The ice princess

1589 Words
When he woke up, it took him a moment to realize it was daytime. The weather had barely improved, but the rain had stopped slightly. He stood and winched as his leg hurt him: His hairy animalistic leg.  He dressed in the clothes brought for him and was happy to see that they were long and loose around the legs. There was a white shirt with loose sleeves as well. A tiny knock on the door told him breakfast was ready. He stepped out to a maid still not looking at him who led him down the hall and into a nice room with a big table and rich decorations in bronze and red colors. Two men were there already, they stood up as he entered, but sat when they saw him. “Sorry, we thought it was the princess.” One said smiling apologetically.  He brushed it off. “No worries, will she be joining us?”  The man sighed. “Unfortunately yes.”  At this Damien raised his brow. “Should you be talking like that about her?” he asked curiously.  The man shrugged and laughed with his friend. “Probably not, but we do it anyway! The woman is like a crow!”  Damien didn’t like the way they talked about the princess but ignored it: He didn’t know her after all. “Is she uhm.. Unattractive?” He asked them, and they laughed out loud. It took them a few moments to recover. “Quite the opposite actually!” The first said. “A true beauty really!” the other continued. “It is her soul it is wrong with! They say she cut out her heart when she was little to avoid feeling!” the first said again. “Of course that is just silly talk; she wouldn’t have so nice breasts if she had!” the second laughed and Damien felt annoyed again. He had three sisters and wouldn’t want anyone talking about them like that. “You shouldn’t talk so loud about that.” A deep voice sounded from the door. It was the man who had rescued him last night - he was now standing at the door. “I see you have met Daxter and Jackson. Don’t listen too much to them - they talk as they got brains for,” he told him as he sat down beside him. “My name is Archer, by the way. I don’t think we introduced.” He held out his hand which Damien took in his own almost paw-like hand. “Damien.” Daxter and Jackson snickered at nothing. “So the princess – why is she like that?” Damien asked and Archer sighed. “We shouldn’t be talking about it. She has had a rough childhood, took over the castle at 14 when her father went to war. She has been doing a fairly well job actually,” he said and the other two nodded in agreement. “That is if she wasn’t such a tyrant all the time!” Daxter exclaimed, but Archer shot him a look. “She might be a little uptight, but she was been a good ruler. Not kind but fair. I think we could have been of a lot worse.” The others huffed in disagreement but kept shut. “How old is she now?” Damien asked interested. “Seventeen: She is soon off marrying age. It would be wise to marry, so we all expect her to, but it will be interesting who she picks.” “She has got a lot of suitors?” Damien asked already a bit disappointed, which was silly as he wouldn’t stand a chance anyway.  Archer nodded. “Yes, one, in particular, has been persistent. His name is Joseph Harrold, but he just wants her for the power and money.” “Is she aware?” Damien suddenly felt protective of the girl, although he didn't know why. The way everyone talked about her, he just pictured her to be very lonely. “Yes. She is no fool. I honestly think she is playing him,” he said and the others were about to say something back when the door opened. All three rose to their feet, and Damien followed clumsily after them. In steeped the most beautiful girl Damien had ever seen: She had long dark brown hair and sun-kissed skin, big brown eyes, long lashes, and red lips. She was wearing a black dress that showed off a slim waist and a smooth chest along with a nice amount of cleavage. “Princess,” Archer said and bowed slightly. “There is no need to be so formal Archer: It is only breakfast, we do this almost every day.” Her words were friendly, but her tone was cold and monotone. Her face didn’t show any sign of emotion. Her eyes fell on Damien, and she crocked her head slightly, a curious twinkle played in her eyes, but she didn’t gasp or move away like he expected her to. “We have a guest. When were you going to inform me?” she asked coldly sitting down at the round table. “Last night when we came back, but you were busy,” Archer answered promptly. “Indeed… What is your name stranger?”  Damien didn’t know why, but he felt intimidated by the young woman. “Arrent, Damien Arrent your highness,” he answered politely. “Where are you from, Mr. Arrent?” “East your highness.”  She looked at him calculating and he felt exposed by her gaze. “Why did you come this way?” she asked him. “I was looking for the village but got off track.” “I saved him from the wolves last night. The doctor says he has got a serious injury through. He should stay for a few days if you would allow it,” Archer jumped to rescue.  She looked at him thoughtfully. “This castle has always been open for those who needed help. You can stay as long as you want to, but we would like you to attend dinners and meetings. We will be having guests for the next few days.” She said, voice not letting any feelings slip. “Have you decided?” Archer asked, and she shook her head. “No, we will be having the Hales, the Varnicks, and the Harrolds visiting. We need to discuss formal issues with all three. Miss Olive will be tacking along, I hear,” she said, the last part without the royal ‘we’ and a small smile curving as Archer's head whipped up. “Really?” “Yes.” “But her brother… passed away. The Olives have no reason to be invited to a suitors week,” he said, but it was clear he was excited about this Olive girl coming too.  The princess just shook her head. “Princess Olive is always welcome at this castle, and she wanted to be here before we have all the royals and nobles over at the end of the week.” She smiled, and Damien was sure he had never seen a smile like hers. Her teeth were perfectly white and her corner teeth a bit sharper but perfect nonetheless. She was absolutely stunning when she smiled. He could see however that the smile wasn’t heartfelt. It was still calculating, an expected reaction she had learned how to pull off. She raised as soon as she finished her dinner then looked towards Damien. “Mr. Arrent we will be having guests arriving tomorrow. As we said, we expect you to attend most meetings, but the maids will give you a schedule for when to be where. Other than that ask the maids but feel free to stop by our office should you need anything. Dinner will be held at seven be there on time, we hate delay,” she informed him with a face as stone then left the room. Daxter and Jackson looked at each other, then at Damien, and burst out laughing. “What did we tell you?” Daxter asked still laughing.  Jackson shook his head. “I don’t know, I think she liked you: She even addressed you.”  Archer apparently had had enough of the two cause he stood suddenly and looked at Damien. “I have to be by the Princess’s side for most of the morning, but I’ll look to you in the afternoon and help you get ready for dinner. We need to give you some training if you are to attend with the other royals, but you have the morning to do as you wish, explore if you want to but don’t come near the dungeons, the cellar, artic or Phersus’s corridor - you’ll know it when you see it.” Then he too left, and soon after Jackson and Antony excused themselves apparently having business to attend to. He returned to his room, only getting lost once. The maids had put out three different outfits for him for the day. Archer had told him morning tea wouldn’t be held today as the royal families wouldn’t arrive before noon. Therefore lunch too would be held in the private dining room. So the next six hours, he had to find something to do. He was sure that in a castle like this, it wouldn’t be difficult to spend the time, but he had no idea how things worked.
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