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I went straight to my room and had a quick shower. This day was eventful but I didn't feel tired. Choosing another simple dress and pair of shoes,making myself presentable as always. I went out the room to head to the throne room to inform the council the news about the high council. The throne room is already crowded with people, mostly elders and other council members. They must have been waiting after they have heard I have arrived at the palace with Alpha Drake. I'm sure they're expecting good news. I went straight to my throne and sat, everybody else went to their designated seats. Greeted me and bowed before bending their knees to sit. Everybody went silent waiting for me to speak. " I have good news and bad news so be ready." I warned them. They got more anxious. "The high council formed by the twelve packs was dissolved by me, which means the crown, my position and title as your Queen still have the highest power over the kingdom." I announced and saw their faces brightened, smiling like they've already won the war. "What about the bad news, Your Majesty?" The head council asked worriedly. " Nine packs swear loyalty to the crown, three packs declared war against us." I answered. " So we're still going to war." An old woman stated and fear is visible in her expression. " What happened? Why did they declare war, Your Highness?" Another council member inquired. " They questioned my rights as queen, they do not believe that I am high born, they don't believe I was the King's daughter because they have never heard of me before, I was never seen outside the territory since I've lived in secret and all of you know why." I explained. They went silent for a while. The head council decided to be the first one to break it since everyone else is getting a little scared of me being serious and they don't want to piss me off. "Do you have any plans,Your Majesty?" He asked. "Yes, but I have to make big changes first in order for us to ensure victory." I declared. "We can handle three packs against the kingdom but the bloodshed will be unimaginable." I added to make them feel how heavy it is to go to war. "You once wiped out an entire pack alone,Your Majesty. Can you not do it again?" A council member asked. He's got a good point but I have other plans in my mind than take this problem singlehandedly. "It took me a day to kill all of them. Imagine three packs joined together attacking in one day. Even with the palace guards and warriors to help me, I can not guarantee all of you will survive that day and collateral damages will still be expected. Once we become vulnerable and weak for a certain time, we don't know who else would take it as an advantage to attack us while we heal." I explained and I'm sure all their questions are well answered with one fact. Accept the changes I proposed willingly to avoid bloodshed. "What about other packs who swore to the crown,Your Majesty?" The head council asked hoping he could help form a solution. "I've decided not to involve them with this war, I have to remind you that they formed the high council to overthrow us. Their betrayal to the crown was forgiven but not forgotten." I told him. His reaction to what I've said, shows that he had not thought of it. Which made me smile in my mind. You can't beat the devil. War is my work of art, my specialty. The head council sighed in defeat, he's got no more ideas. He looked around to wait for his other council members to think of something but none spoke a sense. He turned back to face me. There it is again. An act of desperation. "I have one solution, no war, no bloodshed, no collateral damage. We're going to get through this as if it was just a bad dream." I said convincing them more. It made them widen their eyes with hope. Gladness. Relief. They nodded to each other. They've decided to agree with my plan. Regime change. I smiled. Being with Reina since I was sixteen, I have not been ignorant with her manipulating skills. I've been observant and I'm a fast learner. "Write it down to make it official." I said with finality. The head council signaled the young man to start writing some life changing rules. "I, Amiera Hechanova Kingsley, Alpha of Golden Crescent Pack, Queen of Werewolf Kingdom, hereby act and perform independent authority and power without seeking need of approval from this council. My words will become the new law of this pack and all other packs who swore allegiance to the crown. This will be effective on this day forward and forever." I declared. It is now officially written on the scroll with finality. I may be queen but my power was limited because of the council. The council passes the law once they've all agreed in unison and have it written on the scroll. Whatever written on that scroll is last and final. Making the council more superior than the King and Queen. They were elected by the elders to keep the King and Queen's power into the limits they set. My father endured their limits but I was not my father. I'm better. Smarter. Stronger. All thanks to him and my Demon wolf. Everyone opened their mouth in shock. They've been tricked by the devil. Shock was later replaced with fear and disbelief. I have to cure it before they panic. " I did this for the good of the kingdom. My wolf is the demon and not me. I have her under control at all times. I need all of you to have faith in me as Your Queen not because I said so but because your lives and safety depend on me." I said reassuringly. Most of them sighed in relief but there were still a few that doubts me. But it doesn't matter anymore because majority wins. I thought to myself smiling. "What would happen to the council, Your Majesty." The head council asked with fear but reading his eyes I see the pain caused by hatred. " I will have a council, but not you. I will replace my council with people I could trust." I said looking at him straight in the eye. I leaned back to my chair to relax my back. " Don't hate me of my decisions head council, I'm removing you as head council because I will give you a better job." I added before he could think of something stupid that might get him killed. He was taken aback with my offer. " What job, Your Majesty?" He asked not losing his hope. "Your only job will be easy for you since I've seen you do it before. You will be in charge in controlling the news, I want you to always protect my reputation. Fail me and you will regret it. " I informed him how delicate his job is. My tone is intimidatingly dangerous and serious. I can't just throw him away since he's got good working history with the people, people trust every news he lets out since they've known him for many years. He's still useful to me. "Yes, Your Majesty." He bowed and left. This is the way I want to end my day. Victorious. The crowd started to disperse when I stood up and dismissed them all. I went back to my room and changed into my night gown. I have to sleep and take a rest. I'll be going back in the mountains to gather my army early in the morning. Everyone will be surprised with me solution but does it matter? They wanted no bloodshed in our pack. I've spent seven hours of sleep. I'm not a sleeper. I like to work all the time because I feel so alive when I achieve a lot in one day. I feel like I was beating the time everyday. The sun is not up yet but I don't feel sleepy anymore. No matter how soft and comforting the bed and fluffy pillows, my body always want to get up and do some work. Maybe I wasn't used to resting anymore since I was trained extremely hard on everyday basis. My father used to remind me no matter how wild or how extreme my wolf is, even the cursed one cannot contend a strong mind and body. The vessel must always be stronger than the demon. I left my bed and changed into my hiking clothes. I will have to run and hike, I cannot use my wolf since she's always blood thirsty. I've been living in the Mountain like forever, every twist and turn of the maze-like road was normal to me. I never got lost. Arriving close to the border dividing the kingdom and SilverClaw Mountain, my warriors spotted me and bowed their heads. I ordered them to resume their duties and not mind me. Running deeper into the heart of the mountain I've seen my little town. I felt at home. I did not waste my time further and went straight to Luca's cabin. I did not bother knocking and I entered his cabin. He was sleeping with a woman. Naked. They looked so tired. Luca woke up first when he heard me storm in. He stood up without even wearing anything and bowed down. "P-princess. I'm sorry." He said. Embarrassed at his current naked situation. " Just remember my rules, Luca." I reminded him. They can have any relationship they like. They can sexually ruin each other as long as both of them were willing. Rape is punished by death. Getting a woman pregnant is different. A man must take responsibility for the child. Refuse and death awaits him. I made these rules. I wed couples when they ask for my blessings and we would held wedding ceremonies and have a feast. We would sing,dance and laugh. Those were the good days. For years they've been with me and built their own families. None ever flirted with me because of fear and respect. "Yes, Princess. " Still bowing down not making eye contact. "Get dressed and come to my office. We've got important things to do." I ordered him and left his cabin. My words were plain, emotionless but dangerous. This was not the first time I caught him red-handed. I don't blame him and I knew that woman was always horny. I haven't reached my office when I heard Luca catching up with my steps. " How was the training these past two days I wasn't here? " I asked him the moment my butt hit my wooden chair. " Excellent as always, Princess. Your newly recruit, Riley, made a lot of progress when Killian trained him as you instructed." He reported back. " We're going to war." I told him. He was silent for a moment. " I know you already have a plan, Princess. I trust you. We all do." He replied with the truth. They may be rouges before but I have changed them into warriors. Their trust and loyalty to me is stronger than any bond there exist. It's called a Devil's Bond. Their heart is connected to mine, they will live longer than any wolves because their heartbeat is now one with mine. " Gather the warriors, leave the children, pregnant, mothers, including women that are newly wed. The rest are coming to war with me. I'll meet them on the battlegrounds, Luca." I instructed him. He quickly nodded and left. I stood up and gazed outside the window. It's still dark outside. I have to end the war as soon as possible. My heart aches to be with my mate but I have to know him before I trust him. " Tell Shane to come to my office,Luca." I mind-link Luca. I remembered Shane was a dirty but excellent informant. He would do everything just to get his job done. I learned a lot of things and useful information from him about the outside world. " I told you he could be useful." Reina commented. " I know, Reina. Thanks." I said rolling my eyes at her. She always wanted credits. I heard Shane knocked twice, then opened the door and entered. He stopped Halfway across the room. " Early morning, Princess. How can I be at your service?" He bowed and greeted me. He knew that every time I wanted to know about the outside world, I would summon him to my office. " I want to know everything about someone, Shane. Can you do that? " I asked him if he's up for the job. " Give me the name and give me three days, Princess." He answered with excitement. He loves being nosy. " His name is Drake Dragonov, Alpha of Blood Moon Pack. He's got a twin brother down south another Alpha. I want to know everything about him. Good and bad. His past, his friends, as well as the women he shared bed with. " I said the last words bitterly. " He seems important. Obviously you've already had a little information about him, Princess " Shane commented. See? He's king of nosiness. "I've met the man, but I have to be sure first before I trust him to be around. " I told him my simple reason, but I know him. He never believed all things are simple. Shane have been close to me. Not like friends but more like an adviser. He's a year older than me, he's charming but I never had any soft spot for romance. I am always reserved. And he knows that. Everytime I read his mind, he just have a lot of information floating around his head. I was like reading a book. Learning. " Should we be expecting to fight him in this upcoming war, Princess?" He asked. Luca must have informed him now. " No, he's on my side. " I replied. " But he committed treason against the crown after my father's death. He went back to fold when I was crowned Queen two days ago." I gave him more information so that he'll know where to start. " They formed a high council to overthrow my pack's council when they thought my father's bloodline died with him. A letter of invitation was sent to the palace to force us to be a mere member of their new council. The meeting was held in the Blood Moon pack, Drake Dragonov's territory. And do you know what that means?" I asked Shane, checking if he was following me. "He's got a big part to play in that council. He may actually be the one who formed it. His intentions are highly questionable." Shane pointed out. He's a smart fella. " Start packing and go. " I ordered. "Yes, Your Majesty. " He said while bowing down and looked up, smiling. "Congratulations." He added. I nodded as a response. I knew he would not miss it when I told him about my coronation. He exited my office to prepare for his mission. While I stayed and looked over the darkness covering the trees, listening to my breathing. I have a feeling that my mate is not someone I could easily trust. Even Reina did not object my suspicion. My thoughts were interrupted by Luca. " Everything's set, Princess." I heard Luca say through mind-link. "I'm coming." I replied. I went out my office and walked fast and headed to the battlegrounds. A once empty open field was now swarming with people. Torches were placed all over the area, a big rectangular wooden table was being placed at the center of the field. I approached them and directly went behind the table facing everyone. Luca stood behind me as everyone knows he was like my right-hand servant. Everyone bowed as a sign of respect. I nodded and went to my usual serious mode. " I'm sure Luca had already told you the news. " I said and they nodded as acknowledgement and as if telling me to go on. " I went away two days ago because I was summoned by the council of Golden Crescent Pack. My father, Your King, has passed away a few days before I was summoned. " I informed them. I decided to tell them the King's death. They knew my father was the one leaving supplies at the foot of the mountain for us everyday. Everybody was surprised, even Luca. " The council has no choice but to make me their Queen. The bloodline of my father must continue under any circumstance." I added. They nodded and listened intently. They knew about my curse. I did not hide it from them. They must've been thinking that the council was so desperate, to let me take the throne. I wasn't surprised when I saw Riley, he was sharing the same expression of sadness of my father's death. He must have inquired from Belle. " I made a way to bend some rules of the council so that I could perform my power without restrictions. From now on, we will no longer live in secret. All of you will be my Royal Army since I'm your Alpha and since all of you are no longer rouges. " I told them and they smiled at my good news. But I have to interrupt their little happiness before they get carried away. "The bad news is, three packs declared war against me, as Queen. They questioned my right as Queen and mocked my capabilities as a leader." I told them with clarity. I heard them growled with anger when they've heard their Queen is being threatened. I waived to silence them. " I came here to gather my army and give out orders that are part of my plan. So listen carefully." I told them. They went silent and waited. Twenty of my high ranking warriors gathered at the table. I've laid out my plan clearly, not missing anything. I felt their confidence when they gathered around me. They trust me so much they strongly believed I can win any war. This is something I didn't have with my father's pack. They always doubt me because of my demon. I didn't cared anymore since I believe in myself and that's the most important thing. Father always said believing in yourself is the greatest confidence you could ever have in your life. I finished giving them the details for the plan, they bowed in unison. Excitement was visible when they speak, they're excited to test themselves in war since they had the greatest privilege to get trained by me. The Devil. The sun is already peaking at the top of the mountain, reminding us sunlight is soon to cover the battlegrounds. "When do we attack?" Killian asked. " When their world is covered in darkness. Tonight." I answered him. Smiling like the devil. Then straightened up and a visible black aura is radiating from my body and the pupil of my eyes turned from black to yellow. "We will show no mercy." Reina, my demon wolf, added.
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