Part 14

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Caly’s POV In my head, I knew hiding Bia from others was what was safest, at least until the pups grew up a bit more, but my heart hurt, I felt horrible for commanding my kids. Grampy Darius helped me to explain things as best we could. What if they didn't understand, what if I was scaring them? What if I was projecting my fears onto innocent babies? They looked unaffected now, but what if they ended up in therapy 15 years down the road? Instead of feeling blessed by her wolf, Bia was now a secret. I loathed that. I was a sh*t Mom for bringing pups into the world knowing they could be a freak like me.  Darius sensing my inevitable breakdown took the kids (and Julia) out for a treat from one of the shops and I curled up into a ball on Stav’s lap and cried. He didn't try to convince me of anything or try to get me to stop, he just held me tightly until my well was completely dry. I sniffled in his warm scent with my stuffy nose. The Goddess really knew what she was doing, giving you someone to possess your heart and soul, calm all your fears and a Bond that made sure you knew you weren’t in this alone. I sent out a silent prayer of thanks. I stopped my tears and almost as if on cue, the Lunas came and dragged me into a bathroom. A cold cloth was pressed onto my face to reduce the swelling and my hand was slapped when I tried to take it off after only a minute. I didn't care what I looked like. Then they came at me with eye drops, under-eye cream, concealer, and a nice bright lipstick because "I was not going to wallow in self-pity under their watch." I was a Luna and they damn well expected me to act like it. There’s a never-ending list of things to do for an event as large as the Mating Ball, and as much as I didn’t want to be one of those Lunas who have to control everything, helping out with the party kept me too busy to worry about anything else. The males had all snuck off, so they wouldn’t be caught sitting on their paws doing nothing and risk getting nagged at by Anne or Kat. I suspected it was something fun and I tried not to be resentful. Mid-afternoon we stuffed ourselves full of appetizers instead of a real lunch and headed back to Anne’s home to get ready. She wanted to be all glammed up before the early arrivals. She even had a receiving dress, separate but still matching her evening gown. Too much like work if you ask me. Aggie did my hair and make-up, but I wasn’t putting on my dress until the last minute. I refuse. I took a moment to check in with Julia. It wasn’t just her being overwhelmed by the crowd tonight, I thought with all the desperation of people looking for their Mates might trigger her Seeker abilities. If she needed a sugar/caffeine fix or pep talk, I wanted to be there for her. I may not win any Mother of the year awards, but I was a good Luna and I wanted to get at least one thing right today. She looked gorgeous in her dress, and I told her so. Aggie had curled her long hair and she wore minimal make-up.  She was fidgeting nervously, so I asked if her wolf had anything to say. She grumbled something like “One way or another” but she wouldn't elaborate. I called the kitchen to bring us a pot of coffee. I drank one, she guzzled down the rest. She said she felt okay. Maybe this was as good as it gets considering how far we had thrown her out of her comfort zone. I reminded her about ten times that if she needed anything, she could link me or Terri. When our Pack arrived, I went out to greet everyone. I told everyone that I hope they find their Mates, but if not, the wait would always be worth it. I wanted them to have a good time, but I didn’t want any fussing or fighting. I reminded them both Terri and Stavros would be watching.  When my younger Brother arrived, Lincoln had five single she-wolves with him. I knew for a fact there were three Mateless males at Moon’s Heart that were eligible this year, so I asked him about it, thinking the boys travelled together and there must be a third car coming later. “They weren’t interested in finding their Mates any time soon,” Lincoln replied with a shrug. “You can’t be serious? Why didn’t you encourage them?” I was speaking way too loudly, but I was floored. What is wrong with young males these days?  “Of course I spoke to them. I even mentioned my dear little Sister would like to see them. It was still a No Go.”  “I’m older than you,” I say wryly. “You’re still short.” To prove his point he propped his arm to rest on top of my head. I gave him a friendly push. I was saving him from having to explain my messy hair to the Aggster, as he called Aggie.  “Cal, they are grown adults and can make their own decisions. You ladies get all hot and h*rny with the romantic notion of having a soul made just for you to whisk you off your feet. I don’t think you see it from a guy’s standpoint - there really is no rush to settle down. For some guys, it takes a lot longer for our biological clocks to kick in. Only the higher ranks ever need to worry about producing an heir.” “Is that how you feel?” I say, concerned that he is one of those ‘Guys’ who is willing to turn away one of the Goddess’s true blessings. “I’m not Stavros, Cal. I’m here leading by example, aren’t I? I don’t want to waste an opportunity like this, but if it doesn’t happen this year, I’m not going to worry about it. It will happen when the time is right.” I suppose he’s right. Lincoln is still young and can afford to be patient.  I drag him back to Luna Anne’s to settle in and play with the kids until it’s time for the festivities. I'm thankful the pups are smiling and happy. Maybe they are young enough to bounce back. Children are resilient, aren't they? ****** Stavros’s POV I watched with a smile as Caly played with Lincoln and the kids. I can sense through the Bond that Caly doubts her ability as a parent, she had hated what she had to do this morning and the guilt was eating her alive most of the day. I don’t know how to express to her that she best Mother I could ever hope for our kids. She spent all her free moments with her family, laughing and playing, dropping everything to sit on the floor and play with the kids. She wasn’t one of those perfect Lunas who was worried more about getting ready to party just to impress other people. Caly knew what was important to her and she was doing it.  Luna Anne had found a bunch of toys from somewhere so Carrissa was playing ‘Coffee Party’ with the tea set (because no one drinks tea, Daddy) and Caly had Atlas with a toy train set delivering the cups to all the ‘guests’. Each pup doing their own thing, yet still playing together. Caly had a way of explaining everything to the kids. Our kids could ask any “Why, Momma?” question and she would explain so patiently. Most times they didn’t even have to ask, she was already right there telling them. When it was time to get ready, I was standing at the bathroom sink running a razor over my five o’clock shadow. Caly had come in with Carrissa on her hip, to give herself a once over in the mirror before heading downstairs. Carrissa was watching me intensely. “Why does Daddy shave, Momma?” “Because Daddy looks extra handsome when he shaves. When he shaves off his prickles his skin feels soft and it doesn’t tickle.” Our eyes connect through the mirror. “I do it hoping one of my two favourite girls will check to see if I feel soft and kiss my cheeks." I rinse and dry my face? "Doesn’t anyone want to check me?” Caly steps forward and Carissa pats my cheek, I pretend to bite her fingers until she has a fit of giggles. Her Mom kisses my cheek, then Carrissa, back and forth until I have had at least three kisses each and we are all howling with laughter. Carrissa squirms out of Caly’s arms to find Atlas. It gives me a moment to appreciate the sexy dress my Little Mate is wearing. It’s a bit different from Caly’s usual style. It’s a little black dress with a lace overlay that hugs all of her soft curves. The dress underneath reveals a sweetheart neckline, held up by thin straps and only comes down about mid-thigh. The lace covers her from her neck all the way down to her knees, letting you see only little flashes of her creamy skin underneath. For most people, I suppose it’s a tease of what’s underneath, but for Caly it’s the security of being fully covered, scars and all. She stares into the mirror frowning, she seems to be second-guessing her choice. “Anne and Kat are both wearing full gowns, do you think this dress is too short? Terri said I needed to look my age, but I am a Luna and a Mother, I’m supposed to look mature and established. Formal.” “You look delicious, and you are far too young to be considered a traditional MILF,” I tease her as I grab her hand and twirl her slowly to see her from all angles. F*ck her @ss looks incredible, it makes my d*ck twitch. “I’ll be sinking my teeth into you later,” I whisper as I lean into her ear, nipping at her earlobe. She shivers at the simple touch. I spin her quickly, bringing her in for a smouldering kiss. “Stop that!” she whispers all flustered. She knows if this goes much further we will be very, very late to the Ball. “Get your tie and jacket,” she pushes me towards the bedroom. Everyone is already downstairs, Caly bends down to kiss each kid on the top of the head. I’ll have to remind her not to bend down in public.   The kids are staying here with Tucker’s Den Mother and a guard. Terri and Julia are convinced it will only be for a short while anyway, they will bail out of the party the first chance they get. Julia hates crowds and people her own age. Terri says she’s too old for this sh*t and seems low on self-control today. All those horny males better watch out, she’s likely to boot stomp any f*cker who gets too touchy-feely with her. The good thing about Terrier is she can handle herself.  ****** Julia’s POV After Alpha Darius took me and the pups out this morning, I stayed in my room and out of the way all day long hoping to be forgotten about. I willing did my homework, for the first time ever, and once that was done I just started drawing. Mrs. Alpha came upstairs to make sure I was getting ready, right when I was having a serious conversation with my wolf. My wolf is more nervous than I am. She keeps telling me by the end of tonight I will find what I seek, that I will have it, one way or another. Is that supposed to make me feel better? I know she can’t narrow down her predictions exactly, but shouldn’t it be different when she’s talking to me? We are one person, but I feel like she’s acting shady, hiding something important from me. Aggie had made my hair pretty, so all I had to do was get in the dress. Mrs. Alpha forced me to put it on, bribing me with coffee. She said all those motherly things, “Look at you! You're so pretty! This will be so much fun!” Fun? That’s a lie. She knew it. I knew it. She didn’t like this stuff either, she just can’t admit it because that would be un-Luna-like and the other Lunas already had to lock her in the bathroom to hound her about ‘Duty’ once today. Luna Anne is so perfect it’s terrifying. Especially her deal with the make-up. They must put whatever mind-control agent they are using on her in that lipstick. It must numb her brain and be highly addictive. She touches up her lipstick every single hour. Mrs. Alpha came out of that bathroom with that bright lipstick on her face looking like a robot and talking about canapes and champagne and that’s when I decided to hide in my room. Now we were standing in the hallway of the Packhouse, lined up in small herds like sheep. They want to announce us all in Packs. Only the Alphas or Lunas were actually named. It seemed pretentious to my wolf but I was kinda glad that those stupid boys would see me with Mr. Alpha and Scary Terri. I saw Alpha Lincoln walk in and girls literally screamed. I didn't think he was that good-looking. More boyish good looks, not like a fully hot, grown-up Alpha yet. Must be because he's an Alpha and available. The she-wolves were going to do more than scream when Alpha Tucker gets up on the stage. He might be older than most of the girls, but he was god-like handsome, on top of being an Alpha and rich. I betcha he could get a small Pack of girls to follow him to his bed tonight. ‘I'd follow him if it weren’t for my Mate,’ my useless wolf adds in.   I would NOT follow him. The hotter the guy is the more trouble he is. Look at what happened the other day at the mall? I know that Alpha Tucker has had a lot of she-wolves. Maybe even hundreds of them. He’s a one and done, Terri says.  They finally announce Blood Pact and Mr. and Mrs. Alpha. They also mention Gamma Theressa. That causes a ripple of murmurs amongst the crowd. Terri slides her hand along her thigh and in one swift movement pulls out a tiny penknife, flips it open and hurls it into a helium balloon that had escaped and was bobbing along the roof at the far end of the room. She lets out a loud growl before we all hear the POP! I jump. Everyone is now gawking at us. Great. Some of the people who were talking about Terri stand petrified with their mouths hanging open. “For the love of the Goddess, Terri! Can we just get through one of these events without you causing a scene!” Mrs. Alpha hisses and rubs her temples.  “Where the f*ck did you have that knife tucked?” Mr. Alpha laughs until his Mate gives him a look and flashes her fangs. She tensely looks around for Luna Anne, hoping she wasn’t caught doing something so un-Luna-like. She steps behind Terri and pats her hips then tugs Terri’s dress down as far as it will go. It’s not very far, she’s wearing a mini mini-skirt.  “Looking for something, my Queen?” Terri looks mischievous and does not mind the attention at all. “I’m sure you wouldn’t throw away your only weapon. Hand it over!” Terri laughs at her and Luna Anne does come over, Mrs. Alpha stands stiffly and puts that fake robot face on. “Let’s move along everyone!” Luna Anne grits out through her teeth, her lips didn’t even twitch. “Lots of Packs to still introduce!” No one actually moves. Mr. Alpha pinches his Mate on the bum to help her remember how to walk, and finally, we are all shifted off to the side with everyone else. I stand quietly, not listening, and not willing to look at anyone in the face. My nose twitches involuntarily, my wolf is hard at work. Everyone’s nose is sniffing at the air, hoping to smell something alluring and life-changing. I try not to breathe too deeply. I wouldn’t mind a Mate, I guess, but I don’t want to run into any more jerks. I hope my Mate doesn’t find me tonight. What if he wants me to go with him to his Pack? I don’t want to move again. Mr. Beta and everyone else at BP make sure that I always feel nice and safe. What if the new Pack is scarier than Blood Pact, or meaner than Silvermoon? I can’t. I just can’t! After everyone is announced I can let out the breath I was holding. The crowd is starting to mingle. Noses are in the air and the first couple finds each other at the center of the dance floor. I take a quick glance around. No sexy male scents trying to grab my attention. No weird feelings or tingling sensations. I am home free! 'We will find what we seek. One way or another.'
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