Chapter 22-3

776 Words

Abby pulled on her hand again, trying to break the surprisingly strong grip of the man who had been bothering her for the last ten minutes; she couldn’t remember his name. Where was Zoran? He had gone to talk to one of his brothers a little while ago. He should have been back by now, surely! Abby leaned forward as the other man, his name was Buta, put his arm on the back of the couch. She was trying in vain to subtly move away from where he was rubbing his fingers along her shoulder. When he reached over and grabbed a piece of her hair, it took everything in her not to elbow him in the gut. It was one thing for Zoran to put his hands on her, it was quite another for other men. When Mister-I-Don’t-Remember-His-Name started tonguing her knuckles, she’d had enough. Standing up, Abby started

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