Chapter-11 Zachariah Talks

3121 Words

 Scarlett Dear diary,  So much has happened since the last time I shared my thoughts. I am in a  different country now, in an entirely different time zone.  I was free then with a happy life if not perfect. And now I am a prisoner in probably a billion dollar cage. My room here, the best in the entire villa as Sabrina told me could easily engulf my bedroom back at home and five more like it. It's beautiful, I won't deny that. Too plush and extravagant for a simple girl like me. But it wasn't not my room or my home. Nothing here was mine to call.  I was so alone here with not a human being to talk to. To explain how miserable I felt. I missed mom so much and I couldn't ask for anything more than just to talk to her and let her sweet soft voice calm me. Elia refused to let me talk to her

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