted. So I directed the question to him. "Brenda, I'm …." He began, but Audrey caught him short. " Don't you dare apologize to this loser." " Loser…?" At that point I lost my cool, and my hand collided with Audrey's face in a hot slap. She screamed from the pain, while Drake held me back. " How dare you?" She asked in anger. "If you must know, Drake and I have been together for one whole year now." Audrey's outburst got my knees weak and I began losing mind. Maybe, I didn't hear her very well… Or maybe she said that just to get me pissed off for slapping her. I turned to Drake again, but this time, the anger inside of me had builded up to the point that I couldn't talk smoothly again. "What the hell is she talking about? Tell me she's joking." Since Drake was the only one I had for the last three years, my entire world had always revolved around him. At that moment, I didn't know how to start living without him. My head started to spin as I thought about everything. The turmoil whirling inside of me was threatening to break me. I looked at Drake and silently prayed that all these would be one hell of a dream that I would wake up from. "Brenda, she is telling the truth." Those must have been the words from Drake's mouth that my brain was waiting for. As soon as I heard, my brain ceased and my heart stopped momentarily.
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