Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve Eric was still reeling with the after effects of his encounter with Janine when he walked out of her office and through the hallway. Although his inner bear had tried its best to break free and take over, he was thrilled with how things had gone. Sure, she had cut their kiss short. Sure, he would have loved to see where things could have gone if she hadn't, but this was an epic breakthrough nonetheless. She acknowledged their bond. She felt as strongly connected to him as he felt to her. There was a spring in his step as he headed back to the dorm, so much so that he caught himself and tried to tone it down as he entered. The last thing either of them needed was to draw attention to their budding relationship. This was not the right time, he agreed with her on that. And if Alpha Squad was to fail anyway, they would find themselves in a much more favorable position soon enough. There was no need for her to get embroiled in a s*x scandal with a recruit on top of everything else. Possibly that was the reason she asked him to devise a training plan to educate the humans about shifter behavior as well. She was doing everything in her power to give the team the most comprehensive training possible so that she could not be personally blamed for its failure. Of course, he would do his part, there was no question about that. It was not her fault that those higher up opposed the idea of Alpha Squad. Though he did feel bad looking at Adam and Blackwood, who were still going through their respective parachute jumps blow by blow, just like they had done when Eric had been called away. Those two would take Alpha Squad's failure the hardest. They were the only ones here who’d actually volunteered. Bentley probably had his Special Forces career to go back to. And perhaps whatever Cooper did to earn him a transfer into this mess could get resolved if Alpha Squad was disbanded. Of course, Eric had a future with Janine as his mate to look forward to. That was how shifter couples worked. Once you felt the true bond, there was no going back from it. And since Janine felt it as strongly as he did… "Hey, bro. Everything all right?" Adam said. Eric nodded. "Yeah, fine. The major wants me to prepare some additional training." As soon as he mentioned the major, Bentley's head jerked up in his direction. "Shifter related topics," Eric clarified and watched as Bentley looked away again. He must have been jealous that Janine had not involved him. "Like what?" Blackwood asked. "Basically she wants to know everything there is to know about shifters. Differences in behavior, etc." "That makes sense," Cooper remarked from the other end of the dorm. "I don't know nothin' about shifters, except what I've seen from you lads." Eric nodded as well. "Well, exactly. So we're going to rectify that." Bentley let out a grunt and lay back on his bed with his arms behind his head. "Don't they have books about stuff like that?" Eric decided to ignore him, but Blackwood eagerly stepped in to answer. "We've only just come out, as it were. Do you think we would have let people write books about us while we were doing everything possible to keep our existence secret?" Bentley shrugged. "It's been a few months." Adam straightened himself and joined in the argument. "Well, by all means, you head to the nearest library tomorrow and ask to see their shifter section. Let us know what you find." Eric raised his hand. "Enough! Jan-the major asked for me to prepare a curriculum, so that's what I'm going to do. Only following orders." Bentley did not respond, but his expression was dark as ever. After weeks of being Janine's second in command in certain exercises, clearly he was now jealous of Eric's assignment. Who cares? In a couple of weeks, none of this rivalry would matter anymore. Eric sat down on his bed and grabbed a notepad and pen. If he wanted to have anything remotely close to a training plan by the following evening, he'd better get started. The following day's training had again seen the entire team perform well. The shifters were the weaker shooters, but they weren’t bad at it. With enough practice, they would be able to catch up with Cooper and perhaps even Bentley. It was strange to think that in another few weeks this was all meant to be over. If the whole team continued to do as well as they had done today, how would they justify shutting it down? It was a mystery to Eric. Despite these and other, much more intimate thoughts clouding his mind, he had still managed to complete his own assignment. He had penned an overview of training topics regarding shifter behavior for the humans, and even added any questions the shifters still had about human behavior. Even though Eric and his brother had lived in close proximity to humans all their lives, there were certain things that still confused them. These knowledge gaps were even wider in the case of Blackwood; wolves were notoriously clannish. He had grown up in a commune up in Scotland where no human had set foot in years and only headed out into the 'real world' a couple of years back. So as soon as the target practice training had finished for the day, Eric headed to Janine's office armed with his notes and a pen, ready to report on his efforts so far. He instinctively slowed when he heard Janine's voice. This was becoming a habit: lurking around her office, trying to listen in on conversations. And a completely unnecessary one at that, now that she had come around to their relationship. Eric knocked on the door to her office. I'm here, he thought. Come in, she responded. There. Much easier. She would have sensed him loitering out in the hall anyway. Janine was still listening to someone on the other end of the line as she gestured at him to take a seat. "I understand, Mr. Secretary. That will be very helpful," she said. Teese? Eric guessed. She nodded. "Yes, we can begin next week. All right. Thank you so much, Sir. I'll keep you updated." Janine placed the phone back in the receiver and shot Eric a quick smile. What a difference a few days had made. Eric was still getting used to this new and improved Janine; she was like an entirely different person. What? Her voice infiltrated his mind again. Nothing. You're smiling. Eric shook his head. She was right, of course, but it wasn't for any particular reason other than just being alone with her again. "We'll be getting some police training next week," Janine said. "That's what Secretary Teese called me about. The Ministry has arranged for a qualified trainer to teach everyone about police procedures and relevant laws and regulations." "I'm sure that will be helpful." Even if the team is doomed anyway. Janine frowned. What do you mean the team is doomed? Eric leaned forward and scrutinized her face. She looked concerned and he could sense a surge of anxiety originating from her. Your orders. The general. Then, she visibly relaxed a bit. Oh, that. I'm still getting used to you poking around in my head like this. Vice versa, he responded. So what's the story? Janine sat back and stared straight into his eyes. General Stone, along with probably most high ranking officials from other agencies, have been unhappy about Alpha Squad's proposed role. They feel that the initiative should have never been approved. Eric nodded. That was understandable. They did not like another player coming in and stepping on their toes. But we're not part of the military. Nor any other domestic force. We fall under the Ministry of Shifter Affairs and only Parliament can shut us back down. A subtle smile broke through Janine's formerly stony expression. As long as the team does well enough to satisfy Parliament and the Ministry, there is really nothing anyone can do. Of course, I was meant to stand by and watch as everyone failed the training, but they, I mean you, haven't failed. What a relief. Eric had been dreading the thought of seeing his brother disappointed. This was the first time he had actually put his mind to something and followed through. Of course, it remained to be seen whether Adam would last once training was over, but just sticking it out here with all the challenges they had faced was a big deal. The general must be pretty unhappy about that, Eric thought. Janine's face and body language grew determined. I imagine he will be furious, once he finds out. I haven't actually told him yet. I've been planning to wait until it will be too late for him to sabotage us. Eric nodded. I'm with you, no matter what. Janine smiled again. I don't know how, but I know. Eric leaned across her desk and took Janine's hand. She closed her eyes and sighed. Ever since their first kiss, Eric had marveled at how different she was. How tiny her hand felt in his. Her body seemed to be so much more fragile than the women of his species, but at the same time, she had a mental strength that continued to surprise him. She was willing to sacrifice her military career for this unit, even though she had been even less keen than him at the start of this assignment. You believe we can do great things here, right? she asked, caressing the top of his hand with her finger. Eric took a moment to think it through. He hadn't, at first. But as time had passed, he’d seen more and more potential and growth in the other team members. If he was in charge instead of Janine, he probably would end up doing the same thing. There's a lot of potential here. I didn't think so at first, but now I've seen what we can do. Janine smiled. I'm glad we agree. "You have prepared a list of topics for Shifter Awareness Training?" Janine asked aloud. Eric let go of her hand, unfolded the sheet of paper he had brought with him, and placed it on the table in front of her. She started to read, nodding and making little noises in agreement to various points he'd noted. It was the cutest thing to behold. "That looks good. I'm looking forward to it," she said, looking up into his eyes again. How he wanted to hold her again, kiss her again. He had always considered himself to be reasonably patient, but this was different. Now, he had all these urges and desires clawing at him that could not wait to break through his otherwise calm and composed exterior. Especially since he knew she felt them too. "I'd best be off then. Prepare more detailed materials," he forced himself to say. Her eyes lingered on his lips for a moment. I want to kiss you again. Eric could not be sure if that was his thought or hers. As difficult as it was, he shook it off. She had asked for time, to wait until their training was complete, and he would respect that. So he got up and started to walk away, even though his inner bear was roaring in anger. Wait, Janine stopped him. Eric turned to look at her. Her face was conflicted, as she got up from behind her desk with her hand resting on the surface. Don't leave yet. It wouldn't take much. Just two, three steps to get to her position, gather her up in his arms, and satisfy all his deepest, most intimate desires. I can't take it anymore. Is there somewhere private we can go? Eric took a moment to clear his head, and then he had it. The perfect spot.
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