Chapter-7 More Obstacles Please!

2473 Words

                                                                                     Scarlett Life is nothing if not unpredictable, I realised as I stared at my scrawny handwriting. Mom needed to know things. Things that I don't think I can tell her on call if sir Elia allows me that is, pun intended. And I have no goddamned idea when I would be able to tell her in person. So I decided to leave her a letter. That was the least I could do. And in the meagre ten minutes that I got, this was all I could manage... Dear mom,  When you get this, I will be gone but I don't want you to worry. I will be fine, I promise. I have to leave. There was no other option or I would have taken it. I mean there was but I don't think you would have liked it. I am leaving for Italy and for now all you and an

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