"I'll train you," Cade said without any hesitation.
My jaw dropped. "You mean that, right?"
"The first time I saw you, you were running from your dickish ex-mate," He slowly looked me over, the same way he did when our eyes met for the first time. "I want you to punch his face the next time."
I couldn't help but smile. "That sounds like a good idea."
I had never felt so happy in my life as I accepted. It was really ironic how one's life could turn around in a few hours. And that was my case.
No guy this handsome had ever paid me the slightest notice. In fact, I wasn't sure there was any other man on earth with Cade's breathtaking masculine beauty.
And yet, he was volunteering to do something that could change my life.
"Would you like to see the rest of the Estate now?" I turned to see him staring at me with a questionable expression and realized that I had been lost in thought.
"Ye—Yes. I want to."
He took my hands and led me to the bigger side of the Estate. He showed me the badminton court, which was at the far end, and some cars in the garage. Several maids and servants passed us as we walked, and they greeted us with respect.
I knew some of them were watching me. I turned my head a little to see them actually doing that and sighed. I supposed it was pretty obvious that I didn't belong.
Cade squeezed my hands tighter, and when I turned to him, he shook his head. "Don't do that."
"Do what?"
"Ah. I knew you would deny it. I can feel your mood." He said.
"Oh. You can?"
"Of course, I can. You're my mate—"
"And you're the Alpha's son." I finished. "I am constantly reminded of that with each step we take."
He hid a grin by turning his head the other way. I would have to get used to his cocky attitude. "You shouldn't judge yourself before others judge you."
"Come, I want to show you something."
He tugged me forward before I could even process his words. I followed him even though my legs were nearly colliding with each other.
Once we were back into the house, Cade decided to throw in a special tour of the house too. I would have been content with just the exterior of the Estate, but I couldn't deny that I was curious about what the house held.
My wide smile faltered and slipped the moment I caught sight of the large music room. For a second, I thought he had taken me to heaven.
"Do you play any?" I had almost forgotten I wasn't alone. I turned and gave him a smile.
"I play the keyboard." I had learnt to. It was a means of escaping the harsh reality that was my life, and I told him just as much. "It was actually my father who taught me," I added when I noticed he was impressed.
"I'd like to see you play. I mean, if that's okay with you." He said, and I felt my throat close up.
There was nothing more I wanted to do than to hightail it out of there. It had been months since I last played. But since he asked me, I really wanted to play something.
He turned his dark eyes to me as I sat before the massive keyboard. I started playing the simple 'Twilight melody' I learnt a long time ago and surprisingly, muscle memory kicked in.
I was so engrossed with the keyboard that I didn't notice how much he was staring at me. I turned to him after I finished playing the last notes of the song and froze.
He leaned closer to me, and my heart started beating frantically. This couldn't be my first kiss, right?
With a shuddering breath, I inched closer to him, too, like a magnet was pulling us together. Before I could withdraw my mind from nervous thoughts, his arms were around me, hard and warm.
I felt the sinking feeling of desire, my stomach clenching, and heat surging through my body.
And then, I tasted the sweetness of his lips on mine. He kissed me softly at first and then with an intensity that told me I wasn't the only one who had been thinking of the very moment since we met.
I melted in his arms and reached my hands around his shoulders. His lips were cold and demanding. His insistent mouth sent tremors along my nerves, arousing feelings and sensations that I never thought I could feel.
At that moment, the whole world shut out, and it was just the two of us plunging into each other's mouths.
His hands moved under my hair, touching the nape of my neck, and shivers ran down my spine. He pulled me toward him as the kiss deepened, lengthened and filled my soul.
Oh, what a first kiss. No one told me it would be this magical.
He gently bit my lower lip, and I couldn't resist the moan that escaped my lips. He began to kiss down my neck, his fingers trailing my thighs, but before he could go deeper, the door flung open.
We sprang apart as Jace and Chase walked into the room. They seemed to have a neutral expression on their faces but I couldn't meet their eyes to be sure, too embarrassed that they just found me kissing Cade.
"Really, Cade? You had to steal her all for yourself?" Jace asked as he walked towards us, leaving Chase to shut the door. "Do you know how long we've spent searching for you two?"
"We were touring the Estate," Cade answered, not appearing to be a bit remorseful about the accusation.
"Yeah, right." The sarcasm was dripping off Jace's voice. "And does the tour involve you shoving your tongue down the throat of our mate?"
Cade didn't bother to answer him but made a sound that could be interpreted as amusement.
"Hannah?" I swerved my head to Chase, who had just been watching the exchange. "Are you comfortable with this?"
I wasn't sure what he was actually talking about. There were so many things he could be referring to, but I had an idea of the top two. "I'm not exactly sure what you're referring to."
"This." He leaned forward and traced my lips with his fingers, his eyes gleaming. "Are you comfortable with being shared by us?" He stared at me directly in the eyes, and the images my brain had created instantly made me look away, suddenly shy.
Although I had never been in this kind of situation before, I was comfortable enough with them. Comfortable enough to have kissed Cade even though I had barely known him for 12 hours. Yet, I felt shivers run down my spine as I imagined their touch, their kisses, and their breath down my neck.
There were a whole lot of things they could do to me. Things that I suddenly realized I wanted. Those things…..