Chapter 23-1

1374 Words

Chapter 23 The trip would take about half a day to get to the mountains. Zoran’s mother symbiot had transformed into a type of hovercraft and was waiting for them outside their balcony. Zoran helped Abby into the golden craft, and then climbed in beside her after throwing their bags behind the seats. Abby asked why they couldn’t just shift into their dragon forms and fly. Zoran growled that every male capable of shifting would have followed them. He didn’t have to explain his fears, the dark look on his face more than told the story of what would happen if they did. They left heading south, but after a short period, Zoran turned them to the west, then to the north and increased the speed. He wanted to make sure they wouldn’t be followed. “Where are we going?” Abby asked as she gazed in

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