Chapter 2- Where to go from here

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Catori’s POV A week later As I sit in my literal last period for this week, I’m doodling my time away in the library waiting for the bell to sound so that I can head home. As my thoughts wander, I realize that in just a week’s time I’ll be walking down the aisleway to receive my honors diploma and get the freedom from high school and finally be able to take off from the life I know. Will I miss my friends? Sure, who wouldn’t? But it will be fine. We know that we will still stay in touch no matter where the world beyond high school hell takes us. As far as people goes, I don’t have a boyfriend so that’s one less person to miss. I have had a short relationship or two but no matter how gorgeous people try to play me off as I never get the guy. Twice I have started feeling as if I could fall in love with the guy that I was dating and both times those guys had other girls that were all too eager to steal away their attention. My focus being on getting high school over with, always left room for their attention to wander and these girls were able to swoop in. Mitchell and John have both remained good friends of mine. I’ll take friendship over a relationship because I do care deeply for them. I really only want them to be happy even if that means they aren’t meant to be mine. On the plus side, being single does make leaving this chaos easier, though. With less holding me here, I really shouldn’t be too upset to only be leaving friends behind. On a side note, I may have great grades but I’m in a rather smart group of students, so I am not quite valedictorian material. This also doesn’t bother me, though, since I don’t enjoy being center of attention. I am totally content with being able to just walk up, take my diploma and leave. So, when it all comes down to it, I can honestly say that I am more than eager to just be done with high school and move on. I DO have one minor issue. I have no clue what I could dream of going to college for… Sure, I have various skills and I have good work ethic as I have had a job since age 15. Toma, of course, wasn’t required to have a job because he is a star and I’m not. But anyway, I love nature and art and so many weird and macabre things how do I choose a major? My general classes have been handled through high school, so I just need to plan for what I might enjoy making  career. Do I want to be a mortician? It could be intriguing but is there good money in it? I don’t ever want to have to come back and rely on my dad once I leave. And, well, my mom isn’t alive so it would be dad or my grams if I fall on my ass. I could get into the movie making world. Maybe makeup artist or videographer…. Nah I hate cities too much for that sort of gig. I love animals. Veterinarian? Eh, way too much schooling to get there. I really have no clue where I want to go from here. I just know I want to get away. Oh well. I will figure it out eventually, I hope. I don’t have many aspirations at this point in time. As it stands, I just need to get through this last week of preparations so that I can leave! Looking around me, my friends are all planning different futures. My best friend Lilah is off to be a teacher. Why she wants to torment herself with high schoolers in a few years is beyond me. Apparently, she enjoys the hell that is high school enough to soak it up for years to come. That, or she hopes to make it less of a hell for future students. I truly have no idea. She gets along better with more people than I do so it might be less hellish in her eyes than it is in mine. Ty is going off to computer tech schooling. Brandon is diving into culinary arts. He is already brilliant at it so I can’t wait to one day walk into his restaurant knowing that I knew him before his food became famous. April and Cheyenne are going to nursing school and here I am still clueless as to what I want to do beyond this next week at Midway High. Lost in my train of thought, I had no idea last period was even over until I looked up from my doodle and realized that I am sitting in the library totally alone. My mind had wandered so far during this period that I must have missed the bell and I didn’t even pay attention to my doodling. I look down now that it’s done, I can’t even describe how pleased I am. Apparently, my subconscious put my hand to work in recalling vividly the encounter with the doe that I had last weekend. For pen and ink, I still managed to create depth even into the woods beyond that clearing. Heck I’d say this is my best work and I really didn’t even put thought into it at all. It’s interesting what my body can do even in my mind’s absence. Well, breaking free from my sketching, it’s time to go back to the painful place that is my home. I gather up my books and throw them into my black messenger bag before taking off to my car while passing by a few drama club juniors that had stayed for a rehearsal. The plus to being a senior is we get out two weeks before everyone else, so they all still have actual work to do, and we just have to get ready to graduate. I mean I was there last year, so I endured the same aggravation. They will get to be in my place next year. I glide past them all not even being noticed as usual. I get to my car and with it being the beater that it is, I didn’t even worry about locking it this morning. Heck I don’t even have a key for it right now, I just use a knife. But hey at least it has A.C. since it’s getting hot out. Well off to the horror house I go…
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