Chapter 4

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Later that evening Hina walks into the den with a smoking cup. Everyone is looking at her as she gives it to Heavenlee. Heavenlee blows it and takes a couple of sips of it. "Thank you, I've been waiting for this." Carlisle looks at her and sniffs “Baby, what in the hell is that?” He looks at Hina. “Kampo. It's a mixture of different herbs. It's for pain and will heal my body outside and inside.” Heaven drinks some more of the medicine. “I need to speak with Hina in private." She pats Carlisle's thigh. He motions for everyone to leave and kisses her cheek.“Don’t move." Baby promises him she won’t move and waits until she and Hina are alone before asking about Hiza. Hina tells her about Hiza visiting her a few weeks before she was taken. It seems that Hiza's mother was Hina’s cousin. She hadn’t seen Shina since they were in their early twenties. Right before she came to be her nanny. Shina fell in love with an American man but her parents disapproved of their relationship and disowned their daughter. Hina and Shina keep in touch by writing until Shina’s mysterious death. Shina had told her she had a daughter Hina had no idea that the man that had come after Heavenlee was the same Jack her cousin told her about until she was captive. Heavenlee nods “Oh so she came there looking for me. Too damn bad I wasn't there to welcome her. Well, her ass won’t be looking for me or anyone else now. I can’t and won’t say I’m sorry for killing your niece. She was a b***h that needed to be taken out of her misery." “Oh no, I’m glad Hiza is dead. She was an evil woman. I never knew until I was in that warehouse how Shina died. Jack killed her because she was trying to leave him. She had discovered some of his illegal business. Hiza seems to be proud of her father for killing her mother.” Hina shakes her head “Poor Shina she was blind when it came to that man.” Heavenlee is about to call Ellen into the den but Hina stops her and tells her that Estaban is Ellen's son. Then she goes on to tell Ellen’s story and leaves when she sees Carlisle walking into the room. “Baby you need some rest. I’m still not happy about you going to the mall tomorrow.” He picks her up “Bed seems to be the only place you won’t be bothered. What is it? Did Hina say something you didn’t like?” She shook her head. “No, we seem to have a habit of killing family members of our friends. I killed Hina’s crazy ass niece and you killed Ellen’s f****d up son.” Carlisle looks at her confused. “Hell, I didn't know she had a son. Nevertheless, if I killed his ass then he deserved it. Which son of a b***h was it?” Baby lays her head against his chest and whispers “Estaban. I'll tell you her story when we’re in our bedroom. “Hell, yes. I was right. Yep, his ass deserved it. Damn, I never would put them two as being related. That’s f****d up his deranged ass kidnapped his mother. Dumb ass fucker.” Carlisle chuckles, “I meant dead ass fucker. I f****d his ass up. No one f***s with my Baby and lives. No damn nobody." Downstairs in the sitting room, Pam and Colin are discussing their enemies. They thought about going home. But he doesn’t want to leave Heavenlee and Carlisle for several reasons. Heavenlee isn’t well and those assholes might come after her again. Colin wants them dead, especially Shingo. He notices the concerned look on Pam’s face. “Sweetheart, are you scared Shingo will come after you?” Colin takes her hand. She starts crying, “I’m more worried about you, and the kids. That bastard gets off from creating pain for others. We both know that he’s just waiting to strike. Heavenlee is in pain and doesn’t want anyone to know. Our daughter is hurt and stubborn as hell. We all know that she’s using this time to plan her next move. Honestly, I’m scared she won’t include you or Carlisle on her adventure. Carlisle has turned into a different man. I still can't believe he drilled that b***h's brain out. Now that was a sight." Pam laughs through her tears. "I never thought he had it in him." Colin chuckles “Honey our son is a different man for sure. Carlisle has proved to everyone he’s not sitting back and allowing anyone to f**k with his Baby or destroy his family. I agree with you regarding Heavenlee. She’s letting Carlisle think he’s in charge for now because she’s hurting. Those bastards better look out when she’s well. Don’t worry I'll keep a close eye on her and she won’t go anywhere alone.” He kisses her cheek “So you made your first kill. " “Yes, our grandchildren were in here. I couldn’t let that asshole in the house. I wasn't having that crap. Not on my watch. ” Pam shakes her head. "No damn way." “I’m proud of you,” Colin kisses her. Pam wraps her arms around him and pulls him into her. Dondre walks into the room and turns his head until the couple finishes kissing. “I think I found something. Where is Heavenlee?” When Colin releases Pam's lips, "Woo." He sees Dondre standing in the doorway. He stood up, “her husband has put her to bed. What did you find out?" “Heavenlee told me not to tell anyone but her,” Dondre mutters “Son, did you forget who you work for?” Colin gives him a stern look. Dondre shakes his head looking at him concerned. “No sir I haven’t forgotten. But you didn’t threaten me with cutting off my balls and skinning me alive.” Pam chuckles and thinks "Heavenlee must be feeling better." “Oh, I see. We don’t want her to do that. Just make sure when you tell her I’m there.” Colin rubs his head “Heavenlee what are you planning?” **** Isiah is dragging a screaming Tanja through the back door of the butcher shop. Akeem and Dajon are in Akeem’s office waiting for him. Akeem has put the shop on the market and looking at houses in Malibu. “Damn, I see why Carlisle and Heavenlee live there. It's beautiful as hell there. Mother will love it there. I still can’t believe she gave me all the money that was made from the tournament except for what her family and friends won. Also, the two million she gave that Mozart guy. He was a weird one but he’s okay with me.” She wasn’t what I expected. I still can’t get over her saving us and sending Carlilse and Marcus for us. The streets made her out to be a cold-hearted woman who tortures and kills for no reason. After meeting her I don’t see her doing that. I’m still confused as hell about her, Carlisle, and Marcus's relationship.” Dajon is also looking at houses that he's planning to buy with his part of the money. Akeem taps his desk. “She loves both of them. That’s the reason she found Marcus a wife. A woman she knew would treat the man she loved as she would. That's definitely Nora. I saw in Heavenlee's eyes when she looked at Marcus, that she loved him. But she doesn’t love any man more than Carlisle." He points to the door. "Where is the creepy man with that b***h?” “Those two men are weird. Your ass wants to be in that triangle. I guess to make it a rhombus.” Dajon walks to the door and sees Isiah dragging Tanja toward the door. “Slowly but surely coming with Demon and Satan’s meal.” Akeem looks at his brother, "Heavenlee Manzo is one hell of a woman," he rubs his chin and smiles. "Yes, she is." Dajon turns and looks at him. "No, hell no" “Shut the hell up” Isiah kicks her in the head. “Hell, you have gotten on my damn nerve. Your ass better be happy as hell Akeem said not to beat your ass.” “It’s good you could make it to our feast.” Akeem walks from behind the desk looking down at the crying woman. “I sure as hell hope you have your affairs in order.” “I haven’t done anything.” Tanja looks at him. He punches her in the face “ My brother and I paid you to care for our mother during our absence. No, you had to f**k our no-good cousin and took it upon yourself to stop administering our mother her medicines. His dead ass already told us.” “Please I’m sorry.” She screams as Akeem has her hair dragging her back down the hall. Akeem ignores her and walks into a room where his two wolf-dog hybrids are. Dajon and Isiah are walking behind him. Akeem lays her between the two dogs. “You’re be reunited with my stupid ass cousin soon." Tanja starts crawling behind him until she hears two growls, she looks at the dogs and all she sees are their teeth. Tears are running down her cheeks "Help me" Akeem turns to look at her then at his dogs and winks. The dogs attack Tanja, ripping and tearing her to pieces. He looks at his brother and Isiah “I don’t believe I'll have to feed them tomorrow.” Isiah looks at Tanja until she stops screaming. “What will we do when you close the butcher shop down?” “ The same except for the shop. Nothing changes.” Akeem smirks looking at the woman's body parts on the floor. “Her ass got what she deserved.” His phone beeps, he looks at it and smiles while reading the text. “Well, now this is interesting.” **** Mr. Sato has been making calls to hire men for their next stage of going after Heavenlee. This time for a different reason, instead of wanting her to fight for them it’s to kill her, Carlisle, Colin, Joseph, Chen-Chio, Akeem, Dajon, and Isiah. Mr. Nakano is angry because they have interfered with him making money on Kanna. The arena has been turned into a temple for Shaolin Priests. He refuses to call Shingo because all three men know Shingo will turn on them without hesitating. Mr. Kobayashi is also making calls but still refuses to leave the house. He’s in fear that Colin might have some of his friends there looking for them. He wants to call his family but is scared their house phones are wired. He knows of Colin’s connections with the CIA. He has been trying to get Inoue to sit down and shut the hell up. “Sit your ass down. Start making calls or get the hell out of here. Damn, you're worse than my two-year-old grandson.” “You two have a death wish. This s**t is crazy. I’m done. I don’t want any part of this. We should have never attacked that crazy woman's house.” Mr. Inoue yells “Too damn late. Even if you stop now your ass is still on Heavenlee’s death list as we are. Do you think she won’t kill you when she finds you? Oh, I get it you’re going to say I’m not in this anymore. Mrs. Manzo will say okay I won’t kill you. Your ass better think about this again. So, I suggest you get on that damn phone.” Mr. Sato points to the point. Mr. Inoue takes a deep breath and jumps when his phone rings. He’s staring at it. The two means are also staring at the phone wondering why is the phone ringing when no one has his or their new numbers besides Mr. Nakano.
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