Chapter 14

1623 Words

Chapter 14 Zoran yelled out orders as soon as they materialized on the ship. Two men quickly came toward Cara while Zoran carried Abby down a few short steps and toward a door. Abby had lost consciousness again and was lying limply in Zoran’s arms. He moved with lightning speed toward the medical unit. “My lord, we have stabilized the other female. She should be all right. The other two females were taken to a holding room until you tell us what you wish to do with them,” Jarak, his chief of security, explained as he followed Zoran to medical. Zoran frowned, but never broke his stride as the doors to medical slid open. “What of the other female who came with us.” “Trelon is working with her. She is not as… cooperative as the other two,” Jarak responded hesitantly. Zoran just nodded. L

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