For Better or for Wors

3060 Words

For Better or for WorsBy Lester Walbrugh IT WAS by chance that Bertram Titus discovered the hole. The bottle-green machine stood in the middle of the work area behind the displays, a butcher’s saw passed on from his grandfather and his father. It was a solid piece of machinery and a fine example of quality workmanship rarely seen. His grandfather had brought it along with him from District Six, Cape Town, when the Titus family and their business, Titus and Son, Butchers, were forced to move. Fifty years on, the machine still cut and sliced with precision. The staff had all left, Gerty was at her Pilates lessons, and the twins were in their bedroom, doing homework. Bertram was polishing the saw when the cloth caught. Four screws held a steel plate at the back of the machine, and one of t

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