Chapter 5

5303 Words

Eddie ached all over, which did nothing for his mood, which was foul. As he dressed the morning following the attempt to kill him…again…he tried as he had too many times before to figure out why it was happening. I never knowingly harmed anyone, damn it. That’s not me. I didn’t witness a crime in progress. If I had, I would have gone to the police to report it. I’m not the heir to an immense fortune. What I inherited from Pop is it and for damned sure it’s not worth killing over, even if I had an heir, which I don’t. I don’t even have any rich relatives or any at all now, as far as that goes. That wasn’t quite the truth. His mother might be alive for all he knew. She’d deserted him and his father when Eddie was four, saying she couldn’t deal with being a wife and mother anymore. All thos

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