an angry prince charming

948 Words
The whole castle was distraught as Prince Charming had his hands pressed over the sides of head, his already taut muscles becoming much more tense once the door of his room was knocked on, making him look up. As he inched up to the bedside where he had tossed his tuxedo, his limbs felt apathetic, but knowing that he shouldn't be greeting anyone while looking like a mess with only a waistcoat on, he grabbed the black jacket embroidered with silver linings on the notch lapels, and draped it over his shoulders. "Your majesty?" called the general of the second order as the prince opened the door for him, coughing out a small strained, "Yes?" at his subject. The man gave a piece of paper to the prince and waited till the other had read everything in it, before starting to speak again. "A lady in waiting saw a knight giving this to the princess several days ago," he revealed. Subsequently, Charming quirked an eyebrow at him. "Uhm so? It's just a letter from a citizen, I see no wrong in it." "No, your highness. It's certainly not the case here," the commander breathed out, "The letter reeks of dark magic. It seems that the witch who sent this via a knight managed to leave an imprint on the princess." Henry's eyes widened as he took a step behind on reflex. With a shake of his head, he looked back at the letter of which the corners seemed to have been burnt, 'Why didn't I see it earlier?' he asked himself and clenched the paper in his fist. Anger replaced sadness as Prince Charming snapped his attention back to the general, his famed charm long gone. "Who's the Knight responsible?" he spat, and the general was quick to bow down in fright. "I'm really sorry, your grace. Turns out it's a knight in my order, and I humbly apologise-" "Bring them to me," the blond prince cut the commander off and bit his lip, "And I'll make sure to behead the traitor, with my own hands." -------- Eric was running. He ran and ran as the sturdy winds blew him back, yet once he saw the sight of the brunette girl and the white haired male mounting their geldings while laughing at a joke one of them made, Eric didn't care even if his studs broke apart because his feet were vigorous to their acme. "Callah! Sebastian!" he beseeched and grabbed Callah's hand, making his two friends look at him piningly, their eyes instantly conquered by longing. While the morning air twirled in little gyres around the knights, pebbles and any other loose debris were snagging at the gaits of the horses, their hues blending from black to brown, ivory to white. The troop of knights were yet to march through the bridge across the conduit of the castle, that swarmed with booby traps and schools of piranhas. Several knights from the three orders, (numerically, twelve from each) were chosen to go on an endeavour to rescue the princess. And Callah and Sebastian were also included, although their close friend Eric, wasn't. The news made Eric uncomfortable, cause he knew for sure that the quest wasn't going to be easy, or simple. He would probably go crazy if something happened to any of them, but unfortunately, it was a do or die situation since knights didn't have the right to make their own decisions. But in all honesty, the two knights seemed rather delighted to go on the extremely dangerous mission. Of course, knights and their weird sense of valor, it was something you would want to roll your eyes at. As Eric preferred to call it, 'stupidity at its zenith.' "Be safe you two," the red head's lips wobbled as Callah jumped from her horse and trode into his arms. While hugging her tight, Eric watched the way Sebastian too came down, maybe to kill off the tug in his chest that never subdued. "I'm going to miss you," Callah whispered and broke away, making Eric nod with a smile, though he was a bit confused when he saw how red Callah's face was. Did she have a cold? "Beware, if I don't get to hear from you for more than two weeks, I'll surely hunt down your whereabouts and come to you on Avianthan. Just don't get into trouble. Especially you, Sebastian." he said quietly, too quiet that the other two almost missed it. "Yeah okay," Sebastian rolled his eyes and leaned down to whisper something in Eric's ear, "But on the side note, I'll probably score my dream girl after this mission. How about you congratulate me then hmm?" The ginger ended up grinning. He was already aware that Sebastian had the hots for Callah, he just wasn't sure if the feeling was mutual. But whatever it is, he hoped everything would turn out the best for the two knights, although there's a heavy chance that his friends might not make it back alive. "Guys, what are you talking about?" Callah asked as the two men sniggered. "You'll eventually know, Cal." -------- After finishing his vinyl, Eric greeted the knight who came to patrol next before strolling towards the keep. But on the way, he heard the treads of someone tramping a little distance away from where he stood. His shoulders shook as the nightly gusts rushed past him mockingly. He found himself being a bit creeped out, and to calm himself down, he perched on a nearby boulder while looking around in paranoia. "Is somebody there- omphhh!" A rug bag wound around Eric's head and the last thing he remembered was everything going black.
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