cinderella's a*******n

573 Words
As something dark conquered the whole kingdom, the marvelous parade was no where to be found. All the people were halted in their last steps, and none was there to gasp or give out any sort of reaction when the soon-to-be wife of prince Henry got dragged out of the grand hall by the same dark entity, with her wedding skirts rumpled in knots and her mouth letting out desperate screams that no one heard. Not a single person. Eric finally jolted up, he finally breathed. So did the others as they looked everywhere without knowing what the hell just happened. A sinister laugh echoed in the pin drop silence, and at last, all eyes found the dark shadow lingering in the sky. Avianthan cried, her wails sounding like, 'I warned you! I warned you!' to the red haired knight who stared with uneven breaths at the sight of the dark shadow having their princess trapped under its mercy. As the environment became clearer to his eyes after the darkness that was seeping throughout the sky started diminishing, Eric saw it, he saw who that dark entity was. Loud gasps and 'oh my god's spasmed through the parade while people pointed at the sky, all of their eyes widened once seeing the sight above their heads in a new light. Eric just knew who this was. A witch. "Help!" Princess Mary screamed yet the whole imperial army could do nothing but watch as she and the witch disappeared into the sky, their frames shrinking into nothingness until only a figment of a memory was left behind. For a second, it was quiet. Nothing happened. But then, everything happened. Fingers pointed at each other, yells prised out, penetrating the whole land in one go. "He started it!", "He started it!" the knights were screaming, the animals were roaring. In a flash, Eric was on the ground. Then he felt people hovering above him, pointing their fingers at him. He saw how Avianthan was getting shoved down with her harness clenching tightly against her muzzle while she was grappling to breath, in response, the only thing Eric could do was look away. "If you didn't distract us this wouldn't have happened!!" one bellowed, but Callah quickly came to Eric's side and shot the person a glare. "What the f**k is wrong with you!? The witch did it! Not anyone else!" "She's right!" Sebastian added, as the knights didn't stop from there and carried on with the blame-game. Though Eric perilously wanted to give his friends a hug, he held it in and raised his chin up, feeling glad he had people who cared for him in need. He really needed to thank them later. The ginger Knight opened his mouth to say something as the tension of the fracas shifted higher, the gallant forces striding among themselves to keel over each other while numerous verbal fights broke out. But then his eyes went back to the porch, and his breath hitched once seeing the prince staring at the sky where his bride had disappeared into, with his body disheveled. It was sheer instinct for Eric to try standing up so that he could go to his prince, yet as the orders pushed onto each other, Eric was back on the hard ground, his mind letting out an oppressed cry when Prince Charming's gaze found him, both feeling lost and tired of everything that happened around.
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