why do you hate me this much?

944 Words
"Woohoo!" The mage exclaimed, shaking his wand along the path they led through the small verdant meadow as Eric grimnanced to himself, seeing the sparkly sequins and pearls coursing in the wind like a stream of gold. The knight was straddling Avianthan while the said horse was galloping down the ground in lightning speed, Pase however was hanging onto Eric, his left arm squeezing his waist. The knight, of course, was annoyed more than ever. But it wasn't like he could let the wizard ride with his prince, definitely not that, since he wasn't sure what funny business Pase was up to. Plus, Eric preferred watching the prince from behind. In his opinion, Henry looked fine as heck when riding the hale white horse, while his body would bump up and down in the beat of the wind. The knight couldn't help but sigh dreamily as he stared at the Prince whose golden blonde hair flickered, but then he snapped out of it, feeling the heat that spread across his face. How embarrassing. He felt Pase cheering next to him, and all of a sudden, his eyes spiked up as an idea hit him. With a large creepy smile growing his face, he briefly glanced at the mage, smirking like the greatest villain of all. Time to get rid of the b***h. In a second, Pase let out a shriek when the knight pushed him out of the saddle, and he fell down to the ground as the rest sped out, "Oh my god!" Eric looked at the gelding carrying the prince to make sure Henry didn't hear anything, luckily he hadn't, and grinned to himself. Avianthan, who finally realised half of the weight on her back suddenly disappeared out of nowhere, tried to turn around, but Eric grabbed her neck strap, avoiding any movement of hers that could possibly get him caught. And then, it felt like everything had come back to their rightful places. His prince, shining with a valor that never ceased to amaze him, and the two horses who blended perfectly in the medley Eric liked to call as, 'a team containing him and his prince', were the only ones there, and to be honest, Eric thought that those were the exact entities that should've been here to begin with, not some green ugly wizard. But the knight's happiness was short-lived as the prince ultimately looked back, his blue eyes becoming wide like a lid of a kettle before he quelled his horse, "Where's Pase?" Eric gulped. "You see, my prince . He fell down.. Because the horse kept on struggling.." the knight trailed, seeing his prince's eyebrows knitting together, "And uhm.. I was trying to tell you about it. But your highness, you see.." Henry sighed, guiding his horse back, "I get it, let's just go find him. Who knows, he might be hurt." Eric nodded, though on the inside he was trying desperately not to roll his eyes. It wasn't like a wizard could get hurt in the first place since they were all obsessed with dark magic to the point where they would use it to heal themselves too. In Eric's opinion, worrying about some nasty mage was pure balderdash. He truly didn't understand why the prince had to be so kind, but then again he remembered that it was the exact same reason why he had fallen in love with him. But that wasn't the case here. While the sun shone brightly above them, dispatching its rays in every direction to penetrate across lands and beyond, the sheer heat of it showered over the knight's frame in hollow-point bullets. The trots of the two horses made appalling noises to the small burnets and skippers that took off from the undulating grass in their proximity, as the Prince and the knight rode back to where they had initially started. The fragrance of yarrows, which was a staple in the meadow, wafted in the air, the scent calming Eric down by a bit, but not enough to free him from thoughts such as: Would Pase out him to the Prince? Would the prince hate him after that? Or, would he lose his job? Therefore, the knight was feasting on anxiety, a major cramp striking his body again and again as they got nearer and nearer to the spot where Pase had fallen down to. No no.. He shouldn't be scared. Perhaps, the Prince wouldn't believe the mage! Yes, Eric was there for the prince before the mage was, after all. But once he saw Pase standing idly in front of them, as the Prince stopped his horse and got down making the knight do the same, Eric couldn't help but feel a little fazed. The said mage had no sort of emotion written over his face, only a stoic expression, and his green hand was clenching around his wand when the prince and the knight sauntered towards him. "Pase? Are you okay?" Prince charming swayed his hand in front of the wizard's face, but Pase didn't look at him, his eyes only focused on the red haired knight who strolled behind the prince with weary steps. Instantly, Eric understood it, of how the boy was shaking, and he knew what the reason was. He knew. "Why do you hate me so much?" Pase asked, no whispered, as the Knight found himself swallowing harshly at the question. Why did he? Well, that might have to do something with the fact that Pase was a mage, meaning he was related to witches in a way. Maybe that was why. But by that moment, Eric somehow, wasn't able to answer.
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