Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter ThirteenJanine did not know what had come over her when she asked to go somewhere private with Eric. It was so unlike her to change her mind once she’d made a decision. Then again, this entire situation with him was completely unlike anything she’d ever experienced before. She had hoped that their first kiss would reduce the tension, but it had just made her crave him more. Janine watched as Eric stood at the doorway of her office and listened out for any sounds that suggested they might get caught. He gestured at her to join him. All clear. Nobody's around. She just about remembered to grab her coat on the way out. Once outside the barracks, Janine felt Eric's eyes on her. I could do it on foot, but a car would be better. She searched through the pockets of her coat, and luckily, there they were: the keys to the Land Rover. Janine tossed the bunch at him and approached the passenger side door. It was already getting dark, making it hard for Janine to see their surroundings. Eric did not seem to have much trouble, so he scanned the area for onlookers one last time and then they were off. At least now that they had taken the official base vehicle, Janine could explain their trip away as Alpha Squad business. Something to do with the training Eric was developing for the team. Yes, that would be a decent excuse. They did not speak as Eric drove along the bumpy tracks inside the base. Instead of turning toward the main gates, he switched off his headlights and took a left into some woods that were used for cross country runs. Up ahead, up that little path, there's a log hut, Eric explained. Janine squinted but could hardly make out what he was talking about. She could not see the track, never mind a cabin at the end of it. How do you know? Adam, Blackwood, and I have had plenty of opportunity to explore this place. Where do you think we kept getting fresh meat and fish from? Janine frowned. The rations provided by the base had mostly consisted of pantry staples along with a weekly delivery of fresh produce from the local village. You guys have been hunting in these woods? Eric grinned at her. Another thing I'll cover in Shifter Awareness Training. You humans would be surprised at how much food the average shifter goes through in a day. If we had not started supplementing our rations, we might have been tempted to eat the human recruits. Just kidding. "You should have said something," Janine protested. It was obvious she still had so much to learn. Good thing she had Eric as her ally now. Eric chuckled. "It's been good fun, getting back to nature like this after a lifetime in the city." If after the rigorous training she had set up for them, the three shifters still had enough energy to go out and forage, perhaps she had been going too easy on them. Janine smiled to herself as she turned the door handle and stepped out. Now that the sun was down, there was a biting chill in the air that did its best to pass through her coat. Eric joined her on her side and offered her an arm. "Straight ahead. We're not far off." She took a deep breath, enjoying the prickle of the cold air against the inside of her nostrils. This place had its own beauty, even in the dark. The air smelled fresh, a bit damp, and laden with the heavy scent of pine sap from the surrounding trees. She had not had much time to explore the base herself, which she now regretted. It was nice to get out of the cramped quarters inside the barracks. Eric continued to guide her up a narrow track through the trees. Her footsteps seemed painfully loud against the near silent backdrop of the woods, while he was surprisingly light on his feet. Eric was proven right, though. It took them hardly five minutes to reach a small clearing with a basic wooden structure in its center: the cabin he had been talking about. Janine waited and watched as Eric opened the front door. It wasn't luxurious, but it could not have been more private. He grabbed a candle and blew the dust off it before lighting it with a lighter he retrieved from his pocket. That gave Janine just enough light to be able to see the interior of the log hut better. There was a fireplace, which Eric got to work on immediately, along with a cot in the corner that was covered with a formerly white sheet. Except for a couple of shelves, that was all the furniture there was. There weren't even any chairs. While he managed to get a fire going, she uncovered the bed, dusting it off a bit. For a forgotten hut in the woods, it was not too bad. She had been made to stay in worse accommodations during previous deployments in her military career. The previously lifeless pile of dry sticks in the fireplace started to crackle and pop as it caught fire, and Eric turned to face her. She took a couple of steps back and sat down on the bed. The bit of padding provided by old blankets and things made it quite comfortable. She patted the empty space beside her and watched him as he joined her. Ever since he had entered her mind for the first time, she had picked up on bits and pieces of his personality and character. She had some idea of who he was, but the gaps in her knowledge were huge. I want to learn everything about you, she thought. Eric leaned toward her and cupped her face again like he had done just before that first kiss. She trembled and closed her eyes. Me too. When Eric's lips touched hers, he was filled with a fire even more intense than the one he had felt the first time around. Was it going to be like this each time? As far as he had heard, a couple's attraction, once mated, would never fade. Shifters who were lucky enough to find their true mate would stay faithful their entire lives. Till death do us part. He pulled away to get a better look at her. Janine's eyes opened and it was like he could see into the depths of her soul. This was the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. He would take her back to meet his folks as soon as their schedules allowed. Once their situation here was a bit clearer, he wanted to make a home with her, perhaps even start a family, if that was possible. His fingers trembled slightly as he traced the outlines of her face, down the sides of her neck, soon reaching the collar of her uniform. She continued to look at him throughout. Is this okay? He pulled his eyebrows together, awaiting her response. She simply reached for his shirt and pulled him closer, lying down on her back as she did so. He did not need further prompting. His hands started their feverish struggle to rid her of her clothes as she started to fumble with his. The small fire he had made had grown a bit and provided much needed warmth in the old wooden cabin. It was starting to get cozy. Not that they needed much outside warmth. Her skin burned against his fingertips with a heat he had never come across before. This wasn't his first time with a woman, and he imagined it wasn't her first time either. But it might as well have been—that was how different it felt. Her soft, pliable skin invited more detailed tactile explorations. It hadn't taken long for both of them to find themselves completely naked. The rough fabric covering the mattress grazed his knees, but that did nothing to discourage him. Each time he looked at the woman below him, time seemed to stand still. Nothing mattered anymore. Not her concerns about keeping things professional until the end of boot camp. Not even his worries that his work with the New Alliance had potentially made things worse. All they had been through had led them to this point. Now that they were truly together, they could take on the world. "Kiss me," Janine moaned. Eric muffled her demand with his lips, but she shook her head. Not there. He covered her neck and shoulder in kisses until he reached the right spot. His lips and tongue teased and flicked at her n*****s, first one, then the other, causing her to writhe against the bed. This place wasn't perfect. The bed was not too comfortable for her either; he could sense it. But she showed no signs of regret, so he put his concerns aside and focused solely on giving her pleasure. The fact that they were finally together made everything more precious. He slipped one of his hands between them, exploring the gentle curve of her side and her stomach, until he reached the soft mound of her s*x. She leaned up and nibbled his neck, which sent shivers all the way down his back. When the tip of his finger found its way in between her folds to her most sensitive spot, she cried out his name. Her already frantic heartbeat surged once again, almost matching his own. To his sensitive ears, it sounded like the beat of a drum, thumping faster and faster, setting the pace for their intimate dance. "Don't tease me. I need you," she demanded, as she grabbed a handful of his hair. He grinned down at her. Despite her much smaller size and more fragile physique, she had spirit, even in bed. Your wish is my command. He had barely finished the thought before pushing her legs apart and getting in between, aiming his rock hard c**k at her already moist entrance. She bucked her hips upward, signaling that this was exactly what she wanted. He did not wait any longer and entered her. "Oh God yes!" Her body invited him in, surrounding him like a soft but tight sheath. His mind grew cloudy; the details of their surroundings faded until it was all just a blur. The only thing in full focus was her. Her face, glistening slightly in the flickering light of the fire place. Reddened cheeks, feverish eyes. Her body worked with his in perfect harmony, thrusting and pulsating. Hips gyrating, muscles contracting. Every move of theirs contributed to a shared goal. Pleasure. He held on to her hips, raising her off the bed and onto his thighs. She reached out for his neck and lifted herself against him. Now that they were sitting rather than lying down, she was in control. This was how she liked it, Eric could tell by her quickened breaths. He held her in his arms as he continued to make love to her, faster and faster. Little moans had escaped her lips when they just began, but by now they’d stretched and grown more intense. Luckily, the cabin was remote enough that they would not be overheard, not even by a shifter. She started to shiver and tremble in his arms as he felt her approaching c****x. They were one now. Her pleasure was his pleasure. As the tension inside her grew, he found himself closer to the edge as well. A pool of energy collected inside his core, pulsating in tune with their hearts, which had started beating in sync. With every thrust, it grew bigger and bigger until Eric felt ready to explode. But it wasn't him who went off first. Janine shuddered against him and cried out his name again. "Oh, Eric!" She dug her fingernails into his back, as though she did not mean for him to ever escape her grasp. That sent him headfirst into his own o****m. He grew rigid as his hot seed passed through his shaft and into her. It was a magnificent feeling, satisfying not just himself but his inner animal too. He cradled her in his arms as they continued to sit up on the bed. Steam came off their naked bodies as they tried to catch their breaths. After what felt like an eternity, he picked her up off his lap, allowing them both to lie down on the mattress. She had her eyes closed, though she was still awake. He listened to her slowing heartbeat and ran his fingers through her messy hair. This was a sight he would not often get to see, especially not in front of others. Janine was always completely put together; he'd seen as much even the first time they met. Neither of them spoke, aloud or even telepathically. They did not want to disturb the moment. And that was how they stayed for another ten minutes or so. Their bubble of perfection burst much too soon as the sound of Janine's phone interrupted the silence. Eric could feel she was reluctant to let go of what they’d just experienced. You'd better get that before people start to suspect something, he suggested, even though he felt the same. She sighed and checked the caller ID. "s**t, it's the general," she mumbled. Eric kept as still as he could as she tapped the screen of her phone to answer. "Yes, sir?" A gruff male voice spoke on the other end. He was loud enough for Eric to hear every word. "Major Williams. I was hoping for an update." Janine closed her eyes and Eric wrapped his arm around her tightly. The call could not have come at a worse time. "The cadets have completed Phase Two today," Janine said. "Surely heads will roll now?" General Stone demanded. "Actually, Sir, I must say they performed much better than we could have foreseen." "Meaning?" "They've all passed, Sir. They've made it to Phase Three." Eric could hear Janine's heartbeat speed up again, though it seemed to sound different now that she was anxious rather than aroused. "Don't tell me you've already announced their results?" Janine glanced at Eric. Well sort of, now I have. "Yes, sir. It was self-evident. They know how they performed." The general grumbled a few choice curse words on the other end. "And Phase Three?" "Police procedures, laws, and regulations, sir. Secretary Teese has arranged for an expert." "You had orders, dammit! Alpha Squad was not meant to succeed!" the general roared. "Sir, we did the basic training and the advanced training, including survival and target practice. We even did parachute training just like instructed. They performed well against all odds. Every single one of them. If they are unable to pass the theory test at the end of Phase Three, that's a different matter, of course." "Well. You'd better hope that they don't, Major," the general spat, then hung up. I thought you weren't going to tell him yet? Eric wondered. Janine closed her eyes and snuggled against Eric's still naked shoulder. I've never been good at lying to people. Eric smiled. Fair enough, neither was he. So we'd better make sure then that everyone does well during the coming weeks, he thought. Indeed. I'm relying on your help, Janine responded. You can always rely on me.
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