Prince Hale

1300 Words
After breakfeast Damien was once again on his own while Prince Malcolm Varnick and Prince Joseph Harold tried to get in Princess Pandora's graces. They were in the garden, having tea yet again. He wondered how they were not running to the bathroom every five seconds with all of that tea. The princess was wearing a white dress of a soft lace material that seemed uncharacteristic on her. Princess Hero Olive was politely keeping to herself on the sideline where Mr. Archer Hastings was all too happy to entertain her. It had been a few hours, Damien had retreated to the library when he heard buzzing voices from the great hall. He went to investigate and found a tall, broad-shouldered man in a dark blue blazer with golden embodiment stalking across the hall. "Just see to my horses! I will see myself to the garden!" He yelled to the maid who had offered to help. Damien followed him to the garden where the man formally bowed to the still seated princess and kissed her hand. "Princess! Please pardon my delay, I came here as fast as my horse would let me," he apologized. Pandora's sharp gaze fell on the man and intensified ever so slightly. "Adam... Do not worry. You have not missed much. It is lovely to see you." She gestured to an empty chair. "Please sit." The man did as asked and quickly fell into the same play that had been going on before his arrival. Damien quickly guessed the man must be the missing Prince Hale. He seemed to be more dominating to the conversation than the other two. Damien quickly observed that the Princess also seemed to favor him. He made a quick guess as to who she would end up choosing in the end. They sat there till just before dinner before each leaving to change clothes. Damien found his way to the table as one of the first, quietly observing the play before him: Princess Hero and Mr. Hastings trying not to let anyone on to the fact that they gave a rats ass about the rest of the company, the three men competing for the princess graces and her, seemingly more interested in her mystery visitor than anything else. She was dressed in a beautiful, blue, dress, her hair pinned to the side and a pearl necklace resting around her neck. Her sharp eyes painted, making them all the more intimidating while she watched her company. Their entire little charade ended out in the princess excusing herself without inviting the other royals for tea. Damien went back to his green-painted room to find a book for the night. He had found a selection of books on curses in the library and hoped to perhaps uncover some form of treatment to his condition. Shortly after, there was a soft knock on the door and a maid entered quietly with a tray and a note. "Sir," she acknowledged and served him the tray while avoiding his gaze. He took the note and read it quickly. Come to the library. He thanked her and put away his book, quickly complying with the note's wishes. He expected to find the doctor in the library, but instead, he found the princess sitting in an armchair in the soft light of the lamps. "Mr. Arrent," she smiled as he entered. "Thank you for joining me." "Thank you for inviting me," he answered although it hadn't really been an invite. He took the chair across from hers and folded his hands quietly. She smiled a wry smile and put away the book she had been reading. "I have been meaning to ask: What do you think of my suitors?" She asked him as if asking how he was finding his room or the weather. He was stunned and didn't know what to say: None of them seemed to interest her at all. "Ehm... I-" The corner of her lip tugged up. "Yeah. They bore me as well," she admitted. "May I ask?" He began. "Why are you hosting them if you aren't interested? You have been ruling alone for quite some time." Her smile disappeared. "All of these men... These royals... Do you know what they really are, Mr. Arrent?" She asked rhetorically, so he didn't answer. "They are second range. All of them were the youngest of the litter, without a throne and only little land or fortune. They are here because they spot an opportunity: A king without a male heir and a throne to be conquered. They are vultures, no worse, they are rodents, fighting over what they believe to be a rooting corps. Neither of them holds any interest to me at all." "Then again why are you playing this charade?" He asked, confused why she would waste time with them if she didn't intend to marry one of them. "Because my advisors demand it. Lordships of this nation will not sit quietly while a woman runs their land... I am buying time. Time for the true king to return." "Your father," he concluded. "I thought he was presumed dead?" Her gaze intensified, the same anger she had shown princess Olive returning. "My father went to war almost four years ago. No, we have not heard from him in two years, but that does not mean that he has failed!" She sneered but then took a deep breath and calmed herself. "I am simply keeping the seat warm until his return. These vultures will eventually find another body to pick at and leave me alone. In the meantime, it is a great excuse to have my dear friend Princess Hero Olive here and host a few dinners with some interesting company such as yourself." It made him warm to hear her refer to him as interesting company. "I am enjoying those dinners quite a lot, your highness," he quickly told her. "I am glad," the light smile returned. "I hear from Mr. Arrent you found yourself on a scroll last night." He tensed. "I am sorry, I didn't mean to-" "Do not worry," she quickly interrupted him. "But don't do it again. There is a reason certain parts of the castle are off-limits." "I understand, your highness." "Good," the smile stayed in place. "Then we are in agreement." A light knock on the door interrupted their conversation. It opened and the broad-shouldered man found his way in. "I did not mean to interrupt but Lord Hastings told me I might find you here. I wanted to make up for lost time," he smiled a quiet charming smile that reached his sparkling blue eyes. "Adam, please come in. Mr. Arrent and I were merely exchanging observations. Mr. Arrent: This is Prince Adam Hale, second in line to Aclana's throne," she kindly introduced. He understood why she preferred this man to the others: Not only was he more handsome, but he was also second in line to a rather impressive throne. He had something else somewhere else and yet he still tried to win her hand. "Mr. Arrent," Prince Adam held out his hand for Damien to shake. "Pleasure to meet you. I sensed you are a man of great adventures," he commented hinting at the dinner they had just had. "Thank you, you too your highness," Damian wasn't sure if he should bow, but as he was sitting he simply took the princes' hand. "Please call me Adam," the prince allowed. "I hope you don't mind, but I was hoping to maybe steal Pandora away for a drink in the garden before bedtime?"  She turned her attention back to Damien to give him a small generous smile. "Duty calls. Goodnight Mr. Arrent." And with that, she left him to go with the handsome prince to the garden.
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