Chapter 15-1

844 Words

Chapter 15 Abby was still in a daze as she watched Zoran talk with his two brothers and his head of security. She was sitting on Zoran’s lap. She blushed profusely when they walked into what appeared to be a conference room and found three huge men staring at her like she was a tasty morsel. It hadn’t helped when she tried to move to sit away from everyone only to find herself firmly entrenched between Zoran’s muscular thighs. She wiggled, trying to get free, until she felt Zoran move his hand between her thighs. When she tried to move his hand, he took his other one and slid it up under her shirt. “What are you doing?” Abby whispered furiously, trying not to look at the three other men. “If you insist on wiggling your ass on my c**k, I will take you here right now,” Zoran murmured in

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