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I looked at him and he was looking at me with lust and I couldn't help but read his thoughts. He didn't like that I was here with all these Alphas. But he cut himself and started to focus. He broke the eye contact. I like how he thinks. I think I should do the same. Focus. Looks like my ring is doing a great job at hiding my scent. He saw me and didn't think that I was his. He was just overly thinking sexy thoughts and admiring my physical features. What a horny mate! I've noticed Alpha Jaired, addressed me as Majesty. Apparently I've concluded that he knows now that I'm a queen. His Queen if he decides to take my side today. I knew there were spies. I'll have to deal with that when I get home I told myself. My mate opened another door in the office, observing how familiar he is to the place, I think he is the Alpha of this pack. I pushed Reina at the back of my mind because I can't stand her dirty imagination that she is sharing with me. I can't be turned on right now, they would smell my arousal. Unfortunately, my ring will not work on my wet and sweet smell of arousal since that's my scent from my human state. My ring only does one job, hiding my demon wolf's scent. My mate, he was handsome and well built. Even when he's wearing a suit. The bulk in those trousers of his is so distracting. s**t! Focus. Now, I'm restricting myself from looking below the belt. " Good day every one." He greeted us. I'm Alpha Drake Dragonov of Blood Moon Pack, Your Majesty." He started to introduce himself. Hinting that I didn't know their names. And they all started to introduce themselves. I let them finish since I don't want to be rude. It's my first day being queen. I should play nice for now. " It's nice to meet you all but let's get down to business." I said in a serious tone. Sitting down at the end of the long table facing my mate at the other end. " Aren't you going to introduce yourself, Your Majesty? " Drake asked me. Now we're looking at each other eye to eye I started reading his mind. So he wanted to know me more but he wasn't taking me seriously because I'm a woman and he doesn't believe I can handle being an Alpha to everyone including him. It made me angry but I manage to calm myself and showed no emotion. " Why should I? By the way you've addressed me I'm hinting you've known that I'm your queen." I stated as a matter of fact. Maintaining my serious tone. Challenging him a reply. "We have heard of your coronation yesterday, Your Majesty. It is disappointing for us not to be there since we're not invited " Drake pointed out as if I made a mistake not inviting them. I looked at him and a mischievous smile formed my lips. "You weren't invited but you seem to know every detail of my coronation, Alpha Drake." I accused him of spying but it sounded vaguely an accusation, I sounded more like challenging what he knows. "It's hard to miss, Your Majesty. It's an important event. We are required to know such things." He stated flatly. He gave up the intimidating questions. So I decided to change topic. "May I ask why is this High council formed? For what purpose?" I asked going straight to what I came here for. Information. "We've decided to form a council like this, when the King died. Peace and Order must be maintained. Having no real leader brings chaos and your half sister is not purely high born like your father so we felt disturb when your council decided she'd be queen. They would not listen to us and to our plead so we made an action, Your Majesty." Alpha Jaired informed me with the information. " And when have all of you decided to do that? Was it before the king died or was it after?" I asked them with displeasure. None answered my question. Just as I expected. Even if they deny it, they've clearly planned their treacherous act when my father was still alive. I'm not going to be surprised if they were glad he was dead. "My sister is too young to be queen and my council was only doing their best to maintain the peace and order here. I ask for your forgiveness in their behalf." I told them what they wanted to hear. "We've never heard of you, Your Majesty. We never knew you exist. We do wonder why didn't you appeared before and why just now? " Drake asked but it sounded more like a statement. A statement of doubt. "So this meeting is about me? I wasn't informed this was an interview about my life. It wasn't stated in the invitation letter you sent." I replied with a smirk on my face. Mocking them all. " Let me get this straight, All of you swear allegiance to the crown and to our bloodline. The council may have made a mistake by suggesting my sister to be the next Queen, but it was now amended. I see no problem here anymore." I stated the facts clearly to silence them all. " But do you know what I think about this? I think some of you wanted to rule this kingdom after knowing it was weakened by the death of my father, Your King." I added. Then I shook my head and continued. " It was an opportunity to overthrow us and all of you grabbed it. It was an act of treason." I finished. All of them shocked at my straightforward words. Drake did not say anything after I looked at him. He was observing me. Intimately. " We are not sure you are really high born and of pure blood. We've never seen you or even heard of you but now you claim the throne. That's ridiculous. " A man in his late forties who introduced himself as Alpha Rick of Dark Scar pack, voiced out his speculation and disbelief on me. They started murmuring after hearing him say that. He's got a point there and my sudden appearance was questionable. I get it but that doesn't break me. " I have a proposition." I said after his outburst. " Repent now and break from this council as member and I will forget the act of treason done by your pack. I will honor your allegiance again and live in complete harmony. I will not accept neutrality. You will have to decide which side your are on, if it's not on my side. Your pack will be considered enemy of the crown." I stated and looked at them with authority that cannot be challenged. Or so I thought. " My offer for Alpha Rick is the same with each and everyone of you. Choose wisely." "Don't listen to her, she's a fraud! The council must have sent her to trick us. We're not fools. " Alpha Rick said to everyone while is hand slap the table angrily which created a loud wood crack. " I say we kill her now!"he announced as he stood up. " I'd like to see you try." I stood up as well. Meeting his eyes and challenging him. "Stop! enough!" Drake interrupted. " We came here to have a meeting not kill each other." he added. I looked at him and his thoughts made me smile. He got scared they'd kill me and thought that I was nuts! Ha! How adorable. Like that Alpha will stand a chance. " Vote." I declared. " Let's start from Alpha Drake. I'm offering peace, my dear Alpha." I said to him not breaking eye contact. I was reading his thoughts. He seems to be battling but he ended up choosing my side. " I'm yours." He said as if it meant something more. I smiled. Deep inside I was happy. I don't want to go to war against my mate. My eyes jumped from one Alpha into another demanding their answers. Three has decided to turn against me. I manage to save nine packs from war, from my wrath. Seems like Alpha Rick and his friends will stick together till the end. But I wasn't scared. My wolf was glad with the three packs. She can actually play slaughter house again. Tonight calls for a celebration. Alpha Rick and his two other Alpha friends left first without even bowing to me. They don't consider me queen from the start. Sad, but I didn't even cared. " So what now, Your Majesty? Seems like you're still going to war. Should we expect to be joining you defeat them?" Drake was worried about his pack and.. me? I smiled while reading his thoughts. " Your pack is strong." I replied. " All nine of you" I referred to each of them. " My answer is no. You will not be joining me. Protect your packs from them by doubling the security on your borders. All rouges that are caught in your territories are not to be killed but to be taken as prisoners. Have them delivered to the palace. " I ordered them with my Alpha tone. Like a true born leader. They all nodded, except for one. Drake.
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