Chapter 3: Your Sister Is…All That Matters

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Brenda's POV I stretched myself on the bed and rolled from one end to another. It seemed like I had slept for so long. The soothing and comfortable rooms in here had made me sleep so well. As my consciousness slowly returned, I tried to figure out where I was. Nothing in the room was familiar to me, in the way that it should. Where am I? Slowly opening my eyes I pushed down the white duvet that covered my body. It was white, but it had some designs of Rose flower in it. This was strange, I don't remember having that kind of duvet in my room. Memories from the previous day started coming to my mind in little pieces. I remembered what had happened between my sister Audrey, and my boyfriend Drake. I remembered how they were breathlessly f*****g the hell out of each other. That thought produces a very sharp pain in my head, and a gentle whimper. Maybe the pain would have continued if not for the sweet scent of almonds that struck the olfactory receptors in my brain. No f*****g way! I exclaimed in my head as I thought about the scent. I can only smell almonds when I visit my granny's house. All that had happened must've been a dream then! No! That was just another nightmare. As I thought about the possibility that Drake didn't cheat on me with my sister, a sigh of relief left my lips. "There you are!" That didn't sound like a dream. That was my granny's voice. She never visited our house. I only get to see her if I visit her house. "You're finally awake." Granny's voice was getting closer now. Wait! Does that mean I'm in her house? How did I get here? "I brought you here." My wolf answered in my head. " Drink this!" Granny handed me a mug of hot tea, but I didn't really know the ingredients or the recipe. "That right there, will clear your headache. So drink!" I've grown up to trust my granny's prescription, and so I took a sip from the mug in my hand. "You'll be alright my dear." She said as she moved closer to me and envelopes me in her arms. "How did I get here?" I asked granny, since I didn't trust what my wolf was telling me. I mean, I found it difficult to do so. I've never ran from our house all the way down to my granny's, that was so many miles, and…. "You ran all the way down, and passed out when you got there." She pointed her frail finger to the spot where I was said to have fallen. "What really happened?" She asked, with all the calmness she could muster. I breathed in a large volume of air and braced myself on the bed before turning to face her. "I caught Drake cheating on me, with my sister…." I paused and fought back the tears that were forcing their way into my eyes. "The hardest part was when they told me that they were getting married, and that my dad had already agreed to it." The tears that I was trying to hold back all along began to fall freely. "Do you know that he's been cheating on me for over a year now?" "You'll be just fine dear. I'm going to….." Granny's phone began to ring, and interrupted her statement. She walked back to the living roommate to pick the call. As granny started to raise her voice, I instantly knew who she was talking to on the other end of the phone. It has to be my father, Alpha Tom. He has never allowed me to visit granny. All the times I came visiting, either I ran away from home or granny came there to pick me herself. Though dad never liked it when I visited granny, he never said no to her either, whenever she came to pick me. She came out of the living room and with a worried face, she began. "Your father…." "...Wants me to come back to the house." I interrupted her to complete the message that she started. "My dear, you don't have to go if you don't want to." I had always been on the run, and never faced my fears head on. But despite knowing that granny can keep me as long as I wanted, I decided to leave. "I'll go back." ***** "You should be responsible for your sister's happiness, and not the one to fight it." Luna Beatrice, my stepmother berated me, as soon as I entered the house. "But Drake was my boyfriend, shouldn't I be the one……" "At least your sister is happy, and that's all that matters." She cut me off. Of course, my happiness didn't matter at all. She didn't have to tell me that. Drake and I have dated for the past three years, he never talked about marriage in all those three years. But now, he's ready to walk down the aisle with my sister, Audrey. I rose up from the sofa and was about to walk to my room, but my stepmom's voice stopped me in my tracks. "Brenda, your father is about to retire from the family business and focus on the affairs of the pack." Retirement? I asked myself in my head. "He wants your sister to take over the affairs of the business, and so she needs to get married, and settle down. I scoffed at her illusion. I'm the bloody elder sister for crying out loud. I shouted at her in my head. "That frown on your face isn't what she needs right now, she needs all the support she can get to succeed. You should be happy for her" Happy for her indeed. Audrey, my stepsister, had always been placed before me. Despite being the elder sister, I've lived all my life in the shadows of my younger sister. My father didn't particularly like me. Did I say he didn't like me? That was indeed underrated. My father literally hated me. He despised my very presence. Handing over the family's business to Audrey was a reality I stumbled upon for a long time now, but I knew that despite him hating me, he wouldn't go that far. When I was younger, I had done everything to gain my father's attention, but he never saw me. I was excellent in my training. I respected my stepmom, despite knowing fully well that she doesn't like me. I respected her, so that my dad wouldn't have another reason to keep hating me. All my life, I've tried hard to prove myself worthy before my father. But still, he never saw me, and may never will. Granny had been the only thing that got my back. She is my maternal granny, and told me that my dad had been like that since I was born. Since the moment I arrived from granny's house, my mind had no rest after hearing all that my stepmom had to say. I walked to my room and fell on my bed like a log of wood. A lot of thoughts came to my mind on what I should do, but one question lingered on my mind for the longest time. Why did Drake leave me for my sister? To think that I was just a pawn he used to get closer to my younger sister, is among one of the truths that I found so hard to believe. In order to distract myself, I left my room and wandered around the house. Though my eyes were open, I was so absentminded to the point of hitting my leg on the furniture. I stumbled and fell on the floor, rising from the floor, I saw that the door to my dad's study wasn't locked. I sneaked into the study, with the hope of finding some of the things that he took from my room the last time that he was there. I quietly closed the door behind me, without locking it, and began my quick mission in the study. I opened a few drawers at the left side of the study. When I didn't see any of the things I was looking for. I moved towards his desk, but then an envelope on the center of the large desk caught my attention. With the hope of finding what I was looking for, inside the envelope, I picked it up and opened it. I brought a number of files out of the envelope and kept them on top of the desk. They were nothing like what I was looking for, so I proceeded to return them and search somewhere else. But then, my eyes caught sight of a document, and when I checked, there were other ones. It was as if life itself was drained out of me. The documents slid out of my hands and fell back on the desk. All those documents proved just one thing, and if it was true, then everything was taken away from me.
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