Howls of despair

589 Words
Damien woke in the middle of the night. Someone, no something was making a deep cringing noise, like a howl. He stood up and looked out the window for signs of wolves but he found none. Deciding, the noise was closer to the castle he grabbed a petroleum lamp and went to see if something had gotten inside. The castle was deserted, only a few lights were still lit. A maid came running across the hall with a big bundle of clothes. "Miss!" He called after her. "Miss, what is that sound?" The maid spun around but the bundle almost covered her face. "What sound sir?" She asked, seeming sincerely confused. "The howling?" He asked. Surely she must have heard it, it was loud enough to keep the entire castle awake! She wrinkled her brows and seemed to listen. Just then a loud howl ran through the castle like an earthquake. It was almost as if the walls rumbled. "I am sorry," she apologized. "I don't hear anything. Maybe it is the wind?" It was most certainly not the wind, but he let her go, deciding to investigate on his own. The further into the castle he got, the more intense the sound and the rumble. He was at a door, feeling he would find his answers on the other side of it when a voice broke his trance. "What are you doing here?!" He looked up to see Archer there in the dark glaring daggers at him. "I-" "You are not allowed in this part of the castle!!!" Archer yelled angrily. "What is that sound?" Damien interrupted. "It led me here. It is like a howl-" Horror washed over Archer's features for a split second before turning back to anger. "You need to leave!" "But-" "Now! Go back to your room and don't leave till morning. That is not a request!" There was no room for further discussion, and so Daien left, still mystified as to what was behind the door. Morning came, but Damien hadn't gotten an ounce of sleep. The howling had continued till first light, keeping him awake. It was the sound of despair. Someone was hurting, deeply hurting and it came from the basement of the castle. He couldn't help but wonder what was going on down there, and why on earth was Archer Hastings covering it up? He went for breakfast as ordered by the princess. The room was quiet as the royals ate in silence. Princess Pandora was yet to make an appearance so Damien just sat in silence as well. It took an hour before the royals excused themselves, going to do more important things. Damien was about to do the same when the doors finally opened and Princess Pandora entered. She looked tired, he thought, the light twinkle of amusement gone from her eyes. Archer followed behind her, pulled out her chair, and motioned for the maid to pour the tea. The Princess's tired brown eyes fell on Damien and the twinkle sparked again. "Mr. Arrent. Good morning," she greeted. "You look tired." He was. The howling that had kept him up still haunted his bones. "I am," he admitted. "The wind... It goes through this castle like a growling dog." She laughed. "Yes, the wind... Haunting isn't it?" There was something about the way she said it that made Damien suspect she was playing with him. Testing him perhaps. "Yes. Chilling in fact." She took a sip of her tea with a small smile. "Yes, I think so too..."
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