Princess Hero Olive

1416 Words
Damien had spent the day getting to know the place. There was an incredible library, in which he hoped to bury himself the new couple of days. The servants generally avoided him, but he was used to that. He found the garden, a large maze graced one side of the grounds while the other side was mostly covered by a rose garden. In the middle ground a large field decorated with a fountain, and in the far off behind it a wall. It was almost dinner time when a maid ran directly into him. Her small frame was about to fall over but he caught her by her wrist. She looked at him startled, then shrieked back, and got flustered. "Sorr- Sorry Si- sir," she stammered and lowered her gaze. "That is quite alright, nothing happened. What is your name?" "Loise," she whimpered quietly not shifting her gaze. "Loise," he repeated patiently. "What had got you in such a hurry, Loise?" "The Varnicks are coming!" She exclaimed in horror. "The Varnicks?" He asked, "the suitor?" She nodded timidly, and he let her go. "You are in a hurry then. I won't hold you," he apologized and stepped aside politely. She blushed and ran off quickly. Damien scratched his hairy neck. The young girl's fear of him had struck a nerve. How was he supposed to even get close enough to someone to get them to know him for his personality? He shook it off and went to the great hall assuming that was where the suitor would be making their entrance. The great hall was full of obediently waiting servants, with folded hands and solemn faces. The princess arrived the same time he did, coming down the stairs and aura of power around her. The way she carried herself with regency it was hard to believe she was only seventeen. A child really, he thought, only a year older than his little sister at home. His heart clenched thinking of little Ava with her twin braids and red cheeks. Leaving home had been brutal for him, but he had no choice. Not only was he in search of a woman who could possibly love him, but also on the run from the villagers who wanted him dead. "Her highness, Prince Varnick is here," a servant at the door announced, his voice squeaky in the large room. "Let them in," she ordered and straightened slightly, preparing to greet their important guest. The doors opened and music began. A large group of knights entered first before making room for four people coming through. Two blonde girls and two tall men. The girls were dressed in fair colors, one had platin blonde tassels while the other had golden blonde hair pulled back in an updo. The men were both in light armor, wearing dark shirts underneath. One had light brown hair, the other a reddish shade. The man with light brown hair stepped forward and bowed formally. "Your highness!" He announced. "Thank you for having us! I present to you my right hand, Liam Kane. We took the liberty of also escorting her highness Princess Hero Olive and her chambermaid Minerva Paul," he informed matter of factly. His Princess stepped forward and nodded to him. "Thank you, Prince Varnick," she announced. "It is our pleasure. I have instructed my staff to prepare your rooms, I hope you will find them to your satisfaction. Please let them show you to your quarters and join us for dinner later in the dining hall. Princess Olive," she addressed the blonde woman. "It is a pleasure to have you as well. Please feel welcome to stay as long as you would like." The blonde woman gave her a small nod, and everyone stayed back for the head maid to step forward and offer to show the men and women to their rooms. Soon after people started spilling out and off to their duties as their guests went to inspect their rooms. Damien spotted Archer Hastings on the left quickly excusing himself and went somewhere to do something. The princess dismissed her maids and took off alone, which he found to be odd. Deciding to follow her, he stalked her discreetly to the guest quarters. He found her to enter an already open door and stopped behind the wall to listen in. "Hero! I haven't seen you in what feels like years!" He heard her normally firm voice declare in a sentimental tone. "Oh, Pandora don't be silly!" The other woman exclaimed. "It cannot have been more than two months since Lady Gretha's birthday party!" A loud sigh was heard. "But I hardly got to see you during that! Being seated with King Lanchester and King Hale and their queens... Oh, how I wished being able to play around with you and Pricilla!" She moaned. It tickled him, hearing her like this, so informal and uncaring. Princess Olive giggled. "You make it sound like we are free of prying eyes! I remember having to be just as restricted as you! Just now, the formality of introduction when in fact I just wanted to embrace my dear friend!" They were friends, he already sensed that. Good friends even. It confirmed to him that the Princess was in fact more of a lonely little girl than a hardened heartless woman. "How is your father?" He heard Pandora ask, apparently he had missed something important. "Not better I am afraid," Hero replied, her light tone gone. "Since Benjamin... He is holding on for a replacement, but if we don't find one... I mean if I don't-" "You shouldn't have to get married," he heard Pandora scoff. "God knows, I am only doing this to please my advisors. I have no intentions of marrying these- These- Gargoyles!" She exclaimed making both girls laugh. It was a sweet sound, he thought, warm and welcoming. "I don't have the luxury you do!" Hero complained. "My dad won't teach me how to rule. It is a men's club!" "You think everyone is pleased with my regimen?" Pandora asked. "My father taught me out of need not want. Everyone is just waiting for me to marry and for a man to take my place. They will be waiting a long time. If anyone is holding their breaths they will suffocate!" "You a so morbid!" Hero tsked. "Besides, it isn't like YOU could take my place. I just have to figure out the best party before my birthday in four months. Sorry for imposing on your suitors week by the way," she apologized sincerely. "Don't worry about it," Pandora brushed her off. "It isn't like I am going to want any of them anyway, but I thought you had eyes on another price?" She insinuated, probably hinting at the conversation she had earlier with Archer. "Dora..." Hero sighed. "Sorry, I shouldn't have brought it up," Pandora apologized. "Please accept my apologies. I will leave you to unpack," she offered and he heard the couch shift. "No, please, you did nothing wrong. I am just... I am sad because after my wedding and your coronation we will hardly get to see each other." There was a long pause where no one said anything, he almost thought he had missed it when Hero continued. "Of Pandora. Please tell me you are not-" "My father will return," Pandora's voice ran confidently through the air. "I won't have him come home to find his trone occupied because we didn't have faith in him." "We haven't heard from the front in years-" "He will return!"  He heard a ruffle of clothes and barely had time to move away from the wall before the Princess came storming out and ran right into him. "Opf!" She was about to fall, much like the maid when he caught her waist. "Sorry, your highness," he apologized. She eyes him suspiciously, then straightened up. "Do not worry. We are unharmed," she countered. He breathed her in, her scent intoxicating and the heat from her warm stomach warming his hand and upper thighs. She was so small compared to him, he was afraid he might crush her. They stood there for a few moments, her eyes searching his before finally, she withdrew. "I should go prepare for dinner. Please join us." It was an order, not a request, yet he felt the fact that she had even repeated was a sigh of something more. She gave him court nod then disappeared down the hall.
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