Part 17

3758 Words
Julia’s POV Erik led me by the hand through the crowd on the main level, I couldn’t take my eyes away from his hand. It was much larger than my own and rough with callouses but his touch was gentle as sparkles swirled halfway up my arm just from this simple connection. There was so much I wanted to ask him, but as we neared the elevator I could sense his impatience. The crowd of newly Mated wolves had grown in just the 15 minutes or so since I last passed through. “Um…” I stammered, not a good start. I need to be confident, I know my way around here, “Where do you want to go? I know where the stairs are.” “Yeah, let’s do that. I’m on the third floor, which floor are you on?”  “I’m staying with Luna Anne.” “Is that your Luna?” “No, That’s Alpha Tucker’s Mother. I guess that makes her the former Luna, but Alpha Tucker isn’t mated, so... We are staying at the Blackheart family’s home,” I finished before I could say anything else that sounded stupid. “You’re close with the Luna, or the former Luna?” He says confused. “Well, no. Mrs. Alpha is, she used to work here, she also went to school with Alpha Tucker.” “Who’s Mrs. Alpha? Why don’t you call her Luna if she is married to an Alpha?” “Well… She is an Alpha, she shares her Pack with her brother, Alpha Lincoln. Probably not for much longer, he’s old enough to take ownership of it.” “Your Pack is f*cked up. Who was the crazy chick?” he asks and I stop dead in my tracks so I can look him in the eyes. Gosh, he’s good-looking. No, I can’t let him distract me. “We are not screwed up, we just run things a bit differently. We’re unique. The crazy one is Terri, she’s our Gamma.” “So she was Mated to a Gamma then? What happened to him?” “Terri isn’t Mated, she’s just the Gamma, Terri is tough. Mrs. Alpha killed the last Gamma and gave the job to Terri.” “You have a female Alpha and a Female Gamma? Holy sh*t! How hasn’t your Pack been steam-rolled by rogues already?” That’s kinda super sexist, Terri would have already stabbed him sixty-nine times for insinuating she wasn’t strong enough to be Gamma. “We are Blood Pact, we have Mr. Alpha Stavros,” I say angrily. “We earned our reputation, and Terri is a lot of the reason for that! She can take on a guy three times her size.” It sounds boastful, but it’s also true. She wouldn’t hesitate to show my Mate why she’s the damn Gamma. He better be careful around her. Maybe I should warn him. “Have you always been with Blood Pact?” He looks as though he’s trying to read me, but I’m a Calculus textbook. Somehow he can’t figure out my equation. “Well, no. We moved around a lot when I was a kid.” I don’t want to tell him too much. It’s gonna sound terrible that I’ve lived in five different Packs and even as a Rogue for a few months. He’s going to think I’m crazy or unloyal or worse! I feel a bit shaky, I hope he doesn’t notice my trembling. “I like my Pack now, they make me feel safe and cared for.” “I didn’t think you could be born in Blood Pact. You aren’t…” he stops himself from finishing. “I’m not what?! What are you trying to say,” Shoot, I’m sounding whiny again. My wolf decides to come a bit more forward, stilling my shaking hands and fixing my posture. ‘Maybe we should let him do the talking. I want to know more about him,’ my wolf says wistfully. “I just meant you’re just a bit delicate, compared to your Gamma, and I’m glad for that. Listen, I don’t want to argue our first night,” he says softly as he coaxes me towards the stairs. We walk the rest of the way to his room and I ask him questions about himself, and he tells me in short, concise answers. He unlocks the door and he gestures for me to go in first. I guess being carried over the threshold is too much to ask for. Wait that’s when you get married, then I remember wolves don’t always get married. Weddings are until death do you part, they’re not eternal like the Mate bond, so lots of wolves don’t bother. ‘Do we want to get married?’ my wolf aks, but I doubt she’s asking my opinion, more like she’s talking to herself. I’m not even sure the whole Mate thing is going to work out. Just as the thought enters my head, I am picked up and pressed against the wall, roughly knocking the wind from my lungs, my lips open to gasp for a breath of air and my mouth is invaded by an eager tongue. My body and my wolf betray me, she lets a purr rumble out of my chest and I can feel the vibration and the sparkles travel all over my body. All my senses are going haywire. I remain a bit stiff as his hands roam over my body, reaching down he tugs on my outer thighs. Before I can figure out what he’s doing he slaps my outer thigh and I yelp and I jump a bit, he takes advantage of my surprise to grip my thighs and wrap them around his hips. I can feel his maleness is hard and firmly pressed in between my legs. Before I can even think of pumping the breaks, my wolf pushes at my controls again. ‘Relax, he is our Mate. He wants us!’ She’s enjoying all the sudden attention and starts rubbing and groping him right back. I can feel tingles erupt on the inside of my body to go with the sparkles all over my outsides. I moan out as heat floods my cheeks. “I love hearing your sweet moans, Little Doe,” he whispers into my ear as he spins us around. He slides down the zipper of my dress before I can protest, in the blink of an eye he’s pulled it off and he’s stripping off his own clothes, we both look at each other our eyes devouring each other’s form in just our underwear. His eyes are dark and lust-filled, his wolf is present and wanting to pounce. It’s so hot and sexy, like looking at molten chocolate. “Beautiful,” he whispers as he walks to the end of the bed, “And all Mine.” He looks deeply into my eyes as he picks up my ankle, raising it to his lips. He leaves a trail of kisses from my ankle to my knee. He lays my first leg down and picks up the other, again leaving kisses as he watches my reaction. It’s hot in here. Oh my goodness, I am sweating and panting already. He puts my leg down, leaving me spread wide open and crawls onto the end of the bed and settles in between my knees. He leans down to leave open-mouthed kisses alternating between both legs and halfway up my thighs. All I can do is watch mesmerized, and listen to the howling in my head from my shameless wolf. A c*cky smirk adorns his handsome face before his long tongue escapes those s*xy pink lips and he licks my inner thighs. My thighs snap together with a mind of their own, and he lets out a small chuckle while he pries my legs apart. He doesn’t have to pry too hard, my wolf is more than willing to let him do anything and everything right now. I mean it does feel really, really goooood. “You smell so good. I want a taste.” Um..what? My wolf fills my head with images of him and where he can put that long tongue. I don’t notice his quick movements to rip the panties from me, he doesn’t use his claws, just his bare hands and I feel the burn as fabric rips against my skin. I open my mouth to protest and my wolf won’t let me form any words, I only make a breathless noise. He uses those warm hands of his to hold my thighs apart and against the bed while his head dips down.  I squeal in shock the moment he takes the flat of his tongue to lick a straight line up my v*lva. “Did I startle my Little Doe? Give me a minute and those innocent eyes will be rolling into the back of your pretty head.” He was right, the second his tongue slid inside my walls my eyes rolled back in my head and I let out an embarrassingly loud moan. He went to town down there. While he was working his mouth over my cl*t I saw shooting stars and moonbeams and gushed down there. I was mortified, but he didn’t seem to mind. He distracted me by sliding a finger inside me.  He suddenly got off the bed and reached for his pants, while I wondered what he was doing. He reached in a pocket and retrieved a tiny, foil square packet. He had ripped it open with his teeth before it registered it was a condom and I was about to lose my virginity. I was in equal parts immensely worried and desperately wanting more. “Um… I haven’t, um… You know.” Real mature, Julia, I think to myself we can’t even say the word s*x without blushing. “I know, I got you, you’re warmed up now. It will feel a bit odd, you’ll do feel stretched and it might hurt a bit.” He sounded like an expert, maybe he was? “Have you been with someone before?” I blurted it out of my mouth without my brain censoring it. My wolf huffed indignantly, not sure if she thought it was a stupid question or jealousy that Erik might have a past. He didn’t answer right away, he looked as if he was choosing his next words carefully. I knew he definitely had s*x, the longer it took, the more I worried it was a very long list of she-wolves. “Yes, I’ve been with other girls, but none of them matter now that I’ve found you.” He crawled up the bed and gently laid on top of me and looked in my eyes as he spoke tenderly, trying to lessen the blow. He gave me a slow kiss and rocked his hips slowly over mine. I got lost in the moment. “Ready?” he whispered. I nodded yes. I cried out in pain as he swiftly slid his whole length into me, his body weight pinning me in place, as my body wanted to retreat. “Breath, I’ll stay still while you adjust,” he whispered in my ear as he nuzzled his nose over my marking spot. I doubted I could ‘adjust’ to the burning and discomfort. It still hurt after a minute so he distracted me with love bites on my neck and bre*sts. His s*cking on my n*pples is what finally worked, my body was building up to another org*sm. Erik was gentle at first, he gradually increased the pace. I was getting so close, and I think he was too. ‘Mark him!’ my wolf commanded me, desperate to complete the Bond with her Mate. I felt an odd tingling in my mouth and painful stretching of my jaw. Holy smokes! I had fangs!  I raised my head to seek out his marking spot but he grabbed my face with one of his hands and kissed me roughly. I bit through my top lip, unaccustomed to having large fangs. My lips were going to be bruised anyway from the force he used to kiss me. “F*ck, I’m gonna c*m,” his words were like magic, my whole body contracted around him as I came. He lifted his head and I could watch his ecstasy lit up his features. He was incredible. Perfection. I thought when he came he would finally mark me, but his head never came to that small spot in the crook of my neck. He was still holding onto my face, too. He finally let go of me and headed straight into the bathroom. ‘Something is wrong!’ my wolf growls out. I tried to ask her what she meant, but she plainly ignored me. Erik came out and handed me a hot wet towel to clean up with. He was getting redressed in his suit. “Where are you going?” “Back downstairs to the party. We have to make arrangements with your Luna to send all your things to my Pack and I want to introduce you to my Alpha. Why?”  “I just thought we would hang out together, get to know each other better,” I felt foolish that I just let the feelings of lust take over before I really knew much about him. “I’m not sure I’m ready to move. Which Pack are you from?” “I’m from Silvermoon.” Oh, hell no! My mind begins racing. I can’t go back there! I began to panic, taking short, shallow breaths. He misinterprets my actions, thinking I thought he was leaving me, “Don’t worry. Of course, I plan to take you with me, Baby. The girl always moves in with the guy.” “I…I used to live at Silvermoon. I don’t wanna go back there. Maybe you could come live with me?” I say hopefully. “I don’t remember seeing you and I’ve lived there my whole life. Besides, I would have to transfer colleges, change jobs. Blood Pact has a horrible reputation, why the hell would I want to live there?” “It’s not that bad, I promise. Maybe you can come to visit before you decide?” I grasp at anything that might convince him. “I guess we could visit while we pack up your things. Maybe we should wait to talk with the Alphas. Do you wanna go for a wolf run, my wolf is acting weird, he says he can’t sense his Mate.” “I can’t go for a run.” “Did Mrs. Alpha tell you that or was it the crazy Gamma?” He snickered over his own joke, but I didn’t find it that funny. “You’re an adult, they can’t do sh*t if you want to go somewhere.” Okay, well maybe he’s right. “They are just worried about my safety,” I say defensively. “I can’t run anyway. They are only worried because I haven’t shifted yet.” “Wait? What? How old are you? It would have been nice to know my Mate was f*cking jail bait by human standards.” He pulls at his gorgeous hair when he’s frustrated. “I’m not, I’m nearly 20. I’m just a late bloomer.” “You’re a year older than me. Being a late bloomer usually means your wolf comes in by 18. So you don’t have a wolf then? If your 20 without a wolf, I doubt you’ll ever get one. I can’t believe this, I’m Mated to a werewolf without a wolf. Josh might be right, the Goddess must hate me.” “I do have a wolf!” I’m spitting mad that he’s made my wolf, or lack of, all about the Goddess hating him. My wolf is clawing to the surface now, while I’m trying to compose myself. I rush to get cleaned up and dressed and sit on the edge of the bed. “I am a wolf! You did not Mark me!” My wolf snarls at him, my teeth growing out again. His eyes go wide as he looks at me totally confused. “Your eyes, they...they glow!” I nod, I don’t really have any control over it, so what is there to say? “There’s no rush to be Marked,” he mutters to himself. “Look, this is a lot to take in. I’m not marking you until I figure this all sh*t out.” “What?!"  “Relax, it’s just s*x. It’s not that big a deal! You really are naive, Baby Deer!” He’s tugging through his hair again and pacing the floor while I’m stuck sitting here stunned stupid apparently. The way he says Baby Deer is just like the Hot Mall Jerk. It doesn’t make me feel like when he called me a Little Doe. When I finally get the nerve to speak, I can barely raise my voice above a whisper, “We just had s*x and now you don’t wanna Mark me? So this was just so you could get laid? It’s not supposed to be ‘just s*x’ when you are with your Fated Mate.” I try not to cry as my Mate mulls over whether I am good enough for him. He finally looks up with bloodshot eyes, “I, Erik Canyon of Silvermoon, reject you, Julia of Blood Pact. F*ck, I don’t even know your last name.” He looks at me again, waiting for me to supply the answer. Tears fall down my cheeks. “It doesn’t matter anymore. I accept your rejection.” My heart shatters and my wolf howls in mourning. ***** Caly’s POV ‘Theressa where are you?’ Theressa disappeared shortly after Julia left to get acquainted with her Mate, I don’t want her following her around or influencing her decision. No matter what happens, the only wolves who can decide the path of the relationship are the ones living it.  ‘I’ll be with you in one minute my Queen.’ Literally, one minute later Theressa appears with two champagne glasses and her pocket knife closed and tucked between her cle*vage. I took the flute she offered and the knife she failed to hide, she didn’t try to stop me. “Where were you?” I say sternly.  “Doing recon on that sketchy guy who claims he is Jules is his Mate,” Terri is sporting a wicked grin, I can only imagine how she got that information. “He is her Mate, you could tell she was affected the second that he reached for her hand. Those first tingles of the bond are nothing like you’ve ever felt before, it’s impossible not to react to them. The wolf’s name is Erik Canyon of Silvermoon, a student at his local human College, he’s doing network engineering and he helps in his Pack by fixing tech issues. He works at a restaurant part-time as a server. His record in wolf and human terms is clean. He’s staying on the third floor tonight.” “What the serious F*ck? I just broke a nail getting all that information!” She huffs and clenches her wrists. “You wouldn’t have risked your manicure if you took a less violent route to get your information. Info I didn’t need you to gather and you should have asked if I needed it before you shot off on your own.” “I’m hella proud you didn’t need me, but how?” Terri wipes a fake tear from her eye. “There was a questionnaire each participant had to fill out, and I have access to the guest list and Council records. Erik isn’t the problem. More importantly, I’ve been watching Alpha Aaron, I don’t think he knows one of his members happens to be Mated to Julia. His shifty eyes have been bouncing all over the room trying to find something, then he focuses back over here. I sincerely hope he doesn’t figure it out before the young couple hashes out the important questions. I don’t think Julia will readily go back to Silvermoon. I’m willing to bet she will try to convince him to move to Blood Pact.” “Think Stav will let him in?” “Yes, I will convince him one way or another.” I raise my eyebrows in a suggestive manner, my Mate won’t even question it. Suddenly, I remember Julia’s statement. “Did we ever figure out what Julia’s wolf was trying to tell us? Something about she will find what she seeks one way or another?” “No, but it’s probably her man, right?” “Maybe. I mean I hope so, but my arms are still on fire, and I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop.” I should not have said anything. I jinxed myself. I should know better than this. My arms flare up painfully, I’m about to claw open every patch of lace on this damn dress.  ‘We need to get outside. NOW!’ my wolf bellows between my ears.  I look around for Stav, but I can’t spot him. “Terri! Something is going on outside, come with me.” I feel a tingling sensation in the back of my head, someone is trying to mind-link me unsuccessfully, all I hear is a wolf howling and panting. ‘Hello?? Who is this?’ I ask a few times as I run towards the rear drawer.  ‘Take the stooopid shoes off!’ She’s right, I’ll move faster without them. I nearly trip taking them off but I recover and take off in a sprint. Athena leads me out the rear doors, near the fire pit area. ‘Mrs. Alpha? Please! I don’t think I can do this. It hurts!’ It’s Julia, she doesn’t sound like herself, but I wouldn’t be able to tell through her broken sobs. She’s the only one who ever calls me Mrs. “What is it Caly?” Terri asks, she hates not knowing what kind of situation she’s going into. “I’m not sure, but Julia is in pain,”  Terri growls and I don’t blame her. If something is truly wrong with Julia, I might never hear the end of it.  ‘She’s is having a hard time as Conner did,’ Athena tells me. “Athena thinks she’s shifting!” 
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