Chapter 3

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Martell starts cussing when he pulls up in front of the closed butcher shop. He’s fussing about killing Percy for not opening the shop. He enters the shop, feeling for the light switch when a hand grabs his. “What the hell?” “Surprise” Akeem pulls him close to him. “I’m your worse f*****g nightmare, dear cousin. You never expected to see me since you felt so damn brave to mistreat my mother and your sister. That damn woman is still up in the air.” He releases him and kicks him in the face. Martell screams until he hits a freezer. He looks up Akeem is standing in front of him. “Take this dead loser away. I can’t have the realtor arriving and see this piece of trash.” “I didn’t mean to hurt them. I’m your cousin. We’re blood.” Martell is on his knees looking at Akeem than at Dajon. “Son of a b***h. We're not related any longer” Dajon punches him in the face, grabs his neck, and drags a kicking and screaming cousin into the back of the store. Akeem locks the door “Oh I’m going to enjoy this.” In a walk-in freezer, Martell is standing in the middle of it pleading with Dajon to talk to Akeem. Dajon kicks him in the stomach and then uppercuts him. Martell fell to the floor. “Strip. I mean every damn piece of that cheap ass bullshit you call clothes.” Akeem closes the door and folds his arms. “Before we left, I knew you were a dead man. Hell, I never for once thought you would harm the woman that raised and treated you and that no good brother of yours like sons. Our mother will be fine after some care, and so will your sister. Now tell me about the b***h that helped you.” Akeem is standing over a naked man. He kicks him in the head. “Talk asshole.” “Man, I’m sorry. Don’t kill me” Martell pledging through the tears. “She’s nobody. I started f*****g her after you left. It was her idea not to give your mother her medicine." Akeem starts punching and kicking Martell. He beats him for almost an hour. Martell is lying on the freezing floor bleeding. Akeem walks around him. “This isn’t over with.” He picks up the man and hangs him on a hook. Dajon walks over with two chainsaws. “You deserve this.” He hands Akeem one of the saws. Both men start cutting a screaming Martell’s arms off. They don’t stop cutting until the only body part left hanging is what’s on the hook. “My dogs will have food for a few days." He calls Isiah and tells him to bring that b***h to him. Isiah has been following her after she was released from the hospital this morning. "What's your plan for the b***h?" Dajon is throwing pieces of Martell in the dog kennel. "I thought about beating the hell out of her. Put her ass on ice for two days. Don't feed Satan and Demon tomorrow. They deserve a live catch." Akeem's cell phone beeps. "The realtor is here. Make sure her ass doesn't come in here. If so she'll be joining our dear cousin." Dajon takes the small piece of Martell's back off the hook. "I never did like your ass. Not even when we were kids." He throws it in a bowl. "You f*****g b***h will join you soon." ***** Cam, CJ, and Heath walk into the office where their grandfather and Dondre are. The two men are still trying to locate Shingo, the other three men, and anyone else who was involved with Kanna. Dondre finally managed to hack into the computer they recovered from the Arena. He's reading all the employee's information. Heath walks over to his grandfather and hits his leg with a book. Colin chuckles “I believe my grandsons want me to read to them. Dondre I’ll be back soon. We could use a break.” He takes Heath's hands and walks into the hallway. Pam was waiting for them, “I thought you all could use a break. Our grandchildren were asking about you. I know that’s important but so it’s spending some quality time with family..” She kisses his cheek “Our son, daughter, and granddaughters are already in the den." Carlisle and Heavenlee had the picnic with the children as they said they would. When they came back he bathed and dressed her in a pair of red shorts and a white tank top. He even changed her bandage. Now they're in the den. Colin nods and walks to the den. “Storytime.” Carlisle is sitting on the sofa with Baby in his arms. Baby's side has still been hurting and he’s trying to talk her into letting Nora perform a CT on her. Baby refused and said she had her way of healing. He’s about to say something when Colin enters the room. "Today I'm going to do something different. I'm going to tell you a true story today. It’s about your mother and my ancestors. It’s time you all heard about the two famous warriors in our family. They are your great-great-great-grandmother and great-great-great-grandfather. They were both excellent warriors and they are mentioned in the history books." Colin looks at Heavenlee “My father told me that your mommy looks like her. I tend to agree after seeing her photos. Yep, none other than Treasure Abbott and the Legendary Qaletaqa. Some even said he was immortal." Carlisle leans close to Baby's ear. "Is Father talking about the Abbott family that owned a town? What's the name of it.?" "Yes. Willow Creek Falls. I love this story." She pats her chest, listening to her father telling her kids how Qaletaqa and Treasure met and fell in love. "Damn, no wonder Baby and Father are dangerous as hell. It's really in their blood" Carlisle thinks and tightens his hold on her waist. When Colin finishes the story, he looks around and the full room. Ray had come in to tell Carlisle something but got caught up in hearing about Qaletaqa and Treasure. The others were passing by and stopped to listen. Carlisle had Ray and some men search Halyna's house. Ray had found Shingo's name and some addresses in Japan, China, Thailand, New York, and California and some of her belongings. Carlisle tells them to give everything to Dondre. Arc and Ray tell them they’re taking their families home today. Baby isn’t thrilled about it because those jerks are still out there. But she understands they miss their homes and everyday life. Carlisle knows that she is worried about everyone and assures her that everyone will be guarded until all the bastards are dead. Because if anyone gets kidnapped this time his Baby isn't going any damn where to free anyone. Pam was thinking the same thing. “Leave at your own risk. My daughter isn’t getting back in a ring for anyone.” She points around the room. “I mean it. We're not living through that s**t again." “That’s right” Baby Jr. stands beside her and points around the room too. Hailee walks in front of Pam. "No s**t again," she looks around the room. "Watch your mouth, young lady." Heavenlee looks at Hailee. “We have been told,” Arc chuckles looking at the little girls who now have their hands on their hips. "Come on here you have gotten all three of us in trouble, " Pam is trying not to laugh. Dondre walks into the room and hands Heavenlee a copy of an email. “Baby, what's that?” Carlisle is looking at her reading it. She’s still looking at the email. “It’s from Mozart. He heard talk that Shingo is on his way to America.” Heavenlee looks at Dondre “Check all travelers' manifest information for private planes. I want to know about any flights that arrive from Japan or China. Where is Hina?” Heavenlee looks around the room. “She’s with Ellen and Sarah, it seems they have become very close. Hina told me to tell you she needs to speak with you later this evening.” Pam is hugging her granddaughters. "Baby you want to know how she and Hiza were connected.” Carlisle kisses her neck. “Yep,” Baby nods “Ellen, I also want to speak with Ellen. She was acting strange.” She looks at her father “Did you ever find out where Shingo was staying when he was here last time?” Colin shakes his head “His ass didn’t leave any breadcrumbs.” Pam smirks, “maybe he did. Is there still a high-rise named Paradise or Heavenly Empire? He would often mention high rises with those names. But his ass never mentions the location.” She looks at him and then at Dondre. Everyone in the room is looking at her confused and shaking their heads.  "Mom that doesn't sound right. Are you sure he said Paradise and Heavenly?" Baby is looking at her. "That's what he said. The crazy man probably made it up," Pam is giving the kids some juices out of the refrigerator. "Baby, what are you thinking? I know that look. I don't think I'm going to like it." Carlisle looks at her concerned. She holds a finger up. "Tengoku means Heavenly and Paradise in Japanese. There used to be a high-rise that I fought on the top parking deck once. It was by invitation only. Victor was against me fighting that night. But he got sick and ended up in the hospital. The doctor said it was because of food poison. Which he and I found weird because we ate at home that day. Wait a minute, the day before we had eaten at a Japanese restaurant. Victor said he felt as if we were being watched. Anyway, after visiting hours, I went to the highrise and fought. Yes, that was the name of the Tengoku Empire. I believe it's still there.” Baby tries to get up. Carlisle pulls her back into his lap" "Nope. Baby, you're not going anywhere until you're healed." She looks at him and opens her mouth. Carlisle put one finger on it "No, I mean no." He gives her a stern look. "Okay," Baby relaxes and lays her head on his chest. "Damn. I have seen it all," Al mumbles looking at the couple.
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