Part 13

3764 Words
Caly’s POV  I had needed my Mate so desperately last night. I craved his rough touches, the love bites and the relentless pounding so I could feel something, anything, other than the sadness that poured out of those blasted Council files and right into my soul. Stavros easily read me and gave me what I needed and held my trembling body afterwards so gently, as if afraid I would break. I began to kiss him again, slow and languished, and he again gave me all that I needed. He sensually rocked his hips as we laid facing one another, entering me with smooth strokes that made my insides flutter and made love to me until I calmed down enough to fall asleep. As I drifted off I held him tight, afraid to let him go. He was a large, intimidating Alpha, but he was Mine and he would keep all the other monsters out there at bay. He woke me gently by trailing his warm hands down my n*ked back. He was wide awake, I wondered what time it was. Warrior training was so damned early back home, they trained in the dark, but the light was starting to peek through the curtains, it must be closer to 7 am.  "I wanted to make sure you were okay this morning before I joined Tucker and Terri outside for a run." Yes, Tucker had training, but nothing as serious as at Blood Pact.  "I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?" I say trying to play down his worries. "You weren’t fine yesterday and you weren't fine last night,” he says softly as he pulled my body to lay over his own. He held my wrist and rubbed his thumb over my tattoo, the one that said strong. "Okay, I wasn't. You and the pups are here, I feel much better now." "Good, I am glad I could help." He kisses the inside of my wrist and gives me a c*cky smirk, thinking it's because of the s*x, but it’s more than that. I slap his chest lightly.  "Go play with the warriors. I need to get showered before the pups wake up. I doubt Luna Anne's staff has even started breakfast, so I will have to forage for some cereal or fruit to fill up your Son until breakfast time." Stavros grabs his toothbrush and shorts to quickly get ready, and I grab jeans and a sweater. Screw the office dress code, I think to myself. The files have all been scanned, I can work from anywhere really and be here for the pups.  I stand under the stream of my boiling shower. I barely have had a minute to gather my thoughts when suddenly the shower door slides open, Stav reaches in and reaches past me to turn the taps down to a more reasonable, slightly less than scalding temperature. On his way out the door, he lets me know he will check in on the pups, if they are awake he will send them in here. We can’t risk Atlas running around an unfamiliar kitchen, Goddess only knows what he might get into or up to, up being the operative word. They are sitting on the bed when I get out of the bathroom. Daddy must have turned the TV on for them.  “Daddy and Terri went out to teach Alpha Tucker how to train,” my sweet girl says. “I’m sure Alpha Tucker knows how to train, so let’s not mention Daddy said that, okay? It’s not polite.”   “Daddy didn’t say it, Auntie Terri did.” Why am I not surprised? Oh wait, because I’m not. “Are you hungry? Breakfast won’t be until after Daddy gets back,” I look at Atlas, he’s the one who can’t let his little tank go on empty.  “I wait for Daddy,” his eyes don’t come away from the screen. Well then, I’ll just go try to do something with my hair. Afterwards, I crawl onto the bed and lean against the headrest, and the kids gravitate towards me like we are magnetically connected, one tucked tight on each side. I wouldn’t mind being cuddled in bed with the kids all day. Kind of reminds me of movie nights.  Stavros returns after another hour, while he showers and I dress the kids. We head downstairs together, and say our “Good Mornings.” "I want to preserve everyone’s good vibes for this morning, I think we should avoid all Council business today,” Luna Anne states as she takes a dainty bite of her omelet. Luna Anne is obsessed with perfection, I don’t think I have ever witnessed her eat any kind of baked goods or sweets. She was anti-carb long before Keto. There is a twisted sweet bread with apples and icing with today’s breakfast, and I can’t wait to dig in. She must have incredible willpower. Julia is the exact opposite of willpower, whatever that is, she seems to be eating the carb-shunning Luna’s share. I watch as Elder Darryl observes his wife, he’s thinking about his response. Just as he goes to speak, she puts down her fork and glares at him for a solid thirty seconds before he drops his eyes and concedes. I wonder if after 25 years I will wield that kind of power over Stav. Nah, that won’t ever happen. “I was only thinking of convenience, we are only going to be together in the same place for a short while,” he says to pacify her. “I’ve already spoken with Anne, she knows the pups are here, so I expect she’ll be here any minute. Kat, Caly and I have some important Luna things to do at the Packhouse this morning so we can be ready for tonight,” Anne leaves no room for him to question it. “Perhaps it would be best not to do it today, I nudge my head towards my pups before I look to see what they were up to. Atlas and Julia are having a race to see who can finish their pastries first, I immediately wish I hadn’t brought the Luna’s attention to their unrefined eating. Luna doesn’t bat an eye. “I don’t know how much help I can be, seeing as I have to watch these guys like a hawk. Close your mouths when you chew, were you raised by wolves?” Julia and Atlas look like critters caught in the headlights. I sigh out loud. “Wait until the little fellow decides he needs to act like a wolf 24/7. Tucker spent two months pretending to be a wolf. No talking, just growling at me. He would only eating what he could forage from the fridge directly, because he wouldn’t use a plate, fork or spoon. I would find him outside naked and he was so impossible filthy all the time, he tried to bite me when I would bathe him.” She whispers lowly, so I can hear but Atlas can’t. “How did you manage to get him to stop.” I’m worried for future me, Atlas seems very in tune with his animalistic side already. Was this all pups or just the boys? I can’t really see Carissa doing this, but what if she just wanted to be like Bia? “Tucker actually bit my arm once and that was the final straw. Darryl caught him by the scruff of his neck and gave his command growl. He made him apologize to me before he dragged him down to the watering hole to enact his plan. He told Tuck that he would have to bathe down there and sleep in the trees. No more food from the kitchen or any TV,” she had a sparkle to her eye. No matter how frustrating it must have been at the time, she was remembering this with fondness. “Did it work?” It didn’t sound like too much of a plan to me, Atlas wouldn’t be swayed so easily, that’s for sure. “Not right away, my Tucker has always been stubborn, you know that. His Dad stayed outside with him all that day talking to him about being a wolf, hunting and surviving in the wild. When it got dark and close to bedtime, Darryl told him time for a bath. It was October, once Tucker toed the cold water, he was more than ready to have hot food, a warm bath, pyjamas and a nice cozy bed.” Luna Anne let out real belly laugh and I joined her. “I was going to stick close to the pups today. They grow up so fast.” Yes, it was a low blow after she shared her pup story with me, but I was sure the staff knew what they were doing and they certainly didn’t need another Luna breathing down their necks. “Julia and I can watch the pups, my Luna. You go over to the Packhouse and get the place ready for the Ball,” Terri volunteers with a wicked gleam in her eye. She thinks I don’t know she did that deliberately not to have to hang out all day with me and two micro-managing, party-crazed Lunas.  ‘Better you than me,’ she laughs through the mind-link. ‘It’s a damn good thing you arrived when you did, my Queen. Can you imagine me throwing a f*cking cocktail party or trying to be nice to string of @sshole Alphas and their stupid fake girlfriends?’ ‘Oh please, you would get yourself blacklisted on purpose.’ Back then, Stavros would probably enjoy her making other Alphas look weak and would have gone along with it.  The front door swings open, and people enter. “Knock, Knock Mother! I found some old strangers outside, I thought I would bring them along,” Tucker calls loudly. “In the dining room!” she says back, even as she gets up to go greet whoever it is.  I sniff as footsteps approach, I brace myself for the squeals the children will make. “Grampy! Grammy!” Carrissa is first out of her seat as she flies towards them. Luna Kat picks her up and gives her a big squeeze, and Darius leans over his Mate’s shoulder to say hello and kiss the top of her head. Atlas also ran over, he tugs on the Grampy’s pant leg. "Grampy! Grampy, I can roar loud! Wanna see?" "Alright young Alpha, give me a mighty roar!" He crouches down to eye level with Atlas. "Roooaaaarrrr!" He has some power in that small body. “Very good! You are going to be a mighty wolf,” Darius says as he smiles and ruffles his hair. "You do, Grampy! Roar!" Atlas asks excitedly. Carrissa asks Kat to get down so she can watch with Atlas.  "That's not a good idea, that might scare them and freak out the Omegas,” I try to warn him off roaring with everyone around.  "Yeah, Grampy. Show the Littles whatcha got, old man," Tucker goads Darius into it.  Darius stands and unleashes his powerful voice, loud enough to rattle the glass. It's a sound I rarely ever heard despite living in his Pack for 19 years. Carissa has the appropriate reaction, turning from him and whimpering before scaling her Daddy’s legs trying to bury herself in his arms.  Atlas claps and throws his arms up and waits for his Grampy to lift him into his arms. Darius looks at him in shock, I shake my head 'No' so fast it probably appeared as though I was shivering from the cold. No one knew outside us and Colin. I trusted Tucker a fair bit, but his father is an Elder and certain things are still supposed to be reported. It would only take one offhand comment in front of Darryl and my kids would be watched like a hawk. My heart was thundering in my chest and Stavros gripped my hip tightly, rubbing his thumb in circles trying to calm my nerves.  Darius takes it all in and his skin pales. He lifts Atlas quickly and holds his head close to his chest, pretending to comfort him. "You're such a big, brave Alpha, Atlas." Anne had been distracted talking to Kat. Either Tucker hadn't noticed or didn't know enough about kids to judge Atlas’s reaction.  Everyone still sitting at the table was behind us, but I still looked around the room for any odd reactions. ‘Breathe, Little Mate. The only one nervous is you, let’s not bring attention to it,’ Stavros’s soothing voice murmurs through our link. I do as he asks and nod at him. “Atlas, you better go finish your breakfast, I wanted to have a quick talk with your Mother and Father.” Darius carries him over to his seat and steals a piece of pastry off the serving plate. “Anne, may we use your sitting room?”  “Of course!” Anne says graciously. Darius grips me gently by the elbow and leads me to a part of the house I don’t recall. I look over my shoulder, Stav and Terri are both following us. The room has very old, red velvet-covered furniture and a writing desk that is made to look old, or perhaps it is old and just refinished. The shelves are lined with so many fragile knick-knacks, I would be terrified to let a pup into this room. The door closes and the lock clicks behind me. “How are you doing, Calypso? You certainly didn’t look well yesterday,” Darius is as concerned as always, looking deep into my eyes. I may have grown up and moved Packs, but I think Darius will worry about me until his last breath. “The past few days have been rough emotionally. I feel much better now that everyone is here,” I tell him honestly. “Lune Anne has forbidden us from working today, she doesn’t want us ruining the party atmosphere.” “Good, good. I think you could use the break, too. It’s not just the work that is concerning you though, is it, Calypso?” I suck in a breath.  “Is it the pups?” he presses. My face must have given me away because Darius frowns and Stav shifts his weight from foot to foot. Stav catches my eyes, and speaks softly in my mind, ‘You can choose what you tell him, Caly. I’ll follow your lead.’ ‘Athena?’ I only call her name, she already knows what I am going to ask her. ‘Tell him. Alpha Darius is a good Alpha. He will guide us as best he can.’ She firmly believes in him and I do too. “Theressa, can you scan the room?” She slowly walks around with her listening gadget. I wait til she gives the all-clear.  I spill all my worries about the kids quickly from my lips like so much word vomit. Darius sits quietly and listens intently, taking it all in. “You aren’t comfortable letting the Blackhearts know any of this?” He finally says. “Tucker and I get along, but his mouth often doesn’t know when to quit. Elder Darryl is a good man, but he’s also good at his job. You told me your biggest regret was involving the Council in my life. I am not going to have that same regret.” I give him my truth.  “Have you tried proving Bia is Carrisa’s wolf?” Darius asks. “I don’t know how I would do that.” “Perhaps we need to test them with an Alpha command.” “Alphas are so intense, I don’t want to scare them. They are still so little, and I don’t want them to think they have done something wrong.” ‘Let me talk to the pups. I have been controlling your aura for a long time, to save your energy and not draw attention to us. I will try not to frighten the pups, and they know their Mama and her wolf won’t hurt them.’ Athena seems convinced this is a good idea. “What does Athena have to say?” Darius asks me. No matter how quick the conversation is or how much I try to hide it, he always knows when I am talking to Athena. “She thinks it could work, and the kids would take it better coming from me.”  “I’ll go get the pups then,” Darius slaps his knees and heads off to find the pups. Atlas arrives not a care in the world. Carrissa becomes alert as she sees all the worried faces in the room. “Hello, my Darlings,” I give them each a hug. “Momma, are you sad?” My daughter says as she c*cks her head to one side. “No, I’m not sad. I want to talk to you about something very important so I need you both to listen to me, okay?” I’m sure they don’t know what to make of this. “Okay, Momma,” Carrissa says softly. “I want you to tell Grampy Darius about Bia. Everything you can. Can you see her? Can you talk to her whenever you want? How often does Bia talk to you? What does she say.” “I can’t see Bia. I don’t talk to Bia, but sometimes she talks to me. She tells me things, like not to let Attly glue his hair. Bia says when I am bigger she will be my wolf. Is Bia bad Momma?” Her little eyes look at me so sadly, it makes my own eyes well up with tears. I blink and force a smile onto my face to reassure her. “No Bia, isn’t bad. Our wolves try to help us, to know what we should or shouldn’t do. That’s why she tried to warn you and Atlas not to put glue in his hair. She knew it would make a big mess that you couldn’t fix by yourself. When a big kid turns 16, they get usually get their wolf. Momma was only 11, so I was a bit early. Julia’s wolf could talk to her early, but she hasn’t turned into her wolf yet, so she’s late. It looks like you can talk to your wolf really early. Do you understand so far?” Carrissa nods eagerly, and I notice Atlas paying attention too. So far, so good. Now comes the hard part. “Do you remember Momma’s wolf?” “Atteena,” Atlas says and I smile at him. “That’s right, Athena. When she talks my voice will be deeper, and my eyes go black. She wants to try to talk to each of you, but she doesn’t want you to be scared, okay?” “I brave, Momma!” Atlas tells me, an adorably serious look on his face. “Okay. I’m going to let Athena speak to you first, my brave boy. She’s going to try and get you to do something silly, something you shouldn’t do. I want you to try not to do what she says, okay?” I slowly allow my eyes to go black as I watch my son, ready to pull back if he gets frightened. “Hello, my Little Alpha warrior.” “Can you make big teefs?” He asks, seemingly not frightened at all. Athena opens my mouth wide and slowly allows the fangs to grow out. Atlas immediately sticks a finger in my mouth to poke a tooth. “Attly! Bia says wolf teeths are sharp!” Carrissa tugs her Brother’s arm away. “Bia is right, all wolf teeth are sharp. If you touched the tip it would cut your skin.” Athena gently takes my finger and presses against a canine and a small spot of blood appears. “Bia’s right,” Atlas agrees. Something tells me Atlas is going to be listening to Bia a lot more seriously in the future. “Are you ready, warrior?” Athena asks. I feel my energy increase as my aura gains strength, Carrissa backs away, seeking the safety of a grown-up’s arms. Darius reaches for her first, pulling her onto his lap. “Atlas, go kick your Daddy for me?” she commands and howls of laughter ring about my head. Athena is enjoying this. “No Atteena! Momma says no fightin’.” He pulls an angry face and clenches his tiny fists. “Kick him!” She commands loudly, Carrissa whimpers in the background. “NO!” Atlas hollers at me, he’s angry with me now, and I can detect the power of his command already. It’s small now, but it’s growing. “Good, my Son. Do not let other wolves make you do something you know is wrong.” Athena whispers to him as we hug him. “Looks like he did get a bit of you, after all, Calypso,” Darius says slyly with a wink. “Your turn Carrissa, can you be brave like Atlas?” She shakes her head, not even wanting to get off his lap. “Come to me, Carrissa,” Athena says in the smallest command voice I have ever heard. She slides off Darius’s lap, but I can tell she doesn’t want to and is more confused as to why this is happening. I push forward to comfort her, “It’s okay Baby, Momma won’t make you do anything silly.” Looking relieved she comes flying into my lap. I kiss every inch of her face until she giggles at me and I know she’s okay. “Well now, what do I do?” I ask Darius. “We are going to explain why we need to keep Bia a secret for only family, and all the rules that will keep her safe,” is Darius’s no-nonsense reply. I see him pass an odd look over to Stav, and he slowly nods his head.  I immediately worry about how much a pair of nearly three-year-olds are going to be able to understand and how are they going to remember something so important?  “I can see the concern clearly on your face, Calypso. You may not like this, but you are going to have to command her to follow them,” Darius’s firm voice shocks me, “But if you can’t, Stavros and I will.”
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