Part 16

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Caly’s POV ‘Where are you?’ I decide to mind-link Julia, mostly because I don’t think Terri will be 100 percent truthful if she’s outside expressing her vengeful side. I have no idea how much of Alpha Aaron’s little speech she heard before she stormed off. ‘Ladies room, on the second floor.’ Can you hear someone hyperventilating over the mind-link because I think I just did? Terri probably didn’t want Julia in the crowded main floor washroom. I try to push through the crowd. Usually, wolves would make a path for a Luna, but tonight they can’t even sniff me out. This entire floor smells like sweat, s*x and surging hormones on top of a million scented products and perfumes. They are also all singularly focused on chasing a piece of tail, they can’t pay attention to someone so obviously Mated.  'Be grateful I am tuning out as much of this as I can,' my wolf says.  Really? I check myself,  I guess I am not giving off any Luna vibes. I contemplate letting my aura loose so they instinctively step away from me. Wolves are casually bumping up against me, causing the tight lace of my dress to itch my skin and it’s starting to make me unusually agitated. What was I thinking about when I picked a tight dress? This isn’t usually my style, I feel constricted all of a sudden. I decide to walk up the stairs, there’s already a group of newly mated wolves dry-humping over by the elevator, dying to get back to their bedrooms. Just one floor up the halls are much less congested, the stifling smells are less oppressing and it seems about five degrees cooler. I can finally take a deep breath. There isn’t even a lineup in front of the ladies’. I open the door and I am relieved there’s not a room full of gossipy girls fixing their make-up. The bathroom is still in pristine condition, and fully stocked. There are samples of necessities such as lotions, mouthwash and the like, also a huge fishbowl full of condoms. I spot Terri sitting on the counter, she opened the small foil packet and fits it over the tap, filling the condom like a water balloon. “No Theressa! We are encouraging safe s*x, not mayhem tonight.” This is why there are Alpha’s all over the place, to make sure there won’t be blo*dy fights and Tucker’s home isn’t destroyed in the process. “Some of those b*tches are already all wet, and the guys are even worse. I’m thinking a few of them could use a good shower to cool them down.”  “Absolutely not, Theressa. Try to remember you are a Gamma now.” She's worse than a whole Pack teenagers, I swear! “You are always sucking the life out of my fun.” She tips the water back into the sink before stretching the condom to slingshot it right into the center of my chest, it then falls limply onto the floor. I pick it up and pitch it into the garbage bin. As terrible it is to say, I skipped over this phase of relationships with Stav and got immediately knocked up. This is my first time handling a condom, it’s a bit slimy feeling.  “Eww, I smell like lubricant!” I worry about the goo staining my dress, I have no way of knowing until it dries out. “This isn’t supposed to be fun, this is a formal event, something we have to do to help our young wolves come together. Now, where is our young wolf?”  I hear a wheezing noise coming from one of the stalls. “Julia, we seem to be alone, you can come out.” She peeks her head out, checking for herself before exiting the stall. I try not to be insulted that she doesn’t trust me easily, but we do make Terri shadow her and Terri is unpredictable. Julia looks quite flush, so I run the cold water and wet a handful of paper towels. “Here, let me help wipe you off so you don’t ruin your make-up.” I gently pat down her neck and arms. “Can we go back to the Luna’s house now?” Julia whines once I’m finished with her. She at least looks less stressed and sounds like her usual self.  I think I can use a bit of cooling off myself, so I wet another towel and push my lace sleeves up. I’m met with very pink skin, this can’t be just the lace.  I don’t have time to worry about it as Julia’s wolf pushes forward unexpectedly, and she starts growling, it’s low and threatening. I’ve never even heard her growl before. Julia doesn’t have her physical wolf form. “Julia? Tell me, what’s going on with you?” I hold her hand and I feel my own energy rush towards her, it almost feels like she is drawing it from me. Her body stills and her eyes begin to glow. “Uh-oh, she’s going green lantern on us,” Terri quips when Julia doesn’t speak for a few minutes. “Julia, are you okay? Please tell us.” I give our joined hands a shake, hoping to get her attention. “I will find what I seek, one way or another,” she says coldly. Her hand tightens around my own, she is definitely pulling on my energy, but I don’t feel tired at all. Julia or her wolf must really need my help. I seem to have a surplus, this happens so rarely these days, it throws me off-guard. ‘Her wolf is acting odd,’ Athena says curiously, while her tail flaps frantically. I feel the pounding in my brain. How can she tell? Quite frankly, Julia’s wolf is always odd. Athena’s chest rumbles, she’s unhappy but she doesn’t say anything further to me. “Oooooh-kay?” Terri c*cks her head to one side, trying to decipher this new riddle. “Maybe we should head back? I’m ready to ditch this sausage-fest anyway. We can try to figure this out back at Elder D’s crib.” Julia shivers, her wolf recedes and her eyes return to normal. “Downstairs,” she says more to herself, nodding her head in agreement. Maybe this was just too stressful for her to handle. We take our time and use the stairs, even though Theressa offered to clear the elevators for me. No thank you, Theressa, I don’t need you making any more drama. We walk into the ballroom and are immediately met with that hooligan from the mall the other day. I know he was 'talking smack' as Terri would call it from the way the group is focused on us, only now he’s gathered even more guys around him. I’m not surprised by the death glare he’s giving us, I know Theressa pissed him off earlier, even though I didn’t catch what she said to them. One of the guys laughing beside him lifts his nose in the air and says, “Mate!” swivelling his head in our direction.  The hooligan is clearly the ring leader of this crew, his arm shoots out to hold his friend back. “Dude! HER? That chick is from Blood Pact! She’s hot I guess, but she’s a f*cking freak and a crazy megab*tch. That psycho pulled a knife on me twice. She’ll be wearing your balls for earrings.” He laughs maniacally, his buddies all joining in. I’m gobsmacked he would dare talk about a Gamma in such a way, I expect Terri to be p*ssed, except she’s grinning like this was the best compliment she’s ever received.  “You want crazy? Oh, I will show you f*ckin’ crazy!!” She bellows and I grip her arm and dig my heels into the floor, using my body weight to slow her down. Stav notices this and starts to make his way over to me. “Not that one, the other one!” The guy angrily shoves at the arm holding him but he is still keeping him back.  “Can’t be, the other one is Alpha Stab’s b*tch.” The hooligan actually looks at me confused. Stav growls behind him, I think he may have heard him. Soon I’ll have to keep my whole Pack from killing this wolf. My arms prickle painfully, confirming I have been given extra energy, probably to keep everyone calm. I don’t think a 50 Kilowatt generator would have enough energy to stop the brawl that is about to happen here tonight. “One way or another,” Julia whispers ominously behind me. The young man looking for his Mate finally pulls free, I feel a breeze as he rushes past both Terri and I. “Holy sh*t! Baby Deer? You got… Baby Deer… for a Mate? The Goddess really hates you! Oh, my gawd this is priceless! Best joke ever!”  That miserable jerk is doubled over laughing so hard he can barely get his words out.  Stav’s so confused he doesn’t even throttle him for calling his Luna a b*tch. Sure the jerk said worse about Terri, but Stavros would never insert himself into one of Terri’s fights. I spin around and see the young wolf holding Julia’s hand. She is standing ramrod straight and her eyes are blown wide open in shock. “Look at those wide doe eyes. Baby, my name is Erik.” I think Julia has found her Mate! “Um, I’m Julia.” Julia looks like she would rather be anywhere but here. What a great first impression. Somehow we have to salvage this, I need to calm Julia's nerves. “Which Pack do you belong to?” Terri stops trying to kill the jerk and stands straight with a new purpose, she’s going to interrogate this young wolf. I nearly topple backwards from her sudden switch of targets but she sees my misstep and quickly pulls me into a side hug. She hands me off to Stav, using the distraction to rifle through his pockets, stealing back her flip knife. “Theressa, NO!” Stav grips Terri’s wrist and I grab the knife. She turns back to growl at me but then thinks better of it. “I don’t need the knife to squeeze the answers I need out of him.” Terri snaps at me in a harsh whisper. I’m not sure if she means his neck or his balls, but I don’t intend to find out. “Theressa, we can’t interfere. Mate bonds are sacred, he won’t hurt her. Let them talk, she will get the answers she needs from him." I try reasoning with her. Meanwhile, Erik is watching this whole display. “Can we go find somewhere quiet, without your whole Pack following us?” He eyes the three of us and all the guys standing around guffawing, I feel bad for the poor guy. What a way to meet your Fated. “Julia needs a bodyguard,” Terri barks out. “Julia needs time with her Mate,” I say crossly as I put my fists on my hips. We have a tense staredown, but Athena cheats and holds my eyes open for me. Do I feel guilty about it, no not at all.  “Julia, a word?” She rushes to my side and grabs my hand. I feel the energy flowing out of me like a fire hose, she’s trying to keep herself calm. I lead her a few feet off to the side. ‘Are you alright?’ I ask privately. Her head bobs up, down and side-to-side. She's all over the place, so I’ll take that as a No. I lean forward and press my forehead against hers. ‘Mate’s are a blessing, you should give your Mate a chance to spend time with you. Stay inside this Packhouse, and mind-link me if you need anything. Terri and I will stay at the party until you tell us otherwise, okay?’ ‘Okay. I’ll be okay, one way or another.’  ‘Good luck, sweetheart.’  I can't help but worry for her. ***** Julia’s POV Mrs. Alpha dragged me back to the stupid party when all I wanted to do was go back to the Luna’s house. I don’t want to run into that Hot Mall Jerk, but of course, he’s standing right at the door waiting for us. Mocking us. ‘He’s here! What we seek!’ my wolf begins howling in my head. Oh no, this can’t be happening! My wolf might want her Mate, but I’m not so sure. She makes me take an obviously loud sniff of the air, she’s dead set on embarrassing me. There is a spicy citrus scent in the air, and it’s over by HMJ, who is being a jerk again, saying something bad about Terri, but I can’t pay attention with my wolf acting all crazy.  ‘Look at him!’ my wolf snarls, I can feel her trying to nudge my head in the right direction. She’s never tried so hard to make my body bend to her will. She’s relentless tonight. I look up and lock eyes with the guy being held back. He looks angry, is it because of me?  ‘That jerk is keeping my Mate from me!’ I’m surprised my wolf is speaking so plainly. I can’t even understand her most of the time, this is like a normal conversation. She’s right, the anger isn’t at me, but HMJ. Maybe he’ll punch HMJ’s lights out. ‘Stop focusing on me, focus on Mate! He’s so handsome.’ I really look at the wolf. He is handsome, so much hotter than HMJ. He has dark chocolate brown hair that is perfectly messy and milk chocolate eyes you could melt in.  ‘Are you thinking about food instead of our Mate?’ Okay, maybe I was thinking about food, but I could use a sugar fix right now. My Mate looks like a sugary treat has never crossed his sinful lips. He is tall and lean and he looks like he has a hard body underneath that suit. He marches towards me with a purpose, taking my hand. Sparkles flutter through my body, and I gasp looking up into his eyes. “Look at those wide doe eyes. Baby, my name is Erik,” His voice is warm and velvety, I could listen to him all night long. He said I have doe eyes, but when he says it, it doesn’t sound like he’s making fun of me at all. He called me Baby! “Um, I’m Julia,” I inwardly cringe at the sound of my own voice. That sounded very ‘Baby Deer’ and I don’t want to sound pathetic in front of Erik, we just met. Thankfully Terri creates a diversion, my eyes flicker to the commotion, Mrs. Alpha is trying to disarm her. Where did she get another knife? Terri wants to grill him or torture him, and the thought makes my stomach turn.  ‘Don’t let her hurt Mate!' My wolf panics. I don’t get a chance to say anything, Mrs. Alpha takes the knife and asks me to have a word with her. She says the usual stuff, she probably had to learn this at her fancy school - Mate’s are a blessing, yadda-yadda, give him a chance, stay inside. I got it. I can feel Mrs. Alpha’s special gift when her overly-warm hand holds mine. It races through my veins, calming my nerves and relaxing the tense muscles in my body. I feel happy and light as it wraps around me like a fuzzy blanket fresh from the dryer. This is almost as nice as the sparkles. I want to feel those sparkles from Erik again. 'Mrs. Alpha is incredible,' my wolf says in total awe of her. 'I feel like I could do anything!' My wolf seems to be focused on our joined hands. I try to let go but my wolf stops me. It takes a moment to click in, my wolf is taking in the energy. 'Stop! You could hurt her!' Mrs. Alpha gets tired when she uses her gift. This is a lot of energy, she could pass out! 'She’s fine,' my wolf snarls and a blurry image takes over my mind of a wolf's jaw full of pointy teeth. Did I just see my wolf snap her teeth at me? 'I will have what I seek one way or another!' She scares me, the shock lets me pull my hand away. I totally missed some of whatever Mrs. Alpha just said, but she wishes me luck. I'm definitely going to need it.  Erik takes a step towards me, clearing his throat to get our attention. He has a huge grin on his face and I find myself smiling back. "What the f*ck? My Queen, you're not seriously going to let her go off with him are you?" Terri says out loud. Too loud, she's making everyone look our way again. "Yes, Theressa, I am!" She says sternly, using her Alpha voice. Uh-oh, Mrs. Alpha is also using her I-am-the-All-Mother face. Terri can ignore or deny an Alpha, but she can never go against her Queen. Terri's shoulders slouch when she gives in, and Mrs. Alpha's whole demeanour softens. "C'mon Terri, let's find you a glass of champagne and a tray of hors d'oeuvres." "I want a tray of champagne," Terri whines worse than I do when she's in a mood. "Whatever you say," Mrs. Alpha says as she leads her away. Sparkles rush up my hand as Erik reaches to hold it. "Let’s go find somewhere quiet." I can’t even answer him properly, his sultry voice, his citrusy scent, his warm gentle touch all invade my senses at once and I find myself nodding yes. Yes, I will follow you anywhere, my Mate.  
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